Dixie's Election '08 Summary

Dixie, to help me preserve some semblence of pride in my home state, can you claim residence somewhere else?

I hear Mississippi is still somewhat backwards and racist.
First of all, The "thats so Alabama" insults a few of us from Alabama with good sense.

Second of all, LMFAO!!! This was a funny read.

Well, Water is from Mississippi, if that makes you feel any better. I mean it’s not like some biatch from NY was making fun of Alabama. Or, ever even would.
LOL, I'm actually from Mississippi. But it's just too easy to insult Alabama whenever talking to Dixie I don't really care if it hits back home a little. I take pride in trying to represent the new south. Whenever I insult Alabama in reference to Dixie, I'm insulting the souths racist past, represented in the present by Dixie.
That does make me feel somewhat better, that it came from a southerner.

But Dixie sure isn't helping our image.

Dixie, do you, by chance, drive a 4x4 truck, have a permenant skoal ring on the pocket of your jeans, wear a nascar ballcap, and feel a certain longing for the days when your ancestors rode around with sheets on their heads?

Or, is your idea of foreplay yelling "git in the truck, bitch!"?
That does make me feel somewhat better, that it came from a southerner.

But Dixie sure isn't helping our image.

Dixie, do you, by chance, drive a 4x4 truck, have a permenant skoal ring on the pocket of your jeans, wear a nascar ballcap, and feel a certain longing for the days when your ancestors rode around with sheets on their heads?

Or, is your idea of foreplay yelling "git in the truck, bitch!"?

It’s as if you know him!
Yep.. you guys need to keep it up! Keep on bashing and trashing us ignorant redneck southern hicks. Who needs our stinkin' votes anyway, right?

Obama was born to parents who were indeed Muslim. If John McCain were born to racist parents who were members of the Klan, would you take his word that he had no such beliefs? If John swore he wasn't racist, and yet belonged to this church, where the pastor supported the Hitler view of ethnic cleansing, and John claimed he didn't realize his pastor had such views and this wasn't what he believed either, how long would it take the left to pin the racist nazi label on poor old John? My guess is, not very long, and you wouldn't hear of this shit about "unfair attacks" on McCain.

Liberals have a double-standard on racism, they honestly think they have appeased their guilt enough to claim immunity from being racist, so they will say and behave like absolute racists all the time, they have a free pass. Obama can claim to be a reformed Muslim, or a Christian, and it doesn't matter about anything else, we are all just supposed to assume he has been honest about it. Why would he lie, he is a liberal?

Islam is a pretty strong religion, and not a whole hell of a lot of Muslims "convert" to some other belief. Once a Muslim, always a Muslim, and that is not a generalization, it is pretty much a fact of the matter when it comes to Islamic faith. Much the same as Jews are always going to be Jews, they don't change often, they don't suddenly decide to become Catholic or Christian, it just doesn't happen. Yet, that is what we are supposed to swallow with Obama, that he was born and raised by Muslim parents, and yet he doesn't share their religious views at all, in fact, he is the complete opposite.

And because we gullible ignorant southern rednecks don't want to swallow this load of horse shit, you want to call us "bigoted" and "racist" for it. That is a typical tactic of the left, and we are quite used to it! There is nothing bigoted or racist about questioning Obama's faith and observing his past. If Obama holds the views of radical black Muslims, I think it is important we know this before we elect him, and you think it is important to call me names and discredit me when you can. I get called names all the time, and pinheads will go to any extreme to try and discredit me, so it doesn't come as a surprise, but it does illustrate who is inquisitive about the candidate and who is a kool-aid drinker.
Yep.. you guys need to keep it up! Keep on bashing and trashing us ignorant redneck southern hicks. Who needs our stinkin' votes anyway, right?

Obama could lose every state in the south and still win by a considerable margin. In fact, that's probably how he's planning it, because the south is so far out of mainstream American belief.

Obama was born to parents who were indeed Muslim.

Obama's mother was a secular humanist. Obama's father was an exchange student from Africa who was indeed Muslim. However, Obama's father did not play a large role in his life.

If John McCain were born to racist parents who were members of the Klan, would you take his word that he had no such beliefs?

Only a racist like yourself would actually think that being a Muslim was anything comparable to being a member of the Klan. It shows how bigoted you are against certain religions and your positive view of the Klan at the same time.

