Dixie finally admits Saddam did not have WMD when we invaded!

Ignorance by virtue of lack of information I can understand. Not condone but understand. You on the the other hand are so willfully ignorant that it is not understandable.

Willfull ignorance in defense of an intangible opinion is shameful.

Willfull ignorance in defense of a preconceived notion that gets countless young Americans Killed, is disgusting.

Stock up on the soap Dix, you've got an awful lot of blood to wash off your hands...

Geee.... If I didn't know better, I'd swear this was a long-winded rant to tell me how stupid I am, and devoid of any factual information pertaining to the debate. You may as well have made a big banner that says... "Dixie, I know you are right and I am wrong, but instead of admitting it, I am lowering myself down into the pit of cowardice, to find some fecal matter to throw at you!"

I can see this guy isn't gonna look at the evidence, so next subject Dixie.

I'm interested in ANY evidence you have that proves Saddam did not have WMD's. So far, none has been presented. You continue to cite speculations and opinions, but this is not definitive proof of anything.