Do As I Say......ii


Junior Member
Libs always prepared to spend the poor peoples money but not their own.

>Bono, Tax Avoider

>A familiar paradox about leftist celebrities in the entertainment industry is that their embrace of progressivism almost never includes a wholehearted embrace of progressive taxation, i.e., the principle that the richer you get, the larger the percentage of your income you ought to pay in taxes. The latest example is U2's Bono, a committed and unusually sophisticated anti-poverty crusader who is taking surprisingly little heat for the decision by his band, U2, to relocate its music-publishing business from Ireland to the Netherlands in order to shelter its songwriting royalties from taxation.

>Bono, the rock star and campaigner against Third World debt, is asking the Irish government to contribute more to Africa. At the same time, he's reducing tax payments that could help fund that aid.
lol. Nobody has ever said that the left is free of hypocrisy, well some have but they are lying. It's okay to tax everybody higher, just not me! Now go and fix the problems of Africa!
Hollywood has some of the biggest advocates for National Health Care.... somehow I cant picture Barbra Streisand, Rosie Odonnell and Banger Sister Susan Sarandon happily waiting in line for Health Care. I really believe they feel they will be exempt from the system...or already have it planned out what Country they will fly to get immediate attention.
Hollywood has some of the biggest advocates for National Health Care.... somehow I cant picture Barbra Streisand, Rosie Odonnell and Banger Sister Susan Sarandon happily waiting in line for Health Care. I really believe they feel they will be exempt from the system...or already have it planned out what Country they will fly to get immediate attention.

providing a floor of minimum health care for all Americans does not mean that wealthy americans will not be able to pay for more expensive treatment, nor should it.

Public transportation is affordable for all of us...that doesn't mean that there is not a market for luxury cars.
I still think that healthcare would be better served making it regional rather than entirely National...
Ever been to a VA hospital. If you have something wrong they schedule you for whatever treatment you need. It can take months. If you just go in becuse something is bothering you or your coming down with something you can spend all day in the waiting room just to be seen. If its serious you can expect to be scheduled to come back in a couple of weeks. This is what a national health care system would provide us.

we need a national insurance system rather than a national health care system.
The inefficiency of the VA system speaks more to our nation's callous disregard for veterans once they have served and are no longer in uniform than it does to what a national healthcare system would look like.

and again.... the rantings of those on this thread who say that Barbara Streisand wouldn't use national healthcare are strawmen.... Barbara Striesand wouldn't take the subway either....
The inefficiency of the VA system speaks more to our nation's callous disregard for veterans once they have served and are no longer in uniform than it does to what a national healthcare system would look like.

and again.... the rantings of those on this thread who say that Barbara Streisand wouldn't use national healthcare are strawmen.... Barbara Striesand wouldn't take the subway either....
If she had Hillary's program she'd have to use it or go to jail. There were about 11 ways to go to jail for using a doctor not in your plan.
yeah...and that's the ONLY plan out there for dealing with the healthcare crisis....Hillary's plan from 14 years ago.

Let's not talk about the problem, let's just crank up the campaign rhetoric for '08.

yeah...and that's the ONLY plan out there for dealing with the healthcare crisis....Hillary's plan from 14 years ago.

Let's not talk about the problem, let's just crank up the campaign rhetoric for '08.

***Strawman Alert!***

Point to where I said this was "the only plan"! In fact, I gave a different idea in this very thread. This is disingenuous dismissive garbage and I expect a bit better from you.

It is important that the "frontrunner" proposed such a plan.
why talk about a fourteen year old plan at all? Why even bring it up?

Julius Caesar's health care plan only worked if you were a senator...
Ever been to a VA hospital. If you have something wrong they schedule you for whatever treatment you need. It can take months. If you just go in becuse something is bothering you or your coming down with something you can spend all day in the waiting room just to be seen. If its serious you can expect to be scheduled to come back in a couple of weeks. This is what a national health care system would provide us.

we need a national insurance system rather than a national health care system.

yeah and after 6 yesra of MR I support the troops Bush, why is it that way ?
Julius Ceasar isn't running for President.

it's still 14 years old... is the issue the '08 elections or is it what do do with the fact that millions of Americans have NO health insurance.

I think your answer to that question is pretty obvious.

I certainly expected more from you, that's for sure.
it's an indicator of how she THOUGHT. Shall we go back and see how folks like Trent Lott THOUGHT about issues of segregation and race?
it's still 14 years old... is the issue the '08 elections or is it what do do with the fact that millions of Americans have NO health insurance.

I think your answer to that question is pretty obvious.

I certainly expected more from you, that's for sure.
I think you didn't bother to read the posts that I said were above that gave a different idea. So, I guess we know what yours is. If it's a D you protect it, not matter what... If it is an R you attack it regardless of truth. As I said, I expect better of you. Instead all I get is inane, "Well, we see what you want!"

Yeah you do. Regional Single Payer systems as I inferred earlier. Yet you still insist I have given nothing. I think you are simply being totally disingenuous currently.

Pretending that this plan of hers shouldn't ever be talked of again or has no bearing whatsoever on her political future is serious wishful thinking. What she has proposed is most certainly something that counts towards her own political future. This isn't like she protested something, this is actual law that she wrote.