Dimwit Donny stops calling Coronavirus a Hoax ...

I, for one, am fully confident that Pence is smart enough to keep us safe.


You are an evolution/ natural selection believer , are you not. Survival of the fittest/ culling of the weak... you should rejoice that the poor, old and weak will die. They only hinder progress.

This is very insightful.
So ... what did you do with the REAL 'iewitness'?
"Appointing Pence to Lead Response, Trump Scrambles to Contain Fallout From Coronavirus Threat to U.S."

"As Trump left India to return to Washington earlier this week, the President was furious at seeing the markets tank in response to the spread of the coronavirus — and the warning by his own Centers for Disease Control that Americans should brace themselves."

Jacqui, you've turned into an hysterical old woman. You should go set a group with all the other moaning Minnies like Desh, Loony Central, CINNIcal, BARstard, Crocoshit, Meissen, Doris and Joan of Snark.
"Naked Lunch (sometimes The Naked Lunch) is a 1959 novel by American writer William S. Burroughs. The book is structured as a series of loosely connected vignettes. Burroughs stated that the chapters are intended to be read in any order.[1] The reader follows the narration of junkie William Lee, who takes on various aliases, from the U.S. to Mexico, eventually to Tangier and the dreamlike Interzone."

As you drift further and further into your opium addiction, Burroughs comes to mind.
The criticism of Trump's response is warranted. He's had 2 months to prepare. It looks like he's finally pulling his head out from the sand.

And the Chinese kept it "under wraps" for one of them.
Who would have done a better job, Jack? How and why?
I see Satan, Your Lord Master, has brought you back to JPP ... probably to infect us ALL with the coronavirus.

Just wash your hands before you type, and don't put your fingers in your eyes! You'll be fine Jack, it'll be alright.
And the Chinese kept it "under wraps" for one of them.
Who would have done a better job, Jack? How and why?

Trump made a good move halting Chinese travel to the US. That bought us a couple of months. Then ... he froze up and didn't take advantage of the opportunity.
Do we even have those little temperature gizmos that everyone else has? Do we have places set up to quarantine people?
Trump made a good move halting Chinese travel to the US. That bought us a couple of months. Then ... he froze up and didn't take advantage of the opportunity.
Do we even have those little temperature gizmos that everyone else has? Do we have places set up to quarantine people?

Yes, he halted travel, but what opportunity didn't he take advantage of?
Couldn't tell you Jack, I don't know. So far, it has been pretty well contained
and I'm sure precautions have been taken in the surrounding areas where the
infected are being treated. Hopefully, we can at least keep it under control if
we can't find a cure.
Yes, he halted travel, but what opportunity didn't he take advantage of?
Couldn't tell you Jack, I don't know. So far, it has been pretty well contained
and I'm sure precautions have been taken in the surrounding areas where the
infected are being treated. Hopefully, we can at least keep it under control if
we can't find a cure.

Where's the temperature gizmos so we can check people coming off planes and boats? Seems like after 2 months, we might have THAT in place.
Where's the 'Quarantine Sites'? Any thought to THAT after 2 months?
Where's the 'Local Testing Clinic'?
Where's the temperature gizmos so we can check people coming off planes and boats? Seems like after 2 months, we might have THAT in place.
Where's the 'Quarantine Sites'? Any thought to THAT after 2 months?
Where's the 'Local Testing Clinic'?

Don't you think those things are already in place? It doesn't seem to be spreading here like it is in other countries.
Don't you think those things are already in place? It doesn't seem to be spreading here like it is in other countries.

Yeah ... because we aren't testing anyone.
"As Testing Quickly Ramps Up, Expect More U.S. Coronavirus Cases"

"As labs across the United States quickly ramp up their ability to test for the novel coronavirus, public health officials are anxiously awaiting results that could start to reveal its secret movements around the country.'

How come we don't have the Temperature Gizmos??? China has them. South Korea has them. Japan has them. Is the US too stupid to get these things and start checking people getting off planes and boats???
Yeah ... because we aren't testing anyone.
"As Testing Quickly Ramps Up, Expect More U.S. Coronavirus Cases"

"As labs across the United States quickly ramp up their ability to test for the novel coronavirus, public health officials are anxiously awaiting results that could start to reveal its secret movements around the country.'

How come we don't have the Temperature Gizmos??? China has them. South Korea has them. Japan has them. Is the US too stupid to get these things and start checking people getting off planes and boats???
Wash your hands, relax, and Pay attention...
(And if you're going to hitchhike, don't get into the ClownCar again...;)
Wash your hands, relax, and Pay attention...
(And if you're going to hitchhike, don't get into the ClownCar again...;)

He has a seat with his name embroidered on it (right next to Ox) in the clown car! He's "special"