If John swore he wasn't racist, and yet belonged to this church, where the pastor supported the Hitler view of ethnic cleansing, and John claimed he didn't realize his pastor had such views and this wasn't what he believed either, how long would it take the left to pin the racist nazi label on poor old John?

I thought it didn't matter because Obama was a Muslim?

My guess is, not very long, and you wouldn't hear of this shit about "unfair attacks" on McCain.

If McCain went to a church that promoted ethnic cleansing he wouldn't be in the race. Which shows you how very different the two situtations are, you fucking moron. There is a big difference between an African-American centered church and one that promotes Nazism, fucking racist.

Liberals have a double-standard on racism, they honestly think they have appeased their guilt enough to claim immunity from being racist, so they will say and behave like absolute racists all the time, they have a free pass.

Liberals do not have a double standard on racism. Modern conservatism is a racist philosophy that exists entirely because liberals gave blacks civil rights back in the sixties. If that had not happened, Reagan and Bush could never have been elected, because they were considered, and are, extremists. The conservative strategy consists entirely of not mentioning outright racism while supporting everything racists of the past have.

Obama can claim to be a reformed Muslim,

He's never been a Muslim.

or a Christian, and it doesn't matter about anything else, we are all just supposed to assume he has been honest about it. Why would he lie, he is a liberal?

He's a moderate. His beliefs are not vastly different from McCains. He would have been considered a radical conservative before the eighties.

Islam is a pretty strong religion, and not a whole hell of a lot of Muslims "convert" to some other belief.

Dixie, being such an expert in theology, knows all.

Let me repeat: Obama has never been a Muslim. That is propaganda perpetuated by racists and bigots, simialar to how people said in SC that McCain had a black child.

Once a Muslim, always a Muslim, and that is not a generalization, it is pretty much a fact of the matter when it comes to Islamic faith.

That's funny, then I guess the former Muslim I know is actually just lying to me.

Much the same as Jews are always going to be Jews,

Dixie, are you a grandwizard in the Klan? Or just a layman?

they don't change often, they don't suddenly decide to become Catholic or Christian, it just doesn't happen.

Even if this bigotry were true, it wouldn't matter, being that Obama was never a Muslim, and never raised by any Muslim. His mother was from Witchita Kansas. Her and his father divorced whenever he was five.

Yet, that is what we are supposed to swallow with Obama, that he was born and raised by Muslim parents, and yet he doesn't share their religious views at all, in fact, he is the complete opposite.

His mother was not a Muslim. He had little contact with his father in his childhood. Learn before you pronounce your stupid ignorance.

And because we gullible ignorant southern rednecks don't want to swallow this load of horse shit,

I know I'm not swallowing your load of horse shit.

you want to call us "bigoted" and "racist" for it.

I do not call all southerners racist but your posts are laden with racism, Dixie.

That is a typical tactic of the left, and we are quite used to it!

I have heard so many conservatives defend their racism like this its incredible.

There is nothing bigoted or racist about questioning Obama's faith and observing his past.

Maybe if you knew anything at all about it.

Would it matter if Obama were a Muslim anyway? Are you this bigoted and ignorant Dixie?

If Obama holds the views of radical black Muslims, I think it is important we know this before we elect him, and you think it is important to call me names and discredit me when you can.

He is not, nor has he ever been, a Muslim.

I get called names all the time,

You deserve to be called name all the time.

and pinheads will go to any extreme to try and discredit me,

Oh no, you do that all by your lonesome self.

so it doesn't come as a surprise, but it does illustrate who is inquisitive about the candidate and who is a kool-aid drinker.

Actually, Obama's father himself had abandoned Islam and become an atheist by the time he was airlifted to the United States.

Which is irrelevant, because he only lived with Obama until he was 2, and visited him once when he was ten.
Barack Obama

If someone would have told me, in the midst of the insane meltdown of the left in 2000 and 2004, the 2008 candidate would be a "reformed" Muslim black liberal

Oh yes, the black part was really important to you and deserved inclusion in your list of negative traits.

with connections to terrorists

This is completely absurd. Obama worked on a committee with Ayers - who, BTW, is not an Al-Quaeda operative, feels badly about his past, and was only released on a technicality. Maybe Obama should google everyone before he talks to them.

