Disease Wipes Out All Liberals

Suppose all the liberals were to be taken out of the picture. They are either killed off by a selective genetic disease or driven away because they don't want to get the selective disease. No more liberals in the country. OK?

Sounds great, huh? Everybody who remains is a Trump supporter.

Wow. What a different country it would be. No more arguing. Nobody to hate. All gone. It would be fabulous.

That would be ideal for all true American Trump supporters, right? Nobody to oppose everything you want to do. Just think of it. No more opposition. No more arguing about dealing with climate change, stupid pandemic rules, no more abortions, no more gun laws. Everybody is forced to own a gun. No more elections. Just make Trump supreme ruler for life. And then Ivanka after Trump dies. Or DeSantis or Marjorie Taylor Greene. Maybe there should be elections after all to figure that out.

Drill, baby drill. Pump that oil. Dig that coal. Fire up all the idle coal plants. Let the smoke pour into the air. No big deal. It just blows away. What's the problem?

No more immigration. A huge border wall is built. The army is deployed to the border. Nobody enters. USA all the way! All of the Hispanics are run out of the country. Get rid of all the blacks, too. Heck. Why not? There would be no more liberals to object.

All the liberals would be gone.

Get rid of the Jews, too. Why not? It would be fabulous, right?

Sounds great, eh?

Well, maybe not.

Think it through.

That's half the population of the USA. Gone. Everything they did, all the jobs they worked empty, the work no longer done. All the taxes they paid would no longer get paid. The revenue of the Federal Government would be cut in half. But the bills would still be there. The country would still need defending. Roads and bridges need to be maintained. Still gotta run the FAA. We don't want planes running into each other or crashing. The armed forces would still have to get paid or they wouldn't continue working. Nobody is gonna work for nothing, right?

Every business that hired liberals would suddenly have job openings. Positions that would need to get filled, or the business would not be able to operate. Half of all jobs in the USA would suddenly not be getting done.

Things would grind to a halt.

The government would have to borrow a lot of money to keep up with the bills.

That couldn't work for very long without raising taxes A LOT on everyone who remained.

Would there be enough doctors and nurses to run the hospitals?

Would there be gasoline at the pumps?

Who is working at the gas stations? Are half of them gone?

Would there be food on the shelves of the local grocery store? Who is gonna work there?

Would the stores even be able to open up?

Would restaurants be able to stay open?

Your imagining this, and the rest of us are living our dreams......A decease HAS IN FACT WIPED OUT ALL REASONABLY INTELLIGENT REDNECKS, ITS CALLED THE TRUMP DECEASE. Ingrates who would rather worship a corrupt low life that don't give a damn about em without their ATM cards......All completely vanished from the country....all that's left are brain dead ignorant white MAGA nuts who would rather digest dog pills and drink bleach than get a covid shot
No more Mexican maid, no Mexican lawncare guy.

Do your own cleaning after working a double-shift.

Then mow your own lawn.

Hey. Who is gonna wax the floors down at the mall?

I will, fuck you, you commie POS!.

A world without you is good!

Would you wax those floors? Fuck no! That's "below you" , because that's the piece of shit you are.

You ain't never done a day of work in work your life; Boy.

Then I'll fix whatever needs to be fixed to make everything right around the house. Like you'd try to pay underpaid Mexicans to do.

Because you're a piece of shit and have never done a day of work in your life and never intend to.

That ain't me.

Mexicans work hard, they do, but giving them American jobs is fucked up.

PS: Who would be getting welfare and EBT if that happened? Nobody? Good!
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Suppose all the liberals were to be taken out of the picture. They are either killed off by a selective genetic disease or driven away because they don't want to get the selective disease. No more liberals in the country. OK?

Sounds great, huh? Everybody who remains is a Trump supporter.

Wow. What a different country it would be. No more arguing. Nobody to hate. All gone. It would be fabulous.

That would be ideal for all true American Trump supporters, right? Nobody to oppose everything you want to do. Just think of it. No more opposition. No more arguing about dealing with climate change, stupid pandemic rules, no more abortions, no more gun laws. Everybody is forced to own a gun. No more elections. Just make Trump supreme ruler for life. And then Ivanka after Trump dies. Or DeSantis or Marjorie Taylor Greene. Maybe there should be elections after all to figure that out.

Drill, baby drill. Pump that oil. Dig that coal. Fire up all the idle coal plants. Let the smoke pour into the air. No big deal. It just blows away. What's the problem?

No more immigration. A huge border wall is built. The army is deployed to the border. Nobody enters. USA all the way! All of the Hispanics are run out of the country. Get rid of all the blacks, too. Heck. Why not? There would be no more liberals to object.

