Do artists have to be moral? New generation is bashing Picasso.

You would be the only person who knows of his artwork.

After WW1 there were many disgruntled people in England and a group of them got together and decided to form a political party to make changes.

One of these people was Henry Ford. After many failed attempts to break into the political system they decided to try a different country so they went to Munich.

Most of their little party thought it was stupid so simply stayed leaving only about 35 members to make the trip.

This was 1919 but Henry Ford didn’t accompany them because he was in poor health.

They arrived and began recruiting new members and formed the party that Hitler would join a few years later as their 55th member I believe.

The party was officially formed in 1920 which is the same year Ford died
After WW1 there were many disgruntled people in England and a group of them got together and decided to form a political party to make changes.

One of these people was Henry Ford. After many failed attempts to break into the political system they decided to try a different country so they went to Munich.

Most of their little party thought it was stupid so simply stayed leaving only about 35 members to make the trip.

This was 1919 but Henry Ford didn’t accompany them because he was in poor health.

They arrived and began recruiting new members and formed the party that Hitler would join a few years later as their 55th member I believe.

The party was officially formed in 1920 which is the same year Ford died

Do you have even a shred of evidence to back any of that up? Any evidence whatsoever?
You would be the only person who knows of his artwork.

Do you have even a shred of evidence to back any of that up? Any evidence whatsoever?

It is my original research.

Once I can get more verification I would like to publish it however there is very little record of this.

I have gone through Fords journal entries and so far this is what my research points to.

This is why I asked if anyone had any information about Ford being a Nazi.

But yes, the original party formed in Munich on February 20, 1920 was comprised of mostly British nationals.

Obviously that didn’t last very long but that is the origin story I’ve been able to trace so far.