you think that because you're a retard.
You thought that proved the opposite? No. you proved the post is right.
you think that because you're a retard.
You thought that proved the opposite? No. you proved the post is right.
It doesn't seem like it. Right-wing fantasy is what they seem to adore.
that is the only thing they refuse to abandon
Everything else they slobbered about all my life they bailed on the second they got something out of it
RACISM is the only belief they stick to like white on rice
the constitution isn't a fantasy, dillhole.
you're a cretin.
You are all RACISTS
You shit heads bail on everything else the second you can gain from a abandoning any other issue
No we're not.
only dems believe in racial discrimination as a tool of justice in the form of affirmative action.
what do libs care about now, besides power at any cost?
Where in the 'plain text' does it explicitly prevent it?
Do conservatives believe in anything?
This is an example of the legal hair splitting that the OP complained about.
Then why have a Supreme Court if the meaning of the Const. is obvious and self evident?
So no taxes?
Power of the people
You want only racists white men to have power
No idea what you're talking about. Now talk about Hillary....
No idea what you're talking about.