All the liberals would be gone.

Get rid of the Jews, too. Why not? It would be fabulous, right?

Sounds great, eh?

Well, maybe not.

Think it through.

That's half the population of the USA. Gone. Everything they did, all the jobs they worked empty, the work no longer done. All the taxes they paid would no longer get paid. The revenue of the Federal Government would be cut in half. But the bills would still be there. The country would still need defending. Roads and bridges need to be maintained. Still gotta run the FAA. We don't want planes running into each other or crashing. The armed forces would still have to get paid or they wouldn't continue working. Nobody is gonna work for nothing, right?

Every business that hired liberals would suddenly have job openings. Positions that would need to get filled, or the business would not be able to operate. Half of all jobs in the USA would suddenly not be getting done.

Things would grind to a halt.

The government would have to borrow a lot of money to keep up with the bills.

That couldn't work for very long without raising taxes A LOT on everyone who remained.

Would there be enough doctors and nurses to run the hospitals?

Would there be gasoline at the pumps?

Who is working at the gas stations? Are half of them gone?

Would there be food on the shelves of the local grocery store? Who is gonna work there?

Would the stores even be able to open up?

Would restaurants be able to stay open?

That would be terrible. There’s something to be said for balance and keeping the pendulum from swinging to far in one direction.
Suppose all the liberals were to be taken out of the picture. They are either killed off by a selective genetic disease or driven away because they don't want to get the selective disease. No more liberals in the country. OK?

Sounds great, huh? Everybody who remains is a Trump supporter.

Wow. What a different country it would be. No more arguing. Nobody to hate. All gone. It would be fabulous.

That would be ideal for all true American Trump supporters, right? Nobody to oppose everything you want to do. Just think of it. No more opposition. No more arguing about dealing with climate change, stupid pandemic rules, no more abortions, no more gun laws. Everybody is forced to own a gun. No more elections. Just make Trump supreme ruler for life. And then Ivanka after Trump dies. Or DeSantis or Marjorie Taylor Greene. Maybe there should be elections after all to figure that out.

Drill, baby drill. Pump that oil. Dig that coal. Fire up all the idle coal plants. Let the smoke pour into the air. No big deal. It just blows away. What's the problem?

No more immigration. A huge border wall is built. The army is deployed to the border. Nobody enters. USA all the way! All of the Hispanics are run out of the country. Get rid of all the blacks, too. Heck. Why not? There would be no more liberals to object.

All the liberals would be gone.

Get rid of the Jews, too. Why not? It would be fabulous, right?

Sounds great, eh?

Well, maybe not.

Think it through.

That's half the population of the USA. Gone. Everything they did, all the jobs they worked empty, the work no longer done. All the taxes they paid would no longer get paid. The revenue of the Federal Government would be cut in half. But the bills would still be there. The country would still need defending. Roads and bridges need to be maintained. Still gotta run the FAA. We don't want planes running into each other or crashing. The armed forces would still have to get paid or they wouldn't continue working. Nobody is gonna work for nothing, right?

Every business that hired liberals would suddenly have job openings. Positions that would need to get filled, or the business would not be able to operate. Half of all jobs in the USA would suddenly not be getting done.

Things would grind to a halt.

The government would have to borrow a lot of money to keep up with the bills.

That couldn't work for very long without raising taxes A LOT on everyone who remained.

Would there be enough doctors and nurses to run the hospitals?

Would there be gasoline at the pumps?

Who is working at the gas stations? Are half of them gone?

Would there be food on the shelves of the local grocery store? Who is gonna work there?

Would the stores even be able to open up?

Would restaurants be able to stay open?

That'd be great! Next!

Nobody would starve, I'll tell you that. F'in tard.
Hello tigerred59,

Your imagining this, and the rest of us are living our dreams......A decease HAS IN FACT WIPED OUT ALL REASONABLY INTELLIGENT REDNECKS, ITS CALLED THE TRUMP DECEASE. Ingrates who would rather worship a corrupt low life that don't give a damn about em without their ATM cards......All completely vanished from the country....all that's left are brain dead ignorant white MAGA nuts who would rather digest dog pills and drink bleach than get a covid shot

Actually, the percentage of people who have died from COVID is quite low. 744,385 deaths out of a population of 333,506,023. That is barely over 0.2% of all Americans.

Since 154,628,000 people voted, that means most voters still remain alive and able to vote again.

If nearly half of voting Americans voted for Trump that means most of them still remain.

