Do most view Politics as Sports teams!?


New member
The blind allegiance from both sides to root for politicians is inherently illogical & sub Human.

If you just boost your base, how can you dare claim to truly care about the political conditions of America!?
The blind allegiance from both sides to root for politicians is inherently illogical & sub Human.

If you just boost your base, how can you dare claim to truly care about the political conditions of America!?

psychopathic control freaks try to keep people siloed and separated into groups for easier control.

that's why crt is trying to resegregate the country and revive racism, to keep us distracted and fighting each other.
The blind allegiance from both sides to root for politicians is inherently illogical & sub Human.

If you just boost your base, how can you dare claim to truly care about the political conditions of America!?

The Repubs are at base, the party of the top 1 percent. They are fighting regulation, environmental laws and policing. I have no way to look past who they are. How can you vote and back the reds if you care about the people?
The Repubs are at base, the party of the top 1 percent. They are fighting regulation, environmental laws and policing. I have no way to look past who they are. How can you vote and back the reds if you care about the people?

Would you consider 'Immigration' something that helps the 'Rich' and hurts the 'Poor'?
Or would you consider it a 'Blue Team/Red Team' issue?
The Repubs are at base, the party of the top 1 percent. They are fighting regulation, environmental laws and policing. I have no way to look past who they are. How can you vote and back the reds if you care about the people?

Would say Zuckerberg and Gates and Soros are in the "1%"? Are you suggesting they are all Republicans? You just spew whatever they tell you don't you?
The blind allegiance from both sides to root for politicians is inherently illogical & sub Human.

If you just boost your base, how can you dare claim to truly care about the political conditions of America!?

Read post #4 it will tell you whatever you want to know about "team" politics.

Let me ask you this how do the supposed racist republicans respond to black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Clearance Thomas and Winsome Sears compared to how the supposed tolerant leftists react them?
Read post #4 it will tell you whatever you want to know about "team" politics.

Let me ask you this how do the supposed racist republicans respond to black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Clearance Thomas and Winsome Sears compared to how the supposed tolerant leftists react them?

A lot of people especially on forums like these, ignore bad or negative things their own do to lock onto cheering for their political faction.

Certainly not the whole picture, not particularly moral or logical...
I think, large due to talk radio and cable infotainment, more of a melodrama than sports analogy, in order to sell, those media need good guys and bad guys, and consequently, large segments of America view everything thru a us verses them perspective. Existing politicians aid that view by attempting to appeal to each group in order to get elected
I think, large due to talk radio and cable infotainment, more of a melodrama than sports analogy, in order to sell, those media need good guys and bad guys, and consequently, large segments of America view everything thru a us verses them perspective. Existing politicians aid that view by attempting to appeal to each group in order to get elected

How would a politician appeal to a member of the other party? If I'm a republican let's say and I want more strict border enforcement, how would I sell that to a democrat?
Lol, yes both Democrats & Republicans tend to be politically correct.

That doesn't answer the question. Democrats paint repubs as racist yet repubs have no problem accepting blacks and reject whites who don't agree with conservative principles. Democrats on the other hand paint themselves as tolerant yet if a black is conservative they call them a white supremacist in black face???? You can't see how retarded that is?
That doesn't answer the question. Democrats paint repubs as racist yet repubs have no problem accepting blacks and reject whites who don't agree with conservative principles. Democrats on the other hand paint themselves as tolerant yet if a black is conservative they call them a white supremacist in black face???? You can't see how retarded that is?

You're only proving the OP correct.
No argument from me.
How would a politician appeal to a member of the other party? If I'm a republican let's say and I want more strict border enforcement, how would I sell that to a democrat?

Do you think a Bush Republican has border enforcement at the top of their agenda? And all Democrats aren’t opposed to border enforcement, just the means in which it is enacted

But that is besides my point, the melodrama people have bought have driven many into entrenched camps, and social media adds to the dichotomy
You're only proving the OP correct.
No argument from me.

If I believe in conservative principles why wouldn't I surround myself with like minded people? I see no problem with Dems doing the same. It's asinine to suggest otherwise. That's not the problem. The problem is Dems don't actually believe anything they say. That's not a partisan thing to say it's a fact and I pointed it out to you.
If I believe in conservative principles why wouldn't I surround myself with like minded people? I see no problem with Dems doing the same. It's asinine to suggest otherwise. That's not the problem. The problem is Dems don't actually believe anything they say. That's not a partisan thing to say it's a fact and I pointed it out to you.

So, morality & achievement is dictated solely by political orientation!?
Do you think a Bush Republican has border enforcement at the top of their agenda? And all Democrats aren’t opposed to border enforcement, just the means in which it is enacted

But that is besides my point, the melodrama people have bought have driven many into entrenched camps, and social media adds to the dichotomy

First it was merely an example and never claimed it was at the tip of anyone's agenda. Second I never claimed all democrats are opposed to border enforcement. Third you didn't address my question and lastly your post is a perfect example of why talking to a democrat is nearly impossible.