"Hey, is it possible that this professor I'm talking to was once a member of the Weathermen thirty years ago and isn't in prison right now because of a legal technicality?"

and no real background,

Besides graduating from Harvard magna cum laude with, becoming a distinguished professor on constitutional law, being elected to the Illinois legislator for ten years, and being elected US senator. Well, that's not an acheivement at all, especially for a man dogged by accusations from racists and people who see his name and say "Well golly! He must be a Muslim!"

Dixie could do all of that in a heartbeat.

would be the nominee of the Democrat party, I would have never believed it.

If someone would've told me whenever I was a kid that 1/3rd of the world worshipped a Jewish zombie and would attack me like I was satan if I didn't also, I would've thought they were crazy. But crazy things happy all the time.

I knew they were insane,

Well it's good you know something Dix.

but I really thought that maybe Lieberman

Lieberman is a traitor to the caucus who needs to have his ass kicked on the street.

or someone could talk them down from the ledge, and bring them back inside the real world.

This from Dix? LOL!

No such luck, they looked around and found a guy who's name rhymes with Osama,

When trivialities like this are turning out to be the biggest complaint against him, I'd say he's doing pretty good.

who claims to be a Christian,

He is a Christian, and that's his biggest problem.

but disavows his pastor,

His crazy ass pastor. Putting this in here is disingenous as hell.

and also claims that his Muslim upbringing has no influence on his beliefs.

His "Muslim upbringing"? Do you guys even give a fuck about the issues in Alabama? Or do you vote entirely based on prejudice?

It must have been some liberalized new-age Muslim-ism or something, because Muslims are generally not the kind of people who change their beliefs.

1. He's not a Muslim. He never was.
2. It wouldn't have mattered if he was.
3. You are so full of prejudice it's incredible Dix.

His background, what little we know, is filled with associations with slum lords and terrorists,

It's kind of overdoing things to say that working on a committee fifteen years ago with Bill Ayers is a past "filled with associations with terrorists". But oh wait - you were trying associate him with Al Quaeda weren't you?

You know what, people like you are disgusting, wretched subhumans, Dixie, and you deserve nothing more than to be spat on for the scum that you are for the rest of your life.

and he 'cut his political teeth' in the most corrupt political environment our nation has ever known, Illinois.

Yep Illinois makes Tammany Hall look like a Boy Scout meeting, except without the pedophiles.

But he looks good, speaks well, and he's black enough to pull that 10% of the black vote back from the Republicans this time, so he's their guy!


You know what, people like you are disgusting, wretched subhumans, Dixie, and you deserve nothing more than to be spat on for the scum that you are for the rest of your life.

Water, by far the best rebuttal of yours I've read. Kudos dude, you're right on the mark! Great post!!!
That does make me feel somewhat better, that it came from a southerner.

But Dixie sure isn't helping our image.

Dixie, do you, by chance, drive a 4x4 truck, have a permenant skoal ring on the pocket of your jeans, wear a nascar ballcap, and feel a certain longing for the days when your ancestors rode around with sheets on their heads?

Or, is your idea of foreplay yelling "git in the truck, bitch!"?

Gee Ward, don't you think your being a little hard on the Beaver?:eek:
It’s as if you know him!

Naaaaaa, I know Dixies type to well. I lived in the south to long. Though I'm certainly a damned Yankee.

Dixie suffers more from "Good Ole Boyism" then he does from anything else. He is, like all of us, a product of his environment.

And like many white, reactionary, southern males, Dixie relishes in being contrary as hell and, like a true contrarian, would rather eat his own balls then admit it. Dixie would be the first one over to help rebuild his African American neighbors house when it burns down (and I have no doubt Dixie has African American neighbors he socializes with) or be the first one to chip some hard earned cash to send the bright black kid down the street from a poor family to a good college. Dixies the type to drive up to Iowa to fill sand bags till he drops to help save some farmers house from the flooding Mississippi.

So though Dixie does have an outer exterior of an insufferable prick (he reminds me of the character "Roscoe Rules" in the Joseph Wambaugh novel "The Choirboys") he a cream puff in the center.

OK Dixie.....now do your thing and make me look like a damned fool for defending you. :P
Obama could lose every state in the south and still win by a considerable margin. In fact, that's probably how he's planning it, because the south is so far out of mainstream American belief.