Calling them derogatory names or imagining they are gone will not erase the fact that they are millions of truly misguided but fellow Americans who have their right to express their own views and vote. That cannot and should not be pretended away.

What is needed is for good liberals and progressives to get the word out to as many good people as possible just how dire the situation is in this country, and impress upon them the absolute importance of voting BLUE in the upcoming elections.

And get THEM to go out and get OTHERS TO VOTE BLUE TOO. Everyone who cares about society and fairness needs to vote.

We all need to vote like our future depends on it - because it DOES.

Are we going to continue to do everything possible to fight the pandemic?

Are we going to properly address climate change?

These are the most pressing issues.

We cannot trust our future to fools who ignore them.

The future of humanity on Earth depends on us getting as many people as possible to vote blue.
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Hello leaningright,

Why do you say that?

Well, if the extreme right got their way, and they hate immigrants and Hispanics, and they ran all of them out of the country, then who would prepare Mexican food? Who would run Mexican restaurants?

Some Americans have learned how to make tacos, but it's just not the same. We can't make all that other great stuff we might order at a Mexican restaurant if we were all going out to restaurants (which we are not because it is currently irresponsible.) Millions of Americans would LIKE to be able to once again go out to restaurants, but for those living in Republican states where COVID-spreading laws prevent mask and vaccine mandates, they don't feel safe going to restaurants.

People don't feel like it is socially responsible to go out and eat when the very act could lead to preventable deaths.

Just as COVID has had a huge negative impact on the economy, the loss of all liberals would as well.
All the liberals would be gone.
That's half the population of the USA. Gone. Everything they did, all the jobs they worked empty, the work no longer done.

you overlook one thing.......half the population would be gone, but only a third of the workers........besides land in California would be cheap.......most of it would be vacant.....
Hello leaningright,

Well, if the extreme right got their way, and they hate immigrants and Hispanics, and they ran all of them out of the country, then who would prepare Mexican food? Who would run Mexican restaurants?

Some Americans have learned how to make tacos, but it's just not the same. We can't make all that other great stuff we might order at a Mexican restaurant if we were all going out to restaurants (which we are not because it is currently irresponsible.) Millions of Americans would LIKE to be able to once again go out to restaurants, but for those living in Republican states where COVID-spreading laws prevent mask and vaccine mandates, they don't feel safe going to restaurants.

People don't feel like it is socially responsible to go out and eat when the very act could lead to preventable deaths.

Just as COVID has had a huge negative impact on the economy, the loss of all liberals would as well.

Just wondering where you were coming from on that. It’s interesting…I know 2 first generation immigrants (one in his 40’s and one in his 50’s) who both own and run Mexican restaurants. Both are as conservative politically as I am. Not necessarily Trump supporters … but conservative nonetheless. So they’d still be here in your scenario.

And I do notice you say the “extreme right” in your response. The extreme right might “hate immigrants” but the “right” as a whole does not hate them.
Hello leaningright,

Just wondering where you were coming from on that. It’s interesting…I know 2 first generation immigrants (one in his 40’s and one in his 50’s) who both own and run Mexican restaurants. Both are as conservative politically as I am. Not necessarily Trump supporters … but conservative nonetheless. So they’d still be here in your scenario.

And I do notice you say the “extreme right” in your response. The extreme right might “hate immigrants” but the “right” as a whole does not hate them.

Agreed. And it is a bit frustrating that in this discussion, the people I am talking about are all so rude to me that I can't talk to any of them. The extreme hate-filled type that would like to somehow rid the nation of all on what they see as 'the other side' have not really thought that through at all. The nation couldn't function after losing so many people.

And that applies on both sides, too. There are liberals who vehemently hate the right, and wish they could all suddenly vanish, but if they got their ridiculous wish, the nation would be crippled.

I really just wanted to get this discussion going to point out the absurdity of extremism.

It just can't work. It's not realistic. That is why most people are not extremists.
Hello AProudLefty,

Plenty of Trumpkins don't see that you mean.

Cawacko is correct that not everyone's life revolves around politics, but whether they acknowledge it or not politics affects everyone's life.

The problem for America is that Trump got a lot of people to vote who are not very well informed, and previously did not even bother voting.

The challenge for Democrats is to somehow motivate caring people who are not politically active or well informed to understand the consequences we face if Trump is allowed to continue to have a strong influence on our politics without that being countered by good people saying no.

We have to got to get good people, previous non-voters, to vote for what is right in order to counter the effect of Trump getting bad people to vote.

America is reeling from the negative effect of irresponsible people voting, and desperately needs more of the influence of good people voting.