Dinesh D'Souza claims Michelle's thesis at Princeton was illiterate and incoherent

It doesn't sound like it was what Dinesh D'Souza thought about the thesis but what Hitchens thought about Michelle's thesis. Is this really important?
It doesn't sound like it was what Dinesh D'Souza thought about the thesis but what Hitchens thought about Michelle's thesis. Is this really important?

It is not important in what it says about Michelle Obama. It is important in what it says about some of the racist Alt Right posters.
Yes, SEEMS. She didn't write "Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, I will always be black first and a student second."

Do you need some help in understanding opinion v. fact? :thinking:

No I don't but she has made determinations about others based on her opinion. Do I have to tell you why that might be a fucking problem then as we all today?
I doubt any 56 year old has the same attitude as their 21 year old self. I certainly know that most Blacks do not share the same attitude.

If it makes you feel any better, I judge you based on the racism you have shown towards Blacks.

First I don't give a fuck what you doubt the facts here indicate she assumed motivations of whites then and that is the basis of the entire Burn Loot and Murder movement today.

Again feelings are irrelevant what you need to do is prove the racism I have "...shown toward blacks". Can you do that or will this just be more leftist clap trap bullshit? BTW the only proof Michelle could muster was her feelings. Not proof that they saw her as anything other than just another person on campus.
No I don't but she has made determinations about others based on her opinion. Do I have to tell you why that might be a fucking problem then as we all today?

It was an opinion she wrote in college for a grade. Please don't suggest that it was intended for public consumption 20+ years in the future.
It was an opinion she wrote in college for a grade. Please don't suggest that it was intended for public consumption 20+ years in the future.

So let me ask you, you don't think she holds those same views today? Seriously? Burn Loot and Murder is based on this very premise that it SEEMS racist so it IS racist.
Where is anything written by trump? he hides his grades like they are plans for a nuclear bomb. his grades were so bad he could not get into a law school, even with all his family's money. he used ghost writers to write his books. Most people who know him admit he can't even write a sentence.

Or where is melania trump's writing? she claimed she got a degree in architecture from "University of Slovenia", but there is no such school, and she flunked every university class she ever took. she has lived in the USA for 25 years and only has basic proficiency in English.
Where is anything written by trump? he hides his grades like they are plans for a nuclear bomb. his grades were so bad he could not get into a law school, even with all his family's money. he used ghost writers to write his books. Most people who know him admit he can't even write a sentence.

Or where is melania trump's writing? she claimed she got a degree in architecture from "University of Slovenia", but there is no such school, and she flunked every university class she ever took. she has lived in the USA for 25 years and only has basic proficiency in English.

We never saw Obama's college records. What was he hiding?
We never saw Obama's college records. What was he hiding?

Obama graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude, so we know at Harvard he got top grades. trump claimed he graduated at the "top of his class" from UPenn with a MBA, but we know that is a complete lie. trump did not get either an MBA or a law degree. he was not in the upper half of his class. How bad he did is anyone's guess.

Obama released 15 years of his tax records. trump is fighting tooth and nail to cover up where his money comes from.
Nothing rabid or vicious about pointing out a First "Lady" you idiots held in high regard couldn't write but on such a low level.

When Michelle Obama was an undergraduate at Princeton, she wrote at the "low level" of an average undergraduate at Princeton. She went on to Harvard Law School, and wrote at an average level for Harvard Law School.

What is your educational background?
When Michelle Obama was an undergraduate at Princeton, she wrote at the "low level" of an average undergraduate at Princeton. She went on to Harvard Law School, and wrote at an average level for Harvard Law School.

What is your educational background?

Someone as smart as you idiots claims that monkey is shouldn't write on such a low level regardless of where it is.

Excellent and based on ability not skin color like Michelle in order to satisfy the concept of affirmative action.
Obama graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude, so we know at Harvard he got top grades. trump claimed he graduated at the "top of his class" from UPenn with a MBA, but we know that is a complete lie. trump did not get either an MBA or a law degree. he was not in the upper half of his class. How bad he did is anyone's guess.

Obama released 15 years of his tax records. trump is fighting tooth and nail to cover up where his money comes from.

Where are Obama's school records to prove his claim. Have you seen them?
Where are Obama's school records to prove his claim. Have you seen them?

I'd love to see those. I bet there's a who's who of classes by professors with the most radical insane Leftist crap for a curriculum on it. I'd also bet it's loaded with fluff classes for easy A's and that Obama never took anything challenging he didn't absolutely have to.