Obama's mother was a secular humanist. Obama's father was an exchange student from Africa who was indeed Muslim. However, Obama's father did not play a large role in his life.

Only a racist like yourself would actually think that being a Muslim was anything comparable to being a member of the Klan. It shows how bigoted you are against certain religions and your positive view of the Klan at the same time.

I thought it didn't matter because Obama was a Muslim?

If McCain went to a church that promoted ethnic cleansing he wouldn't be in the race. Which shows you how very different the two situtations are, you fucking moron. There is a big difference between an African-American centered church and one that promotes Nazism, fucking racist.

Liberals do not have a double standard on racism. Modern conservatism is a racist philosophy that exists entirely because liberals gave blacks civil rights back in the sixties. If that had not happened, Reagan and Bush could never have been elected, because they were considered, and are, extremists. The conservative strategy consists entirely of not mentioning outright racism while supporting everything racists of the past have.

He's never been a Muslim.

He's a moderate. His beliefs are not vastly different from McCains. He would have been considered a radical conservative before the eighties.

Dixie, being such an expert in theology, knows all.

Let me repeat: Obama has never been a Muslim. That is propaganda perpetuated by racists and bigots, simialar to how people said in SC that McCain had a black child.

That's funny, then I guess the former Muslim I know is actually just lying to me.

Dixie, are you a grandwizard in the Klan? Or just a layman?

Even if this bigotry were true, it wouldn't matter, being that Obama was never a Muslim, and never raised by any Muslim. His mother was from Witchita Kansas. Her and his father divorced whenever he was five.

His mother was not a Muslim. He had little contact with his father in his childhood. Learn before you pronounce your stupid ignorance.

I know I'm not swallowing your load of horse shit.

I do not call all southerners racist but your posts are laden with racism, Dixie.

I have heard so many conservatives defend their racism like this its incredible.

Maybe if you knew anything at all about it.

Would it matter if Obama were a Muslim anyway? Are you this bigoted and ignorant Dixie?

He is not, nor has he ever been, a Muslim.

You deserve to be called name all the time.

Oh no, you do that all by your lonesome self.


Dude you are on a roll....and the band plays "Can't Touch This!"
Yep.. you guys need to keep it up! Keep on bashing and trashing us ignorant redneck southern hicks. Who needs our stinkin' votes anyway, right?


Well, to be honest I was at work and couldn't devote my full attention to this website.

So I picked an easy target. And lets face facts, ignorant rednecks are about as easy a target as you can get.

From the brief time I have been here, I have seen that facts play little or no part in your debating style. So I figured I'd save time and just bash you personally.
Yep.. you guys need to keep it up! Keep on bashing and trashing us ignorant redneck southern hicks. Who needs our stinkin' votes anyway, right?


Well, to be honest I was at work and couldn't devote my full attention to this website.

So I picked an easy target. And lets face facts, ignorant rednecks are about as easy a target as you can get.

From the brief time I have been here, I have seen that facts play little or no part in your debating style. So I figured I'd save time and just bash you personally.

Ignorant Redneck? Isn't that redundant?
Despite what many people believe, ignorant redneck is not redundant.

Mark Twain was a redneck. Lewis Grizzard was a redneck. Ernest Hemingway was a redneck. The most fearsome thing in a courtroom is a redneck lawyer. (namely a southerner who raised himself from poor-white-trash roots via law school)

No, there are some very intelligent rednecks.

And Mottleydude's characterization of Dixie may well be accurate. There are plenty like that around. There is no place I had rather live than in the south.
Despite what many people believe, ignorant redneck is not redundant.

Mark Twain was a redneck. Lewis Grizzard was a redneck. Ernest Hemingway was a redneck. The most fearsome thing in a courtroom is a redneck lawyer. (namely a southerner who raised himself from poor-white-trash roots via law school)

No, there are some very intelligent rednecks.

And Mottleydude's characterization of Dixie may well be accurate. There are plenty like that around. There is no place I had rather live than in the south.

I've seen the good of the south and I've seen the bad and by far the good out weighs the bad. I know the racism here in the northern states is much more virulent then in the south. At least in the south it's in the open where you can work on it.

Having said that...I'll always be a Buckeye.