Do They Really Think Democrats Are Dumb About Transgender People's Biological Sexes?

Do they actually think we don't know their biological sexes?

Course I've been drinking and waiting for my BBQ chickens and greens to be done cooked so I thought I'd start something to discuss.

Of course everybody knows the physical sexes. That is undisputable. That is biological.

What makes people dumb is thinking others don't know that.

what's dumb is saying gender is a social construct. why do people assert that unless they're dumb?
It's the same story. Fags, trannies, gays, lesbians, queers or anybody who is different is shunned by society. I know that you know who shuns them. And who shames us for accepting them.

Nothing new.

no. denying gender is on the road to denying reality itself, and human nature.

trans-lies are part of the illuminati program to gaslight the world.
Sexual orientation is a complex procedure rooted in hormones, neurology and chemistry. An honest person will admit people they knew as kids were a bit different. Does anyone remember the day they chose to be heterosexual? Of course not but they make an insane charge that people choose to be gay. It makes it easier for them to keep them pigeonholed. Life is not that simple.
Sexual orientation is a complex procedure rooted in hormones, neurology and chemistry. An honest person will admit people they knew as kids were a bit different. Does anyone remember the day they chose to be heterosexual? Of course not but they make an insane charge that people choose to be gay. It makes it easier for them to keep them pigeonholed. Life is not that simple.

so it's not ONLY a social construct? I think you're off message. fall back and regroup.
Swing and a miss, this is all about language and who controls it.

I couldn't find a giant 'You have to be fucking kidding me' eyeroll emoticon, so consider this to be that.

What a laughable concept. No one controls language. You have taken your pitiful victimization to new levels. Congrats.
Ok. As you pointed out people know that there are males and females yet some people refer to males as she or her. Why? If you know that Bruce Jenner is a man then why would you refer to him as she or her? Because you were told to, that's why. Referring to a man as she is the same thing as saying 2+2=5. Once you do that you are no longer in control of the words you use. If you can't control the words you use anymore than you are no threat to any one you disagree with IOW you are now ineffective on an intellectual battlefield.

well said.....we've seen the same thing with "marriage" and "life"......