Do As I Say......ii

If she had Hillary's program she'd have to use it or go to jail. There were about 11 ways to go to jail for using a doctor not in your plan.

my comments related to THIS post, not your more rational comments regarding regional versus national systems..... if you'd care to retract this, I would love to talk about regional versus national systems, which I think make some sense, but the funding needs to be there and that will be, I think, national.
my comments related to THIS post, not your more rational comments regarding regional versus national systems..... if you'd care to retract this, I would love to talk about regional versus national systems, which I think make some sense, but the funding needs to be there and that will be, I think, national.
Retract the truth? Her plan had about 11 ways to go to jail if you went to a doctor that wasn't on your plan.

However that is simply relating facts.

I am not going to "retract" this. Any more than I'll ask you to retract inanities about what "I want". I'll let your psychophantic rants speak for themselves.
Your comments have little to do with the point of the thread and have much to do with the fact that I spoke poorly of a Democrat. It doesn't matter if my ideas are different and have merit only that you must protect your precious D no matter how foolish their plan was! You assign an opinion to me based on the fact that I think Clinton's plan was terrible rather than actually listen to my posts.

I think her plan will bite her ass if and when she runs for President. I think it will be a D who brings it up. That's how Primaries are.
it's an indicator of how she THOUGHT. Shall we go back and see how folks like Trent Lott THOUGHT about issues of segregation and race?

I don't absolve Byrd, Lott, Thurmond, or any of those guys from that crap. You seem to absolve Byrd, but I don't and I don't absolve Hillary either. You sure don't seem to absolve anyone with a different ideology than you no matter how far in the past their shit was. So don't be blowing smoke around me pal. Pane of glass.