Do any of you have plans to celebrate Halloween?

I will buy a bunch of Reese's and Snickers for the chilluns, and when nobody comes, I will eat them all!
At least 11 years running doing that. Zero Trick-or-Treaters.
They all go to the subdivisions.
I will buy a bunch of Reese's and Snickers for the chilluns, and when nobody comes, I will eat them all!
At least 11 years running doing that. Zero Trick-or-Treaters.
They all go to the subdivisions.

lol.......... That is one of the two major strategies, buy the ones you don't like & won't eat, or just buy the ones you like...:)

Reese's if prob the closest you can get to perfection in a confection.. Heath bar is pretty good as well....
we're going to give candy to the children of Republicans and face masks to the children of demmycrats.....I expect we will start a whole new generation of Trump supporters.....
They need to put a warning on that foam contraception crap. When I woke up I looked like a mad dog.

I was thinking about asking them who their parents support and then directing them to either the Trump line or the much shorter Biden line.....

I like the way you think. I can have someone from the West Michigan Chaos 2020 team contact you, if you'd like. PM me for details.