Didn't liberals claim Reagan was too old?

Now now, we know Jan Brewer's more your speed.

Actually, I'm a Sweet Sara fan when it comes to physical beauty. Politically, I think she should be more "seen" and less "Heard."
Can you imagine the Feminazi poutrage if one of us had posted a hideous Photoshopped pic of The Hildebeast of Benghazi, CL?
Can you imagine the Feminazi poutrage if one of us had posted a hideous Photoshopped pic of The Hildebeast of Benghazi, CL?

It's been done more times than we can count, and we haven't forgotten.

And before you ask, no, I'm not going to grave dig and post one of those photoshopped pix. I'm sure bravs can help you out, though.
It's been done more times than we can count, and we haven't forgotten. And before you ask, no, I'm not going to grave dig and post one of those photoshopped pix. I'm sure bravs can help you out, though.

So your claim is unsupported by the facts.

I also noticed you had no moral qualms about posting this:

Does that mean "they did it too" is one of your precepts?

I noticed you failed to criticize Mr. Badguy for posting a shot of The Hildebeast of Benghazi as a young woman, as if her appearance is the issue.

Double standard much?
So your claim is unsupported by the facts.

I also noticed you had no moral qualms about posting this:

Does that mean "they did it too" is one of your precepts?

I noticed you failed to criticize Mr. Badguy for posting a shot of The Hildebeast of Benghazi as a young woman, as if her appearance is the issue.

Double standard much?

I don't remember any liberal ever starting a thread with the sole purpose of poking fun at a conservative woman pol's appearance. I've certainly seen plenty of that coming from the conservative side, though. Bravo and DY are the biggest offenders but there were others.

So if appearance isn't or shouldn't be an issue, why did Y O U post a pic of Hillary and call her a "raddled old harridan"?
Age isn't and shouldn't be the reason people dislike her policy. Seriously. We have to do better than this. Looks have nothing to do with the Presidency unless you believe the hype that women will vote for a good looking guy over a mofugly one.

If you didn't think McCain with his old man whistle was too old to run then saying it about HillBillary is just hypocrisy.

Personally I think that a nation of 300+ Million people can find more than 3 families to run for President. We're not here to create our own royalty.

Time for new ideas from new courageous leaders.
I mean people who aren't from the same three families that we anoint to run for high office so repeatedly. The age isn't the difference, it is the new ideas that we need.


I'll just note that liberals didn't seem to have much sensitivity on the age of a candidate when their names were Reagan and McCain...
Yeah, he was 69 when he was elected, not sure about inaugurated. Hillary would be 68.

So, LOGICALLY, if you happen to think that Hillary is too old, then you also think Reagan was too old.
Vice Versa, if you think Reagan WASN'T too old, then Hillary must not be too old.

What part of "it was Democrats who claimed Reagan was too old making it a campaign issue" do you continue to not comprehend?

The point being, I have to get my crayons, that Democrats who seemed convinced that Reagan was too old to serve, now hypocritically think Hillary, who is as old, is infinately qualified. What changed other than political affiliation?