Dimwit Donny stops calling Coronavirus a Hoax ...


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"Appointing Pence to Lead Response, Trump Scrambles to Contain Fallout From Coronavirus Threat to U.S."

"As Trump left India to return to Washington earlier this week, the President was furious at seeing the markets tank in response to the spread of the coronavirus — and the warning by his own Centers for Disease Control that Americans should brace themselves."
The virus is real. Political attacks on the president's response to the virus is the DEMOCRAT'S latest hoax.

The criticism of Trump's response is warranted. He's had 2 months to prepare. It looks like he's finally pulling his head out from the sand.
"The night before the South Carolina Democratic primary, President Donald Trump appeared in that state at a rally in North Charleston, where he appeared to downplay the threat of the novel coronavirus — and Covid-19, the disease it causes — by decrying it as a “hoax.” " https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/29/21159054/trump-coronavirus-strategy-democrats-hoax 2 months into this ... and THAT is Trump's 'strategy'?

"Appeared" to... according to Vox.

Post the transcript, or video of the speech.
"Appeared" to... according to Vox.

Post the transcript, or video of the speech.

"On Tuesday, a top official from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the agency expects the virus will begin spreading at a community level in the United States and that disruptions to daily life could be “severe.” But President Trump and members of his administration have also said this week that U.S. containment of the virus is “close to airtight” and that the virus is only as deadly as the seasonal flu. Their statements range from false to unproven, and in some cases, underestimate the challenges that public health officials must contend with in responding to the virus."

Does Dimwit Donny look 'Presidential' to you?
Jack, dude; you have the right to remain silent. You are documenting your seditious treason participation in this sedition.. you are making war against the usa. Can you tell me the universal sentence for treason? Take a lesson from the possibly/ potentially wise Rune. Maybe kenny rogers "know when to fold up, know when walk away, know when to run. It is due season to run 180 degrees in the opposite direction from the false testimonies.

I see Satan, Your Lord Master, has brought you back to JPP ... probably to infect us ALL with the coronavirus.
"Appointing Pence to Lead Response, Trump Scrambles to Contain Fallout From Coronavirus Threat to U.S."

"As Trump left India to return to Washington earlier this week, the President was furious at seeing the markets tank in response to the spread of the coronavirus — and the warning by his own Centers for Disease Control that Americans should brace themselves."

I, for one, am fully confident that Pence is smart enough to keep us safe.
