Dixie’s War: Unimaginable horror - Bagdad Market Vaporized; Hundreds dead and wounde

oh...you have a voice.., and after 2008, you will continue to have a voice...

Absolutely, and we will not be "in the corner" at all. I would say, with a 60% Conservative nation, you will have to put up with our voice for quite some time to come. I don't care how many predictions you want to make about 2008, you are fully entitled to make predictions, and we'll just have to wait and see how things shake out... the main point was, there are TWO sides... not just your own... people don't ALL agree with YOU!
the 60% figure is one borne of your pathetic imagination....but feel free to hold onto that thought.

And I will make predictions about 2008.... and if you care to wager on the 2008 election, I would be glad to make a wager with you about the outcome...oh...but wait...I forgot for a moment...you welch on your bets so I realize that your honor regarding wagers is not worth shit, so we'll just have to be satisfied in rubbing your nose in it because wagering you for money about election results is a sure fire way to watch your winnings melt away in dishonor.

And Dixie...I realise that people don't ALL agree with me, nor do they have to. As long as there is a democratic congress and a democratic president, the fact that you have ALMOST as many votes in congress as we do is not really all that significant, when it comes to us ramming our legislative agenda down your throat.

damn! don't you wish you would have nominated McCain in '00 instead of the chimp? ah, but hindsight is 20/20....and you have that homo-erotic thing for Dubya in bluejeans....
and it will have cost us tens of thousands of dead and wounded Americans, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, and an entire world less safe and less secure. GO SIT IN THE CORNER FOR A LONG, WELL DESERVED TIMEOUT.
If they are successful gaining democracy I suspect it will look more like Libya...
the 60% figure is one borne of your pathetic imagination....but feel free to hold onto that thought.

It's actually borne of Pugh and Heritage Foundation studies which concluded 60% of Americans identify with conservative values. It's why your candidates have to "run to the middle" to get elected in this country... it's why your beloved Liberal Icon Hillary, has to sound so conservative, instead of her usual liberal self. It's also why we've never had a liberal president, and liberals have to essentially LIE about what they are, to get elected.

Yeah, I think I'll hold onto that thought for a while, or at least until something proves it wrong.
It is time to start Praying...Whether it is to God, or to your god, or for the spirit of good worldwide to help the Iraqi people.... to end the enmity between the two sects, they need to forgive eachother for past wrongs.....pray for peace, mentallly will peace....

pretty please!

the 60% figure is one borne of your pathetic imagination....but feel free to hold onto that thought.

It's actually borne of Pugh and Heritage Foundation studies which concluded 60% of Americans identify with conservative values. It's why your candidates have to "run to the middle" to get elected in this country... it's why your beloved Liberal Icon Hillary, has to sound so conservative, instead of her usual liberal self. It's also why we've never had a liberal president, and liberals have to essentially LIE about what they are, to get elected.

Yeah, I think I'll hold onto that thought for a while, or at least until something proves it wrong.

lots of people identify with conservative values.... I myself identity with many.... The fact is, America is sick of the republican party's version of "conservative values", and America is sick of your stupid neocon PNAC dreams for Iraq and even more sick of your inept and bullheaded and counterproductive implementation of that dream. You need to rethink what conservatism is and tap back into it if you ever want those people who DO identify with conservative values ever identify with the republican party again....that's not to say that hacks like you will not continue to support your party regardless of how far it has strayed from conservatism...there will always be a core group of unethical assholes who care about their own twisted agenda...but if you want to be the majority party again and not slowly sink into irrelevancy, you will need to do some changing....but, by all means, take your time.