No. What is dumb is when they constantly ram it down the throats of others, You know: Like the vegetarians and Vegans. Every bloody time they open their mouth they prefix their comments with.... "As a Vegetarian ... I always drive a Toyota". - "As a Vegan .... I like Football" - "I think the current tax rate is too high but as a Vegetarian I must say our tax system stinks"!!
Trannies and gender identity people never shut the fuff up about it. They want the rest of us to accede to their pursuance of RIGHTS all the way down to the absurd. Such as: Today I am a woman and yesterday I was a 6 ft 6 inch male bricklayer and I demand my right to use girls toilets and girls changing rooms at the swimming baths.
In UK we get it all the time - there is a massive disproportionate mix with TV / Radio presenters on all shows programmes of Gay presenters - OK the Gays are 1.oooo1 % of society but are probably 40% of media presenters. However, they are forever talking about their gayness. They never shut up. I dont mind - I cite the old adage... my best friends are Gay, in fact our two best friends ARE GAY, a same sex marriage couple ... but on TV /radio Gays presenters constalnty make reference to the sexual link.
For example: They see a Banana .. they just have to say .. "Oooooh thats a big one" or "Oooh that would be nice, if you know what I mean"?? or "Oooh dont bend over" !!! Why dont they just carry on being people withoit the constant directing of subjects and topics to their sexuality??
Our two Gay friends never, ever speak in such intonation in fact they tell us it is pathetic and not acceptable.
Akin to my point is Black Stand-up comedians. I have never, ever seen or heard a Black comedian do a performance without saying; :AS A BLACK GUY I >>>>" or "we of the black community are ......."??? I do get it when Black comedians point out observation politics and current topics such as .... Chris Rock who will say: "Hey black people if you dont want to end up in jail - DONT DEAL IN DRUGS you morons"!! He is being truthful. He is not owning victimhood. He is not perpetuating victimhood as done by that clown Oprah Winfrey to name but one.
WE have a guy in UK a very famous TV presenter who announced on TV (live) that he was Gay (came out of the closet) he had in fact been in a same sex secret relationship with a programme worker (male obviously) for 10 years. This man was portrayed as a HERO. The whole left wing media circus portrayed this man as a very brave hero. People cried on TV. His fellow show presenters hugged him and cried saying how wonderful he is. THE FACT HE WAS SHAGGING THIS BOY FOR 10 YERAS BEHINDS HIS WIFE'S BACK (his wife of 20 years with 2 children) WAS NOT CONSIDERED IMPORTANT. THE FACT HE WAS ACTUALLY FOUND OUT AND SO HE ANNOUNCED IT TO AVOID THE REVELATION - WAS NOT IMPORTANT TO THE lefty side. His wife and children were distraught. But this guy was a HERO a fine example to society. Much in the same way the lefties protray George ~Floyd.