APP - Do biological viruses actually exist?

The main issue is that you simply refuse to believe any evidence that shows that viruses exist.

Explain how Covid tests work if there is no such thing as a virus.
The test looks for specific genetic markers or proteins found on the virus. How can this genetic material be found if the virus doesn't exist? If the genetic material is just random genetic material already found in humans then how can negative tests occur? You have no answer. You only have denial.

Cherry picking a few things and ignoring all the other evidence doesn't prove that viruses don't exist.

Thanks for taking this on. I'm done with it myself. Like I said in the other thread, if someone doesn't believe that the Eiffel Tower exists, showing him 1,000 photos of it will just result in "Those are faked. There's no such thing." So your choices then become Walk away from the whole nutty thing, take him to Paris and SHOW him the Eiffel Tower, or if it's Scott, take him to a lab, show him an influenza virus under an electron microscope, and then infect him with one and see what happens. :rofl2:
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Thanks for taking this on. I'm done with it myself. Like I said in the other thread, if someone doesn't believe that the Eiffel Tower exists, showing him 1,000 photos of it will just result in "Those are faked. There's no such thing." So your choices then become Walk away from the whole nutty thing, take him to Paris and SHOW him the Eiffel Tower, or if it's Scott, take him to a lab, show him an influenza virus under an electron microscope, and then infect him with one and see what happens. :rofl2:
Or, give him some leaches and tell him that his illness is from "bad blood" and that he needs to suck that crap out.
Or, give him some leaches and tell him that his illness is from "bad blood" and that he needs to suck that crap out.


I know, right? Why is he so invested in trying to convince ppl that viruses don't exist? What's in it for him? If he can find just one actual human here who believes him, does that validate his delusions? Where's @Dutch Uncle when we need expert personality analysis? lol

I know, right? Why is he so invested in trying to convince ppl that viruses don't exist? What's in it for him? If he can find just one actual human here who believes him, does that validate his delusions? Where's @Dutch Uncle when we need expert personality analysis? lol
I wonder myself. What does he think causes Ebola? I get that illness can be caused by bacteria and viruses. But pretending that viruses do not exist while they have caused pandemics that have killed millions is literally like the "Flat Earth Theory", it is based in "feels", ignores direct evidence, and makes most people laugh at you.

I know, right? Why is he so invested in trying to convince ppl that viruses don't exist? What's in it for him? If he can find just one actual human here who believes him, does that validate his delusions? Where's @Dutch Uncle when we need expert personality analysis? lol
Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey are a pair of wackadoodles....even though Dr. Sam is a very hot New Zealander. As her bio points out, her wackadoodle theories about COVID and her refusal to be vaccinated resulted in her being fired from her medical jobs. She then wrote a conspiracy theorist book that "medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense."

IMO, Scott has swallowed the Bailey's conspiracy theories hook, line and sinker.

Dr. Sam Bailey completed her medical training at the University of Otago, gaining a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB). As a resident doctor she worked in all areas of medicine, with a particular focus on Emergency Medicine and Cardiology....

...She subsequently became a television presenter for “The CheckUp” – a nationwide New Zealand health show that debunks common health misconceptions. This inspired Sam to start her own YouTube channel in late 2019, questioning the scientific evidence of mainstream health narratives and answering questions from her viewers....

...In early 2020, with the arrival of Covid-19, Sam began researching the scientific evidence behind lockdowns, social distancing and PCR tests. After releasing a YouTube video in September 2020, where she stated she would not take a coronavirus vaccine, she was sacked halfway through filming a second series of “The CheckUp”. Subsequently, she lost some of her employment as a medical doctor and has had ongoing legal battles with the New Zealand medical authorities who are attempting to silence her views on Covid-19.

Sam is a co-author of the number 1 best seller in Amazon Microbiology Science: ‘Virus Mania’ which examines how the medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense.
I wonder myself. What does he think causes Ebola? I get that illness can be caused by bacteria and viruses. But pretending that viruses do not exist while they have caused pandemics that have killed millions is literally like the "Flat Earth Theory", it is based in "feels", ignores direct evidence, and makes most people laugh at you.
Most conspiracy theorists will fall back on something like "Ebola is just another example of how the medical industry invents epidemics" without explaining how such a conspiracy could exist without the global medical community revealing it.
I wonder myself. What does he think causes Ebola? I get that illness can be caused by bacteria and viruses. But pretending that viruses do not exist while they have caused pandemics that have killed millions is literally like the "Flat Earth Theory", it is based in "feels", ignores direct evidence, and makes most people laugh at you.

True. It also makes ppl question your credibility on everything else. Intelligent, curious ppl question "authority" including scientific authority, and want solid evidence for what's being told to us. That's a lot different than coming across some crackpot's article or YT video, deciding it's true w/o further investigation, and then searching for collaboration from other crackpots.
Most conspiracy theorists will fall back on something like "Ebola is just another example of how the medical industry invents epidemics" without explaining how such a conspiracy could exist without the global medical community revealing it.

