Dixie's Vote is a 'Historic First'!

Let me begin by saying, I believe that all Americans have a duty and obligation to vote. Not only to vote, but to cast an informed vote. This requires effort and thought, and these days, many Americans simply don't want to invest their time and energy in it. Voting is our lifeline to Freedom, and it should be valued as such, but many Americans take freedom for granted.

Through the years, I have voted for Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents. I am a registered Independent, because I believe in open-mindedness in politics, and can objectively give anyone a chance to make a case for their ideas, regardless of party. I often listen to Libertarian candidates, and find a great deal of agreement in what they say, but the national platform is so out of mainstream, they will never have real political power in our lifetime. In the days of Jimmy Carter, I considered myself a Conservative Democrat, and was registered as a Democrat until Reagan.

Today marks a historical "first" for me as a voter. In all my years of casting ballots, I have never done what I did today. I cast a straight ticket vote for Republicans. Generally speaking, and in the rural South particularly, political races are often confusing, the more principled conservative candidate is on the Democratic side, while the obscure nut-job who has no clue, is a Republican, because there aren't many Republicans in the district and it was easy for them to make the ballot. Being civics conscious enough to research the candidates and issues, I have always voted split-ticket. Until today!

It's purely a protest vote. I am sure I cast a vote for a few Republican nut jobs running for office in Alabama, but I simply refuse to reward a party for bad behavior. What I have seen from Democrats, over the past 6 years, is an increasing ease with selling out your principles, ethics, morals, and the nation itself, in an attempt to sway and woo the voters into giving you power back. As much as Republicans have done to piss me off, that pisses me off worse.

Coupled with the 11th Hour Gay Out-fest, and the comedic genius of John Heinz Kerry, 'joking' about our troops, I decided the best use of my vote, would be to support the "other side" completely. I don't believe I was alone in my thinking.
-DIXIE: “I am a registered Independent, because I believe in open-mindedness in politics, and can objectively give anyone a chance to make a case for their ideas, regardless of party."


-DIXIE: “I actively worked to get Republicans elected, supported a republican platform and agenda, and excercised my rights as a citizen, to change the political power structure in Congress.”

-DIXIE: Dear Republican Party, I have steadfastly supported the platform of the party for the past decade, endured much criticism for being an extremist, Kool-Aid drinking fool and idiot, and gave you a pass on forsaking conservative principles in governmental intrusion into our lives and the budget because of the war on terror.

-DIXIE: “…I flew my flag, and bought my yellow ribbon magnet, I stayed on these boards day and night, defending the actions we took as a nation, deflecting the criticisms of Bush as a Commander in Chief, and having WMD's and Osama thrown in my face on a daily basis for endless months. Even after this, I didn't lose faith in the party or wane in my support,

-DIXIE: what goes around comes around! IF and WHEN your pathetic Socialist Party EVER gets back in power, you can look for me to be probing your asshole every fucking day and night for the slightest step out of line! Hell, I am a conservative, it suits me just fine if we freeze Washington for the next 20 years and don't pass any legislation for all the investigating of scandals... that's how you wanna play the game, it's going to be rough."
Yepper, rough on the Bushie supporters for the investigations.
Actually the mess Bush has mede will take a few presidents to straighten out, be they republican or democrat.
Did I read this correctly; Dixie voted straight Republican as a protest vote. He says he wasn't the only one doing it either. I guess the solid south has finally arisen as the solid south once again. Yes, let the religious nuts vote their conscience once again. I wonder if Dixie remembers that the slave holders used the Bible to defend their right to buy and keep slaves. Another True Believer comes home.

I wish Dixie and his type would just step out of America.

Well, but you see, my dear man... this isn't going to happen. In America, you have to put up with a lot of differing viewpoints, even the ones you disagree with. It has been this way a long time, and it will continue to be this way, and it's best to try and learn tolerance, rather than adopting attitudes of intolerance, such as this.

If I had cast judgement on you and determined your "type", I still wouldn't wish you to be gone from America. I might lock a few of your "type" up for treason at Gitmo, but this would only be, in order to teach your "type" the difference between reasonable dissent and treasonous acts. I'm a reasonable guy, I don't want you "gone from America" in any way.
I dont know... but I want Dixie on record, I am sick of him saying "I knew it" after the face!
Well, but you see, my dear man... this isn't going to happen. In America, you have to put up with a lot of differing viewpoints, even the ones you disagree with. It has been this way a long time, and it will continue to be this way, and it's best to try and learn tolerance, rather than adopting attitudes of intolerance, such as this.

Tell me BILLO, do you see ceaseless name-calling as a symbol of your "tolerance " or does it represent something else entirely?????

If I had cast judgement on you and determined your "type", I still wouldn't wish you to be gone from America. I might lock a few of your "type" up for treason at Gitmo, but this would only be, in order to teach your "type" the difference between reasonable dissent and treasonous acts. I'm a reasonable guy, I don't want you "gone from America" in any way.

What kind of wierd definition do you feel is contained in the words "gone from America," BILLO? As if Gitmo isn't gone from America? The reason they established the detention center was because it was not on American soil and not subject to American laws or Constitutional constraints. In my book that is effectively "gone from America". So what is your definition of "gone from America"???
As if anyone gave a shit how he voted. As if the content of this thread came as a surprise to ANYONE!


Well, when you are as smart as BILLO, you just can't believe that people aren't watching your every move and hanging on your every thought and deed. He's something alright, I am preparing a full response to the BS in this original post but I though I would keep him holding on for a while. But I couldn't stop laughing about his idea of voting straight Republican as a protest vote. He's about as out of it as anyone I have ever seen. He must be on oxycontin or FOXSPEWS. I don't know which???