Diversity Double Standard


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Why is it that predominantly white nations must value diversity and actively sabotage white individuals in favor of non white individuals but nations with predominantly non-white populations can keep their ethnic purity and even institute theocracy as they see fit?

Why must our immigration policy be wide open while other nations are closed off to us?

Why? Because globalization is secret code for destroying white men, the nations they founded, and their cultural traditions.
Racist? No just pointing out the diversity double standard.

For many nations globalization means more power, more riches, etc, for them AS NATIONS. For western nations it means less.
Why is it that predominantly white nations must value diversity and actively sabotage white individuals in favor of non white individuals but nations with predominantly non-white populations can keep their ethnic purity and even institute theocracy as they see fit?

It's not as if that's favorable, it's just that we don't invade nations to change their trade/immigration/diversity policy, and most of these nations are dirt poor or ruled by dictators. In general, that stuff isn't even the beginning of the worst thing that's going on in the nation, and it certainly does them no benefit.
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Racist? No just pointing out the diversity double standard.

For many nations globalization means more power, more riches, etc, for them AS NATIONS. For western nations it means less.

Which nations have more power, more riches, AssHat?

That should tell you how fruitless your "wealth promoting" programs are.
It's not as if that's favorable, it's just that we don't invade nations to change their trade/immigration/diversity policy, and most of these nations are dirt poor or ruled by dictators. In general, that stuff isn't even the beginning of the worst thing that's going on in the nation, and it certainly does them no benefit.

The point is globalization and diversity are a lie if there main impact is o destroy wetern people. china's not thinking of "the whole world", they're doing what's good for China. And our government should be committed to doing what's good for us, instead of facilitating the destruction our people through lopsided immigration policy and overzealous outsourcing.

We should demand immigration parity on a nation by nation basis. IF they allow our people to come there, they can come here.

Are you aware of mexico's illegal immigration policy?
waterbaby is a ditz........!

The point is globalization and diversity are a lie if there main impact is o destroy wetern people. china's not thinking of "the whole world", they're doing what's good for China. And our government should be committed to doing what's good for us, instead of facilitating the destruction our people through lopsided immigration policy and overzealous outsourcing.

We should demand immigration parity on a nation by nation basis. IF they allow our people to come there, they can come here.

Are you aware of mexico's illegal immigration policy?

he and the rest of the children in here love to rant diatribes then attack others for the same...even if others do it to show their total lack of comprehension on political subjects...yes water baby,3D,and eppi have all the answers...however they fail to really do the homework before spouting off!

for waterbaby and all the children who want Illegal Aliens given total access to our country....read and weap!


Yes our wonderful partners south of the border want you to immigrate and will support y'all...:cof1:
No ditz.............

Which nations have more power, more riches, AssHat?

That should tell you how fruitless your "wealth promoting" programs are.

your little quoting of humor I used on another thread pointing out how viola was using a subtle race card promotion to argue a point was not unrelated!:rolleyes:
Which nations have more power, more riches, AssHat?

That should tell you how fruitless your "wealth promoting" programs are.

we do currently, but money is being sucked out of our economy hand over fist, and elites are taking their cut as it goes out, leaving the people poor and in debt, enslaved by the banking system.

Im looking into the future based on current trends. You should try it. It's called intelligence and planning.

You should be stucking in a nursing home.

Is this one of those college words that children ditching class make up?

Never mind I was weened along time ago...obvisously eppi is still nursing the bottle...and surely not hooters...he spends Friday and Saturday nights in JPP trying his sorry ass best to own anyone that will play with him!:gives:
Are you saying that regional economies cannot be effected by outsourcing?

There's nothing protecetionism can do to make the situation better, and there's no trade policy one can devise that forces others to outsource to you without you paying a greater price than you get in return.

In any case, describing it as "sucking" is stupid. This isn't a zero-sum game world. Value is produced and lost all the time. You're job is to produce as much as possible, not to make sure everyone else produces as little as possible.
There's nothing protecetionism can do to make the situation better, and there's no trade policy one can devise that forces others to outsource to you without you paying a greater price than you get in return.

In any case, describing it as "sucking" is stupid. This isn't a zero-sum game world. Value is produced and lost all the time. You're job is to produce as much as possible, not to make sure everyone else produces as little as possible.
So your argument is that globalization is inevitable and that there is nothing at all we can do about outsourced jobs?
We can penalize people for using unfair labor practices. Not for simply being better than us at doing something.
No, we'll leave that to them to do to us without regard to our own economy. We should then promote whomever it is as an extra special trading partner of some sort. Maybe we should name it "Most Favored Nation" or something...

We could start by ignoring how crappy the products really are, then also ignoring when they directly try to poison us.
Why is it that predominantly white nations must value diversity and actively sabotage white individuals in favor of non white individuals but nations with predominantly non-white populations can keep their ethnic purity and even institute theocracy as they see fit?

Why must our immigration policy be wide open while other nations are closed off to us?

Why? Because globalization is secret code for destroying white men, the nations they founded, and their cultural traditions.

Because white people are better[/RACISM]

No, we'll leave that to them to do to us without regard to our own economy. We should then promote whomever it is as an extra special trading partner of some sort. Maybe we should name it "Most Favored Nation" or something...

We could start by ignoring how crappy the products really are, then also ignoring when they directly try to poison us.

Some old PRC Party Member motherfucker is laughing his ass off over the sheer audacity of children's toys made from rohypnol, the date rape drug.