Dixie, are you delusional, a liar, or just wrong?


Well-known member
I said the administration "Admited there are no WMD."

Dixie said, "Never did this either, in fact, have found over 700 WMD munitions in Iraq."
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"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq: was -- the main reason we went into Iraq: at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction."

GEORGE W. BUSH, AUGUST 21, 2006 Press conference!
Dixie classifies long decomposed cannisters of what once were chemical weapons as WMD's even though they were no longer weapons, were no longer capable of destroying ANYbody, much less massive amounts of folks.

If we dug us assyrian trebuchets in the Iraqi desert, Dixie would claim them as WMD's as well!

Chemical arms found in Iraq, report reveals
June 22, 2006

From combined dispatches
U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq have found about 500 chemical weapons since the March 2003 invasion, with more thought to exist, according to portions of an intelligence report made public yesterday.
"Since 2003, Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent," said an overview of the report, which was declassified at the behest of Sen. Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania Republican, and Rep. Peter Hoekstra, Michigan Republican and head of the House intelligence committee.
"Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf war chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf war chemical munitions are assessed to still exist," according to the report.

Now, are you so dillusional that you think this didn't happen? Or are you lying and saying that it didn't happen? Or are you just plain wrong about this like you are about everything else in your retarded life?

Chemical arms found in Iraq, report reveals
June 22, 2006

From combined dispatches
U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq have found about 500 chemical weapons since the March 2003 invasion, with more thought to exist, according to portions of an intelligence report made public yesterday.
"Since 2003, Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent," said an overview of the report, which was declassified at the behest of Sen. Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania Republican, and Rep. Peter Hoekstra, Michigan Republican and head of the House intelligence committee.
"Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf war chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf war chemical munitions are assessed to still exist," according to the report.

Now, are you so dillusional that you think this didn't happen? Or are you lying and saying that it didn't happen? Or are you just plain wrong about this like you are about everything else in your retarded life?

"Since 2003, Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent,"

DEGRADED... Did you skip that word or do you just not understand it?
Jarod, I just posted the story about the declassified report, which directly contradicts your assertion that Iraq had no WMD's. Answer my fucking questions, boy! Are you dillusional, lying, or just plain wrong?
Apparently so. But... Since when did you start believing Bush?

When he admits to something against his own interests, I belive him and feel sure he has decided not to lie because there is plenty of evidence to contradict him were he to lie...!

Now, do you know what degraded means?
DEGRADED... Did you skip that word or do you just not understand it?

I know what you posted....

I said the administration "Admited there are no WMD."

Well, there were WMD's, as the report I posted indicates. Now, instead of admitting that you were wrong about there not being any WMD's in Iraq, you want to change the argument to the condition of the WMD's, and that wasn't the argument you made. Sarin has a shelf-life of about 6 months, so in order to find non-degraded WMD's, Saddam would have to be producing them from his jail cell. The argument wasn't whether Iraq had new WMD's, it was whether they had WMD's period. Saddam claimed they were destroyed, you carried his water and lamented this lie, and you've both been proven to be liars about the WMD's.
actually...to be classified as a weapon of mass destruction....the device in question has to be capable of being used as a WEAPON to cause DESTRUCTION on a MASSIVE scale....what our boys found were NOT WMD's by any stretch of the imagination....except yours, or course.
So if they found a Bow and Arrow from the 15th Century would you be claiming that was a wmd also? It could be used to kill thousands of people?

What about the depleated uranium the U.S. left after the 1990 invasion is that a WMD also?

Lets be reasonable, that shit you posted a story about is no more a viable WMD than my garbage can!

If you are sticking with that argument, the one even President Bush was above making, Ill put you in the delusional catagory...

Noone is buying you idiotic, silly, desperate attempt to call something that would harm no more people than my beat up old garbage can a WMD!
Not even your silly cite calls there old "DEGRADED" unusable once weapons WMD... You are the only one calling them WMD...


Admit you are wrong, you are burying yourself deeper and deeper into uncreditable poster land, right here for everyone to see!
Simple question...

How do the "degraded" "munitions" mentioned in the report you cited qualify in any stretch of the imagination as WMD?

How would they be "capable of being used as a WEAPON to cause DESTRUCTION on a MASSIVE scale"?
DEGRADED... Did you skip that word or do you just not understand it?

I know what you posted....

I said the administration "Admited there are no WMD."

Well, there were WMD's, as the report I posted indicates. Now, instead of admitting that you were wrong about there not being any WMD's in Iraq, you want to change the argument to the condition of the WMD's, and that wasn't the argument you made. Sarin has a shelf-life of about 6 months, so in order to find non-degraded WMD's, Saddam would have to be producing them from his jail cell. The argument wasn't whether Iraq had new WMD's, it was whether they had WMD's period. Saddam claimed they were destroyed, you carried his water and lamented this lie, and you've both been proven to be liars about the WMD's.

this is the most pathetic, bush-worshipping, word-parsing I've seen in weeks.

Your article doesn't even call them WMD. They're old, degreaded chemical munitions that cannot possibly even cause MASS DESTRUCTION - let alone be cited as a reason for going to war.

bush's own chief inspector said these munitions are about as dangerous as the chemicals under your kitchen sink.
So if they found a Bow and Arrow from the 15th Century would you be claiming that was a wmd also? It could be used to kill thousands of people?

What about the depleated uranium the U.S. left after the 1990 invasion is that a WMD also?

Lets be reasonable, that shit you posted a story about is no more a viable WMD than my garbage can!

If you are sticking with that argument, the one even President Bush was above making, Ill put you in the delusional catagory...

Noone is buying you idiotic, silly, desperate attempt to call something that would harm no more people than my beat up old garbage can a WMD!

We're discussing the existence of WMD's in Iraq, not depleted uranium left by the US, not the viability or effectiveness of the weapons, but the existence of WMD's. Let's be reasonable, 500 Sarin bombs ARE IN FACT WMD's and they WERE IN FACT found in Iraq. As for your lame attempts at spin, the depleted Sarin is still harmful to humans, and could be used in a Dirty Bomb, this has been well established and documented by the experts as well, and you simply want to gloss over that fact.

According to you and Saddam, there weren't supposed to be ANY weapons like this in Iraq. They were supposedly destroyed. Apparently, you and Saddam lied to the American people about it, because they were discovered. I can't speak for Bush, or your careful parsing of his words to make your idiotic point, but as far as WMD's in Iraq, they were found. Not that we needed to find them to justify our actions, it wasn't a prerequisite, it wasn't the whole reason for war, and only YOU have tried to make that absurd case.

WINDEX with AMONIA found under Saddams kitchen sink!

Dixie vindicated on his long held WMD argument!