Yep.. you guys need to keep it up! Keep on bashing and trashing us ignorant redneck southern hicks. Who needs our stinkin' votes anyway, right?
Obama could lose every state in the south and still win by a considerable margin. In fact, that's probably how he's planning it, because the south is so far out of mainstream American belief.
Obama was born to parents who were indeed Muslim.
Obama's mother was a secular humanist. Obama's father was an exchange student from Africa who was indeed Muslim. However, Obama's father did not play a large role in his life.
If John McCain were born to racist parents who were members of the Klan, would you take his word that he had no such beliefs?
Only a racist like yourself would actually think that being a Muslim was anything comparable to being a member of the Klan. It shows how bigoted you are against certain religions and your positive view of the Klan at the same time.
If John swore he wasn't racist, and yet belonged to this church, where the pastor supported the Hitler view of ethnic cleansing, and John claimed he didn't realize his pastor had such views and this wasn't what he believed either, how long would it take the left to pin the racist nazi label on poor old John?
I thought it didn't matter because Obama was a Muslim?
My guess is, not very long, and you wouldn't hear of this shit about "unfair attacks" on McCain.
If McCain went to a church that promoted ethnic cleansing he wouldn't be in the race. Which shows you how very different the two situtations are, you fucking moron. There is a big difference between an African-American centered church and one that promotes Nazism, fucking racist.
Liberals have a double-standard on racism, they honestly think they have appeased their guilt enough to claim immunity from being racist, so they will say and behave like absolute racists all the time, they have a free pass.
Liberals do not have a double standard on racism. Modern conservatism is a racist philosophy that exists entirely because liberals gave blacks civil rights back in the sixties. If that had not happened, Reagan and Bush could never have been elected, because they were considered, and are, extremists. The conservative strategy consists entirely of not mentioning outright racism while supporting everything racists of the past have.
Obama can claim to be a reformed Muslim,
He's never been a Muslim.
or a Christian, and it doesn't matter about anything else, we are all just supposed to assume he has been honest about it. Why would he lie, he is a liberal?
He's a moderate. His beliefs are not vastly different from McCains. He would have been considered a radical conservative before the eighties.
Islam is a pretty strong religion, and not a whole hell of a lot of Muslims "convert" to some other belief.
Dixie, being such an expert in theology, knows all.
Let me repeat: Obama has never been a
Muslim. That is propaganda perpetuated by racists and bigots, simialar to how people said in SC that McCain had a black child.
Once a Muslim, always a Muslim, and that is not a generalization, it is pretty much a fact of the matter when it comes to Islamic faith.
That's funny, then I guess the former Muslim I know is actually just lying to me.
Much the same as Jews are always going to be Jews,
Dixie, are you a grandwizard in the Klan? Or just a layman?
they don't change often, they don't suddenly decide to become Catholic or Christian, it just doesn't happen.
Even if this bigotry were true, it wouldn't matter, being that Obama was never a Muslim, and never raised by any Muslim. His mother was from Witchita Kansas. Her and his father divorced whenever he was five.
Yet, that is what we are supposed to swallow with Obama, that he was born and raised by Muslim parents, and yet he doesn't share their religious views at all, in fact, he is the complete opposite.
His mother was not a Muslim. He had little contact with his father in his childhood. Learn before you pronounce your stupid ignorance.
And because we gullible ignorant southern rednecks don't want to swallow this load of horse shit,
I know I'm not swallowing your load of horse shit.
you want to call us "bigoted" and "racist" for it.
I do not call all southerners racist but your posts are laden with racism, Dixie.
That is a typical tactic of the left, and we are quite used to it!
I have heard so many conservatives defend their racism like this its incredible.
There is nothing bigoted or racist about questioning Obama's faith and observing his past.
Maybe if you knew anything at all about it.
Would it matter if Obama were a Muslim anyway? Are you this bigoted and ignorant Dixie?
If Obama holds the views of radical black Muslims, I think it is important we know this before we elect him, and you think it is important to call me names and discredit me when you can.
He is not, nor has he ever been, a Muslim.
I get called names all the time,
deserve to be called name all the time.
and pinheads will go to any extreme to try and discredit me,
Oh no, you do that all by your lonesome self.
so it doesn't come as a surprise, but it does illustrate who is inquisitive about the candidate and who is a kool-aid drinker.