Dixie's Greatest Song of All-Time Contest!

Okay, sorry Waterhead, your "Best Song Ever" thing is a flop. I had to do this myself, just to satisfy my curiosity of what is really the Greatest Song of All-Time. I feel so confident in my system, I will publicly issue the challenge right now, whatever song I end up with, against whatever song you end up with, for the All-Time Greatest Bestest Song Ever! :P

Here are the rules:

1. Each person can nominate 3 songs. They must be listed in one single post, and in order of priority.

2. To qualify for the final round, a song must be nominated in at least two people's list. This represents an initial nomination, and a second.

3. Nominations will be complete, when we have at least 10 qualified songs. Those will be the songs eligible for Greatest Song of All-Time, and an open poll will be established for final voting and results.

Let the nominations begin....
In Waters contest I had The Beatles Nowareman .... its tough to single out any one Beatle Song ... In this list I nominate

The Beatles "A Day in the Life"

Simon and Garfunkels "Sound of Silence"

Al Stewarts "The Year of the Cat"
Flesh and Blood - Johnny Cash
Lenny - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Ruben's Train - Leftover Salmon Live at HORDE 1994 (You gotta hear this to appreciate it, if music ever was a language, a dialogue, the lead in this represents it).
The reason I chose my process was because it was a bit interesting.

Yours is just an open poll.

That's stupid. What's the fun in that.

It's more fun and interesting than voting between Nirvana and Tool for best song ever! You could at least participate, I played nice, I voted on yours. I am sorry I am just cooler than you, but that's no reason to hate me.

Hey... My thread has stars! :D
In Waters contest I had The Beatles Nowareman .... its tough to single out any one Beatle Song ... In this list I nominate

The Beatles "A Day in the Life"

Simon and Garfunkels "Sound of Silence"

Al Stewarts "The Year of the Cat"

i was gonna list a day in the life for the beatles but this was such a hard call, cuz I think yesterday is pretty fantastic too.... :), i also think the eagle's hotel california is awesome, and Sting's Crystal Ball, and Bread's- IF...gees...this is much harder than you would think, so I went with the best awesome songs I could think of and then pulled out the ones that were way above the others in musical genius and with a complicated score/ or story....
1. Yesterday- The Beatles
2. Stairway to Heaven- Led Zepplin
3. Wild Horses- The Rolling Stones

Dixie, how can someone as clearly as insane as yourself have such good music taste?
1. Yesterday- The Beatles
2. Stairway to Heaven- Led Zepplin
3. Wild Horses- The Rolling Stones

Dixie, how can someone as clearly as insane as yourself have such good music taste?

Embarrasing. The uber-nationalist Dixie puts up only nominations from British bands.

Not even a nod to great american bands like Creedence Clearwater, The Eagles, or the Beach Boys.
Embarrasing. The uber-nationalist Dixie puts up only nominations from British bands.

Not even a nod to great american bands like Creedence Clearwater, The Eagles, or the Beach Boys.

I'll be the loyal american:

1) "Green River" - Creedence Clearwater
2) "Take it Easy" - The Eagles
3) "Good Vibrations" - Beach Boys
Three best US tunes:

Blondie - Hanging on the Telephone
Bob Dylan - All along the Watchtower
Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire