Dixie's Signature

"No, because HISTORY says so, dufuss!"

History shows that we violated treaty after treaty with indigenous peoples here in what is now America.... should we give all that land back? The Old Testament is replete with stories of the Jews winning and losing their lands... they lost a lot of wars.... the diaspora happened.... they were, for all intents and purposes, gone from Palestine for nearly a millenium. Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans... Europeans... lots of folks have "owned" that land throughout "history" Don't you think that the folks living there when Moses' crowd finally got there from their wanderings in the Sinai have just as valid a claim to the land as Jews? WHy do you arbitrarily say that Jews somehow have a primary claim and all those before and after do not?

I think the parties involved have signed a few peace treaties since then, and despite Israel withdrawing from Lebanon, giving up land in the Gaza, uprooting communities in the West Bank, and exhibiting enormous patience with continued suicide bombings, there is still no peace.

Israel and Lebanon have NEVER signed a peace treaty unless you count the abortive May 17th, 1983 agreement signed by Gemayel, the christian figurehead of a Lebanon totally occupied by the Syrian and Israeli armies as a "peace treaty" It is the only one.

Bullshit! You are doing everything in your power to undermine our own fight against terrorists, let alone helping someone else! You don't give a rats ass about Afghans or Iraqi's fighting terrorists, you don't want us to have any part of it!

Iraqis aren't fighting terrorists, they are fighting each other. Same with Afghanis

For the rest of your diatribe, save it for your Skinhead Anti-Jew Convention! I'm sick of listening to you.

I want you to know, Dixie...that you won't find a bigger supporter of Israel than me.... but I reserve the right to be critical of Israel when I feel they have made errors. Bombing lebanese civilians - especially when they do so in predominantly Christian east Beirut or the Christian enclaves north of the city - is, I strongly believe, a very bad move for them if they want to stay out of a regional conflict that spreads and radicalizes all of their neighbors.
So, you are an anti-Semite too? Is that what you're saying?
No, I'm not. I'm saying that the Israeli government is not always right in everything they do. Like right now, for example.

I'm also saying that it's foolish to think that Hezbollah has a lot of support in Lebanon just because most Lebanese hate Jews. That does seem to be what you're saying. Why else would they support Hezbollah if Israel hadn't injured them in some way?
I was listening to CSPAN this morning and some people commented on this issue. One caller in particular struck me. He was saying that the african american community has basically sold out "the Jews" on this issue and that hte black community in general is becoming "anti-semetic". I really don't see it that way at all. There is definitely a propensity in the community to sympathize with those that are being oppressed and in this case I think most can agree that most of the victims are the Lebanese civilians who have lost homes, jobs, and have to rebuild their infrastructure once again. I do find it interesting that people are being labeled anti-semetic for verbally opposing Israels actions the same manner we were labeled "anti-American" bush's missteps in Iraq.

I agree with you Tiana. I know that my sympathy was given to the children I saw in pictures, some unfortuntely, dead, and others, terrified looking. I cried.

Sadly, they're Lebanese. If they were Israel children, I would cry for them too. I do cry for any who have been harmed in this. It has nothing to do with bigotry of any kind, unless there is such a thing as bigotry against the kind of adult monsters who would visit death and terror on little children and call it "justified."
I agree with you Tiana. I know that my sympathy was given to the children I saw in pictures, some unfortuntely, dead, and others, terrified looking. I cried.

Sadly, they're Lebanese. If they were Israel children, I would cry for them too. I do cry for any who have been harmed in this. It has nothing to do with bigotry of any kind, unless there is such a thing as bigotry against the kind of adult monsters who would visit death and terror on little children and call it "justified."

I think the travesty in all of this is that labeling of anti-semetism has deflected from the serious issue at hand: innocent people are dying - They have nothing to do with hezbollah, many had no interest in destroying Israel, many were progressives, unfortunately that has changed which will undoubtedly worsen the situation over there. Israel made a big mistake following our footsteps in trying to handle the war on terror.
that's not what I was saying. I was making note of how he often seems enthusiastically to use the word terrorism in discussing israeli actions.

That doesn't imply anti-semetism. He's basing his assertion on their current actions: they are destroying the land and the people.
Yes, we are indeed arguing that one way of killing people is worse than another, terrorism of innocent citizens is not acceptable in a civilized world.

A) Show me a source for the child suicide bombers

B) In a single Israeli air strike, more civilians can be killed than a year's worth of suicide bombers.
No, I'm not. I'm saying that the Israeli government is not always right in everything they do. Like right now, for example.

I'm also saying that it's foolish to think that Hezbollah has a lot of support in Lebanon just because most Lebanese hate Jews. That does seem to be what you're saying. Why else would they support Hezbollah if Israel hadn't injured them in some way?

Israel is not right to defend itself against people who want to annihilate them? Because that is what they are doing, whether you want to admit it or not. Hezbollah has no intentions of allowing Israel to live in peace, these people want to run every Jew into the Mediterranean Sea, not only do they want to, they have taken a vow to their God to do it! Where you just kinda have a mild disdain for Jews, these people genuinely hate them. They are hiding behind the Lebanese people, who were stupid like you and thought they could be friends with them and everything would be okay.
Israel is not right to defend itself against people who want to annihilate them? Because that is what they are doing, whether you want to admit it or not. Hezbollah has no intentions of allowing Israel to live in peace, these people want to run every Jew into the Mediterranean Sea, not only do they want to, they have taken a vow to their God to do it! Where you just kinda have a mild disdain for Jews, these people genuinely hate them. They are hiding behind the Lebanese people, who were stupid like you and thought they could be friends with them and everything would be okay.

Most of the planet wants to destroy America....does that mean we are justified in bombing the shit out of their civilian populations?
Dixie, everyone has a right to "defend" themselves. Every entity on the planet has that right. Stop throwing that around as if folks are arguing that Israel doesn't have that right. The key word here is "defend". Try not to get all huffy and bothered. Try to remain calm, and think about the word "defend". Then relate that to what we are talking about. When this happens, you should have some sort of epiphany, but you won't because this really isn't about Israel defending itself to you, nor is it about justice or reality. It is about your preconcived notions, based on biblical scripts, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh. It would be really interesting to hear what you would say if you were capable of thinking for yourself.
It's about Dixie wanting to talk about anything other than the quagmire in Iraq...the slanderous piece of shit
Yes, we are indeed arguing that one way of killing people is worse than another, terrorism of innocent citizens is not acceptable in a civilized world.

A) Show me a source for the child suicide bombers

B) In a single Israeli air strike, more civilians can be killed than a year's worth of suicide bombers.

A- I don't do links, it's happened!

B- It doesn't matter, terrorism is not the same as military action, we've already been through this.

We are in a fundamental war of civilization with radical Islamics who believe we should be following the strict law of Mohammed, behaving as if we live in the 5th century. They want to destroy Israel, wipe them off the face of the planet. Even if we sacrificed Israel, they would be in Europe next, and in your back yard after that. You are still busy pontificating with your intellectual pinhead friends, about the broader aspects of enlightened thought... speculating as to how you might go about changing things for the better... through understanding and pontificating... feeling the love... feeling the pain... You are a fucking idiot! Get your head out of your ass, and understand, these people want to KILL us! This is not a reality show, and it's not a video game, it is the way of life we take for granted daily which is at stake.
Dixie, everyone has a right to "defend" themselves. Every entity on the planet has that right. Stop throwing that around as if folks are arguing that Israel doesn't have that right. The key word here is "defend". Try not to get all huffy and bothered. Try to remain calm, and think about the word "defend". Then relate that to what we are talking about. When this happens, you should have some sort of epiphany, but you won't because this really isn't about Israel defending itself to you, nor is it about justice or reality. It is about your preconcived notions, based on biblical scripts, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh. It would be really interesting to hear what you would say if you were capable of thinking for yourself.

I know what the fuck I said, fat ass! I don't need you to tell me! Yes, everyone has the right to defend themselves, particularly when the enemy wants you obliterated from the human population entirely. The Israeli's gave "diplomacy" every chance, the gave up land, they moved neighborhoods... don't you remember when all the people had to leave their homes? Roadmap to Peace, they were told... just give up this and that, and you will have peace, Israel...

Was there peace? Yes or No? Do you honestly and intelligently think, Israel can barter peace with people who are bound by their religion to eradicate them? Yet, you will sit here arguing they should do just that. I suppose you figure it will give the nutbag in Tehran time to build a nuke and do the job right, huh?
I know what the fuck I said, fat ass! I don't need you to tell me! Yes, everyone has the right to defend themselves, particularly when the enemy wants you obliterated from the human population entirely. The Israeli's gave "diplomacy" every chance, the gave up land, they moved neighborhoods... don't you remember when all the people had to leave their homes? Roadmap to Peace, they were told... just give up this and that, and you will have peace, Israel...

Was there peace? Yes or No? Do you honestly and intelligently think, Israel can barter peace with people who are bound by their religion to eradicate them? Yet, you will sit here arguing they should do just that. I suppose you figure it will give the nutbag in Tehran time to build a nuke and do the job right, huh?

The enemy is relatively powerless Dixie. You feign appreciation for the power of Israel's enemies. They are essentially limited to the type of strikes we have seen fo 50 years. And frankly, I think Israel will crush them, I'd be a fool to think otherwise. And ultimately, that's fine with me. But it is our weapons, our money, and our support that gives Israel its power.

Israel is plenty strong now. They can fight their own wars. They are fighting against a very limited power. Israel is not in danger of being annihalated, and you know that damned well clear. They have some wars to fight and they are in the best possible position to wage them. They can crush whoever they please, and they do.

The wars in that part of the world are ongoing for dual reasons. It is a never ending debacle that has no roots nor relevance with our country, until we make it that way.

You want other countries wars to be our own, and that's your perogative. I don't.
Israel is not an aggressor, and never has committed acts of terror.

You are either ignorant (which is my guess, given your posting history) or a liar.

Israel was created through terrorism (see King David Hotel bombings, Urgun, Stern gang etc) and has since targeted civilians with the aim of creating political change (terrorism).

You simply turn a blind eye to terrorism.
....As reported by media sources who have been compromised by Hezbollah propaganda.

Any report of Israeli terrorism and Dixie states it is 'Hizbollah propoganda'.

As I said, Dixie turns a blind eye to terrorism. He is a terrorism cheerleader.

No, because HISTORY says so, dufuss!

Ignorant fuck.

Even in biblical claims the land was gained by conquering. The ancient nation of Israel was simply a few century long occupation by a nomadic tribe.

Israel's only claim is that 'god gave it to them'.