
I just have to say, I think it's very funny how Conservatives will get to America-bashing, in two seconds, when the issue is health care.

The French I guess, are not lazy bastards.

On any other subject, you even imply that French people might have something on us, and a con will beat you down, if they can. But they will do anything, anything, to avoid any hint of universal health coverage. Therefore, Americans= fat, lazy bastards.

I just can't wait to see Republicans run in their "If you're fat, f you, die" platform, what with 75%, that's right, 75% of Americans now projected to be obese by the year 2021.

Yeah, permanent minority status. Well, I'm cool with that. ;)
Who said anything about lazy? I know fat people that work hard, Americans are on the whole fatter than Europeans but also harder workers.

Universal healthcare coverage means forcing people to pay for healthcare even if they don't want to, in America you have the freedom NOT to be forced to pay for it and you can save thousands by making that free choice if you wish.
Yeah, it's called agreeing with me. :D

I always meant to ask you, how were you finally able to debate again, weren't you blocked from work or something?

HOw is it that you agree SF when he says this:

Of course they both are a factor. No question. As Cypress mentioned, preventative care would go a long way to not only reducing healthcare costs, but also increasing longevity.

Because you told me I was dead wrong when I said it, and I know other people read that thread, because some commented on it.
easy on one count ban fertility drugs.
On the fat angle, just ban cheap impoorted food and crack down on those who hire illegal aliens.
the price of food would rise and the incidence of obesity would drop.
also tax foods based on fat and sugar content.
HOw is it that you agree SF when he says this:

Of course they both are a factor. No question. As Cypress mentioned, preventative care would go a long way to not only reducing healthcare costs, but also increasing longevity.

Because you told me I was dead wrong when I said it, and I know other people read that thread, because some commented on it.

yeah, but when YOU say it... you ARE wrong. No such thing as a lib being RIGHT.

easy on one count ban fertility drugs.
On the fat angle, just ban cheap impoorted food and crack down on those who hire illegal aliens.
the price of food would rise and the incidence of obesity would drop.
also tax foods based on fat and sugar content.
You can't just ban fertility drugs, some people do need them to conceive. People need to use them more responsibly, but a lot of people could use a lot of drugs more responsibly and we haven't seen any real gains from goverrnment trying to protect people from themselves in regulating drugs.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Disgraceful. Richest nation on the planet, and our infant mortality and life expectancy is on a par with developing countries:

But the slide of the american standard of living is inescapable. It's the new world order plan. It's our punishment for all of white colonialism. We deserve this.
You can't just ban fertility drugs, some people do need them to conceive. People need to use them more responsibly, but a lot of people could use a lot of drugs more responsibly and we haven't seen any real gains from goverrnment trying to protect people from themselves in regulating drugs.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

some people will complain if you hang em with a new rope.

Nice little eternal vigilance quote there, too bad you voted for bush and don't walk the talk ;)
america is a diverse country so this isnt that suprising plus all the illegals who come here who are malnurished also its b/c of fat people and obesity rates here.
My theory is it has to do with the crap that's in our food: steroids and antibiotics in meats, preservatives, etc. Europeans eat rich foods, consume lots of alchohol and as someone pointed out smoke like chimneys. But the difference is a lot of their foods aren't as processed and they walk more.