Django Unchained

saw it yesterday. It was fucking awesome. I am not a tarantino fanboy. I thought inglorious basterds was decent but very overrated... kill bill was decent but not a masterpiece. Never saw jackie brown so no comment. I do love pulp fiction though. Reservoir dogs also good.

Personally, I think this is my second favorite of his after pulp fiction.

Acting was good, dialogue was great, the pacing of the film was very solid. There is also some good humor in the film as well. It just has a lot of breadth.

And most importantly, Tarantino does what he does best, which is pulling you in so you can really get behind certain characters and really root for them. It's just a very satisfying movie overall.
I have enjoyed all of Tarintino's movies. It's really kind of a sad statement of how movies have become mass pablum that his movies are the best contemporary movies made by major studios when it comes to dialogue. Though I do agree with you Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are his best two movies.
From everything that I've heard you want to avoid punishing yourself with Red Dawn.
Shoot I thought the original was hokey has hell though it was good dumb WWF kind of fun. From that sort of context I thought it was a good movie.

I'd like to see a war movie made about Verdun or The Somme which shows in graphic detail the horrors of those two battles. A friend of mine visied the Verdun national park in France. He sent me back photo of the ossiary there. It was blood chilling (our should I say bone chilling?) to say the least.
I am going to see Django on sunday, so I'll post what I think of it after.

I thought The Hobbit was VERY well done. Yeah, it will be multiple movies for one book, but there is enough to make it work. What changes there were didn't bother me. The new villian is well done. The dwarves are excellent. They guy who plays Bilbo nailed it.

All in all, Jackson is God.
I saw it last night. It was very entertaining. The first half was terrific. The second half was only okay and could have been improved by cutting certain parts. Also, some of the plot development could have been better but I don't want to include any spoilers by going into detail.

The actor that plays King Shultz nearly steals the show. Jackson is very good too, though his part is small. Jamie Foxx is alright and DiCaprio is about what you expect.

How it compares to his other movies, I will wait until it sinks in a bit, but at first blush I would agree with Grind that it's up there with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

On other movies...

I really liked Cloud Atlas. Hanks' roles are pretty key. The editing and the way they brought it all together was great. Some of the makeup was a little overly ambitious and just comes off as a little gimicky.

Life of Pi was interesting but the message is really juvenile. It was fun to watch and the young man playing the lead was great. I am not so sure it proves 3d useful for anything but special effects intense movies, though. I don't think it was really necessary to the storytelling or added much.
the one thing I will say about cloud atlas though is it doesn't build to one single spot in the narrative, it's more about building to a certain message. That's the best way I can describe it, but once you know this you can enjoy the film more.
That's Christoph Waltz back again. He pretty much always steals the show, like he did in Inglourious Basterds (if you haven't seen it, it's the reason why he's suddenly popping up all over the place).

I noticed that Tarantino had brought him back for this movie, so I will probably like it...
That's Christoph Waltz back again. He pretty much always steals the show, like he did in Inglourious Basterds (if you haven't seen it, it's the reason why he's suddenly popping up all over the place).

I noticed that Tarantino had brought him back for this movie, so I will probably like it...

yes, waltz rocks it in django. his character is the best in the movie by far.