If you ever watch NBC NIghtly News, or any of the other MSM news broadcasts -- including Faux -- you'll notice that much of their advertising involves disease/medicine. There is a HUGE profit thing going on with the pharmaceutical industry and has for a long time. They scare ppl with whatever the latest illness or condition is going on, then offer vaccines or treatments with new brand name (i.e. expensive) drugs with hefty price tags. RSV is one example; so are the shingles vaccines. So you can see why some ppl become suspicious. Few of us, though, decide that viruses or cancer or AMD or diabetes are not real.
If you ever watch NBC NIghtly News, or any of the other MSM news broadcasts -- including Faux -- you'll notice that much of their advertising involves disease/medicine. There is a HUGE profit thing going on with the pharmaceutical industry and has for a long time. They scare ppl with whatever the latest illness or condition is going on, then offer vaccines or treatments with new brand name (i.e. expensive) drugs with hefty price tags. RSV is one example; so are the shingles vaccines. So you can see why some ppl become suspicious. Few of us, though, decide that viruses or cancer or AMD or diabetes are not real.

I will say that a shot you have to get each year is not a "vaccine" by any measure that I think of vaccines... I think actual vaccines give you immunity, a yearly shot gives you a hope to not get a disease as "severely" that is a treatment, not a vaccine.
True. It also makes ppl question your credibility on everything else. Intelligent, curious ppl question "authority" including scientific authority, and want solid evidence for what's being told to us. That's a lot different than coming across some crackpot's article or YT video, deciding it's true w/o further investigation, and then searching for collaboration from other crackpots.
Conspiracy theorists have long been a favorite interest of mine. The Internet is a gold mine of conspiracy theorists.

As you mentioned, it's normal to question authority. Young people begin questioning authority when they realize their parents lied to them about Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. Most people grow up and learn to seek facts over unsubstantiated opinions. Conspiracy theorists not so much. There's something in their brains that causes them to both live in fear of a chaotic world and finding solace in conspiracy theories.

A lot of JPP members grew up with Vietnam and Richard Nixon causing many of us to distrust our own government. Again, most people outgrew this and many moved into politics to correct these problems such as Sunshine Laws. Problems remain, but education, rationality and intelligence aid most Americans in accepting that life isn't perfect so all we can do is the best we can.
I will say that a shot you have to get each year is not a "vaccine" by any measure that I think of vaccines... I think actual vaccines give you immunity, a yearly shot gives you a hope to not get a disease as "severely" that is a treatment, not a vaccine.

Not a doctor, but I look at vaccinations as akin to a bullet proof vest: It offers protection depending upon the type, but it's not perfect.

In the case of vaccinations, it depends upon the type of disease being vaccinated against that determines its level of protection and the duration of that protection.

Not a doctor, but I look at vaccinations as akin to a bullet proof vest: It offers protection depending upon the type, but it's not perfect.

In the case of vaccinations, it depends upon the type of disease being vaccinated against that determines its level of protection and the duration of that protection.

I just like to differentiate against guesswork treatments with various effectiveness and actual vaccines which have actually eliminated a disease (see Small Pox).

At least in my mind there is a difference.

I also do not like calling a "compulsion" a disease, or everything an "addiction"...
What does he think causes Ebola?

I think we could agree that if governments believe that a set of symptoms is caused by a given thing, funding for research into alternative causes dries up. This was certainly the case when it came to polio:

Mike Stone also wrote some good articles on Ebola specifically, such as this one back in 2022:

Quoting from the conclusion of his article:
It should be fairly obvious now that the Ebola “virus” is a prime candidate to be the next breakout star. As with “SARS-COV-2,” we have a “virus” that was never properly purified nor isolated directly from the fluids of sick patients nor proven pathogenic in a natural way. We have a disease with associated symptoms which overlap with numerous other diseases and conditions making clinical diagnosis impossible. We have inaccurate PCR tests elevated to the “gold standard” in order to be used to generate cases to instill panic and fear as well as to confirm its own “accuracy.” We have a push to create less “accurate” rapid tests to generate even more cases as quickly as possible in order to diagnose those without disease as quickly as possible. We have experimental vaccines that have supposedly been in development behind the scenes ready for the limelight. We have tests and treatments that have never met the “high standards” of the FDA and WHO approval processes and are currently only authorized for use by an extended Emergency Use Authorization that remains in place indefinitely. We have all of the ingredients necessary for the direct sequel to the Testing Pandemic. Hopefully this is the sequel that no one shows up to see.

For a complete breakdown of the Ebola scam, please see these recent articles I did on

Dr. Mark Bailey just released an excellent article describing the fraudulent practices used to produce “cases.” please check it out and support his and Dr. Sam Bailey's amazing work:
If you ever watch NBC NIghtly News, or any of the other MSM news broadcasts -- including Faux -- you'll notice that much of their advertising involves disease/medicine. There is a HUGE profit thing going on with the pharmaceutical industry and has for a long time. They scare ppl with whatever the latest illness or condition is going on, then offer vaccines or treatments with new brand name (i.e. expensive) drugs with hefty price tags. RSV is one example; so are the shingles vaccines. So you can see why some ppl become suspicious. Few of us, though, decide that viruses or cancer or AMD or diabetes are not real.

