Disrespect during the National Anthem

Because you expressed concern about the anthem...
Good thing you don't live here, right?
Had I ever been tempted (some hope!) they'd never have let me in, thank God. I did think of going over to take my Ph.D but friends and family pointed out that normal human beings who get ill should avoid it at all costs! :)
Had I ever been tempted (some hope!) they'd never have let me in, thank God. I did think of going over to take my Ph.D but friends and family pointed out that normal human beings who get ill should avoid it at all costs! :)
Thank you....that means there was a spot for another who wanted to be here...:)
That's his MO, Frank.

Post absurd bullshit and then predicts that he will be attacked by liberals. He is well-practiced at that lame tactic.

Additionally, when you provide an answer, he'll keep asking the same question over and over. Too stupid to comprehend.

His agenda is to normalize racism.
He is a white supremacist.
Answer is simple. Stop playing the anthem before football games. They decided to start doing it. They can just change their minds. It is a football game, a sporting event. It has nothing to do with the military or our military history. It is a profit making business .
I get that they wanted camera time....What is it that they are protesting again. though?

TOP...they are protesting the fact that blacks often get shot to death for no reason other than wearing dark colored skin.

And how will kneeling or sitting or fist up or staying in the tunnel during the anthem make a difference other than bringing negative attention to them?

They are not getting "negative attention" from anyone except people who are unable (or unwilling) to realize and acknowledge that peaceful protest is a hell of a lot more loving of our nation and its institutions...than all the flag waving crap American conservatives use as a pretense for true love of country.

Has it changed anything for the positive yet?

Part of the purpose was to give the issue as much publicity as possible.

Seems to be working.

If they continue and amp it up, as you seem to believe that they will, what is it that they "expect" to happen?

Even more publicity for the issue.

Going golfing this morning? Pretty wet here, but that never seems to stop anyone...;)

Actually, Sunday and Monday mornings working as a starter at one of the five country courses...allows me to play golf free on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Great job...and although the pay is poor, the perk of free golf is huge. It would cost me about $70 per day ($280 per week) for the golf if I were not an employee.

It rained here in New Jersey today also...and play was down. But we still had lots of golfers who braved the elements. We golfers are all a bit nuts.
TOP...they are protesting the fact that blacks often get shot to death for no reason other than wearing dark colored skin.

They are not getting "negative attention" from anyone except people who are unable (or unwilling) to realize and acknowledge that peaceful protest is a hell of a lot more loving of our nation and its institutions...than all the flag waving crap American conservatives use as a pretense for true love of country.

Part of the purpose was to give the issue as much publicity as possible.

Seems to be working.

Even more publicity for the issue.

Actually, Sunday and Monday mornings working as a starter at one of the five country courses...allows me to play golf free on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Great job...and although the pay is poor, the perk of free golf is huge. It would cost me about $70 per day ($280 per week) for the golf if I were not an employee.

It rained here in New Jersey today also...and play was down. But we still had lots of golfers who braved the elements. We golfers are all a bit nuts.
Yes, you golfers are nuts....lol
That's a discussion for another time....We've lots of golf nuts in this family...including ones who is an employee, and able tobenjoy the perks of the free rounds (it's pricey, that's for sure...) and are able to work towards the a career someday...hopefully playing, but more than likely in the industry....course pro, managing, something...lol
This protest hasn't been about "social injustice and inequality" for a long time...if it ever really was....that's the only reason it still gets any attention at all...it's now political...nothing else...
And publicity or not...it's not making any changes. In fact, all the confusion is actually making things worse, and confusing the group that's trying to "support" the kneelers...they haven't the foggiest idea what's going on...and most never will.
If they amp up the antics, they'll lose any hope of ever making any progress....
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when the season starts...I'm not as worried, though, as you are "excited" about what will "take place"....
And publicity or not...it's not making any changes.

Then they will settle for the publicity.

In any case, changes in this are of the American scene come slowly...but they come.

In fact, all the confusion is actually making things worse, and confusing the group that's trying to "support" the kneelers...they haven't the foggiest idea what's going on...and most never will.

