Don't be an Fox News sheep. Tucker Carson is a pathological liar.
I don't get my info from any msm news source. Uncovering a conspiracy starts by following the money, it has nothing to do with who gets vaccinated. What we know for fact is the US funded the research lab and Bill Gates wants to monopolize the vaccine.

Why is the US paying to weaponize a virus? And why does a software engineer want to make a vaccine mandatory?
When the trumpkins keep the virus alive through variants, and we make it all the way to the letter 'T', I wonder if they'll call it the 'trump variant'?

You've been calling it the Trump virus ever since China turned it loose on the world by trying to cover it up.
(as a Disclaimer, yes, I have taken 2 shots of Moderna)

Was it tasty, Jack? We had Pfizer here.

Our neighbor to the immediate north is the Live Free or Die state, but even most of those hicks are vaccinated.
New Hampshire is one thing, but Middle America is quite another.
You're a nice guy, Jack, but you need to catch up on how viruses work and what they look like at a cellular level. MSNBC is not your friend.

Goat. You are one of the Intellectual Giants here at JPP and one of the de facto Leaders of Red Team. I hope, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, that the other Trumptopians will Listen to your Wisdom and NOT be suckered in to taking this Fake Vaccine, this Fraud upon the Public, this Trickery hatched by the Deep State.

Was it tasty, Jack? We had Pfizer here.

Our neighbor to the immediate north is the Live Free or Die state, but even most of those hicks are vaccinated.
New Hampshire is one thing, but Middle America is quite another.
We north eastern types tend to be a bit more intelligent than middle America
If Biden really wanted to get the MAGA militia to do the smart thing and get vaccinated he ought to come out and emphasize not to get vaccinated, tell them the vaccines aren't effective, that they should honor their "freedom" and stay unvaccinated. The numbers would skyrocket overnight

I doubt that. Though I do think that once the vaccine is FDA approved you will see an increase in the number of vaccinations.
Goat. You are one of the Intellectual Giants here at JPP and one of the de facto Leaders of Red Team. I hope, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, that the other Trumptopians will Listen to your Wisdom and NOT be suckered in to taking this Fake Vaccine, this Fraud upon the Public, this Trickery hatched by the Deep State.
It's common sense that we can't vaccinate 7 billion people, Jack. The US government conspired to make a bioweapon that resulted in Covid-19. The facts are out there for all to see. Government knows they can get away with it because they feed the sheep the narrative on propaganda TV.
(as a Disclaimer, yes, I have taken 2 shots of Moderna)

Trump voter here. I have taken two doses of Phizer. If I can keep from walking out in front of a car or something like that hopefully you’ll have to deal with me next election. (I do pray the right gives me someone to vote for besides Trump though :rolleyes:)
It's common sense that we can't vaccinate 7 billion people, Jack. The US government conspired to make a bioweapon that resulted in Covid-19. The facts are out there for all to see. Government knows they can get away with it because they feed the sheep the narrative on propaganda TV.

Thank God and Praise Be To Jesus that we have a few brave souls here on JPP that know the Truth ... and aren't afraid to expose it!

Trump voter here. I have taken two doses of Phizer. If I can keep from walking out in front of a car or something like that hopefully you’ll have to deal with me next election. (I do pray the right gives me someone to vote for besides Trump though :rolleyes:)

Trump has figured out that 'President' is too hard. (Maybe 'Goat' will run and you can vote for him?)
Thank God and Praise Be To Jesus that we have a few brave souls here on JPP that know the Truth ... and aren't afraid to expose it!
Wow. You're a nutter. This is an important topic but you think 600,000 dead is a joke.