I've never suggested that cancer or diabetes isn't real. Not sure what AMD is- Age-related Macular Degeneration is what I found as a possibilty online. I've never said that isn't real either. I agree with you that big pharma rakes in a lot of profits. We might even agree that there is a fair amount of corruption there.
I will say that a shot you have to get each year is not a "vaccine" by any measure that I think of vaccines... I think actual vaccines give you immunity, a yearly shot gives you a hope to not get a disease as "severely" that is a treatment, not a vaccine.

Medically boosters and one-time immunizations are considered vaccines. You have children; you're aware that kids get the initial immunizations as infants and then require boosters as they age. Immunity to most things wanes over time, esp. when you're older than 70. I read recently that if smallpox ever makes a comeback, people under age 50 have no immunity. We older folks have some left from our childhood "scratch," but we likely would still be susceptible in an outbreak.

The pandemic made me wonder about that. Say Russia or China has a secret stockpile of smallbox virus and weaponizes it. As it begins to spread across the world, and the U.S. govt. institutes mass immunizations like they did with polio in the 1950s, do you think a large number of Americans would refuse to get it?
I've never suggested that cancer or diabetes isn't real. Not sure what AMD is- Age-related Macular Degeneration is what I found as a possibilty online. I've never said that isn't real either. I agree with you that big pharma rakes in a lot of profits. We might even agree that there is a fair amount of corruption there.

And I never claimed you said that, did I? I was using these conditions to point out that they are featured in heavily-advertised treatments by pharm companies on TV programming typically viewed by older people like myself.

Yes, AMD is Age-related Macular Degeneration. I have it, so does my sister. We constantly see ads for eye injections that purport to keep it from getting worse. There is no treatment currently to reverse it but with stem cell and CRISPR technology we're hopeful.
I've never suggested that cancer or diabetes isn't real. Not sure what AMD is- Age-related Macular Degeneration is what I found as a possibilty online. I've never said that isn't real either.

And I never claimed you said that, did I?

True, I just wanted to make it clear to readers who might not read every post here that I never said those things.

I was using these conditions to point out that they are featured in heavily-advertised treatments by pharm companies on TV programming typically viewed by older people like myself.

Yes, AMD is Age-related Macular Degeneration. I have it, so does my sister. We constantly see ads for eye injections that purport to keep it from getting worse. There is no treatment currently to reverse it but with stem cell and CRISPR technology we're hopeful.

I might have AMD myself, not completely sure. What I do know is that when I was younger, I didn't need glasses to see small writing and now I do. I've heard of many potential cures for my condition, but so far there hasn't been one that I decided I should invest money in.
True, I just wanted to make it clear to readers who might not read every post here that I never said those things.

I might have AMD myself, not completely sure. What I do know is that when I was younger, I didn't need glasses to see small writing and now I do. I've heard of many potential cures for my condition, but so far there hasn't been one that I decided I should invest money in.

Wet typically need glasses for close up work and reading once we hit 50 or so. AMD cannot be corrected with glasses. It's caused by a deterioration of the macula, the central part of your retina. Drusen, bits of cellular debris, stack up in/around it causing fading loss of central vision. I can no longer see stars directly; only out of my peripheral vision. In fact, that's how I noticed it and mentioned it to my physician, who sent me to a specialist. I don't drive any more because my central vision is fuzzy. Facial expressions are difficult to read exc. outdoors in bright light.

If you are having vision issues please go see an optomitrist first, and if she/he recommends an ophthalmologist, do so. Your vision is too precious to take chances with. Odds are good that you just need a $5 pair of reading glasses. Good luck.
Agreed. The problem in your argument is that you haven't shown any evidence that Mike Stone has denied science.
You haven't shown any evidence that he hasn't denied science. (See how that works. Making a statement and providing no actual support works just fine or it doesn't.) You still haven't addressed where Stone is basing an argument solely on lack of evidence. That would be science denial on his part.
I'm not sure how you're defining science, but I will say that he's contributed greatly to the knowledge that virology is pseudoscientific.
Still waiting for you to defend his lack of evidence as being science.

For simple argument's sake let's define science the same way Albert Einstein is quoted by Mike Stone.
“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

Where is the experiment conducted by Mike Stone to prove Pasteur wrong? All Stone has is a period of time where he claims Pasteur wrote nothing about hens and then uses that as his basis for claiming Pasteur lied. I notice you still haven't read Stone's screed since you still can't see the obvious thing I am referencing. Not finding a reference in a documents donated over 100 years after Pasteur died isn't evidence of what Pasteur didn't do. It is only evidence of what is or isn't in the documents donated. Stone's argument that Pasteur lied is based on nothing but an unscientific assumption.