Horse shit.

It is not being made worse...it is making the issue more visible.

You may not like that.

Fine...don't like it.

If they amp up the antics, they'll lose any hope of ever making any progress....

That may be what you hope will be the result...but I don't think that is the way it is going to work out.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when the season starts...I'm not as worried, though, as you are "excited" about what will "take place"....

Okay...we'll see.
I get that they wanted camera time....What is it that they are protesting again. though? And how will kneeling or sitting or fist up or staying in the tunnel during the anthem make a difference other than bringing negative attention to them?
Has it changed anything for the positive yet? If they continue and amp it up, as you seem to believe that they will, what is it that they "expect" to happen?
Going golfing this morning? Pretty wet here, but that never seems to stop anyone...;)

You get nothing. Kap quietly and unobtrusively took a knee with no announcement. He was not making a big deal. it took rightys who run around looking for something to bitch about that made it a "thing". If you guys had the maturity to ignore it, the story would have melted away. But Trump knows how to play you kiddies and he did it. You guys swallowed the whole lure. You rightys are too stupid to even know when you are being played.
Then they will settle for the publicity.

In any case, changes in this are of the American scene come slowly...but they come.

Horse shit.

It is not being made worse...it is making the issue more visible.

You may not like that.

Fine...don't like it.

That may be what you hope will be the result...but I don't think that is the way it is going to work out.

Okay...we'll see.
It seems to me that Americans take all this 'anthem' stuff far too seriously. Patriotism must be pretty fragile if it has to be so tediously solemn.

It's not about patriotism; it is about keeping everyone’s thinking in line and behavioral channeling. If a few openly question and challenge authority, the power structure is terrified that behavior can spread amongst the population, so the acceptable thought hounds must be unleashed. Then we see the fecklessly weakass attempt by the NFL, whose billionaire owners by the way line up for socialism via publicly funded cathedral/stadiums, to come up with a “solution” in which the players are “allowed” to halfass protest by staying in the locker room? What a typical sans integrity corporate response; another illusion for the masses. The NFL is just a business and in business nothing matters but ever increasing profit margin growth to infinity, all else including integrity comes in way down on the list priority wise. War is also business in America, which is why the military started advertising itself and the war machine at NFL games, and pays the NFL to do so with your tax dollars; to keep us all safe of course. That’s not patriotism, its marketing endless war and empire, ancient Rome style.

Clearly all the caterwaulers simply don’t understand the essence of a protest, one does not seek permission or a permit; that’s not protest, sorry if folks are uncomfortable, others are dead for no reason and the law did nothing about it, and continues to. Another of america’s many illusions. The protests are controversial because they disrupt the convenient illusion and force those who wish not to, to face it for a moment. That’s painful, pokes holes in the illusion, and people react to the pain and the shattering, for a moment, of the societal denial that keeps a lid on things for the power structure.

The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy; we do not have a functional democratic form of governance, we do enjoy an utterly corrupt economic and political system, where the police are free to murder “certain” folks with impunity.

The panic and reactionary response of the corrupt power structure to citizens questioning and protesting stems from the fear of losing control over the perceptual reality of the unsubstantial people of america. The power structure understands, they are vastly outnumbered remember, that if they cannot control the perceptual reality of some critical mass of the population – and what is required is much less than half of the people to simply cease cooperating and participating in the lies and illusions to force real change – then the illusions that prop up the authoritarianism of the power structure are no more.

Authority is always in shaky ground, by definition. Authority is very aware it has no power, power is something else altogether, all they have is authority. A clear coherent human being has always been a threat to authoritarian systems, much less a gathering of them. Thought must be managed.
Jesus H. Christ. How the hell can anyone have a reasonable conversation with someone who starts a thought with something as absurd as that?

Half the fucking country has been talking about it...and the other half are politically brain dead.

If you have been unable to "see" it...you are part of the brain dead.

If you think that the kneeling is anything but a bunch of whiny bitches crying like babies, you are part of the brain dead.