Do We Need a Final Solution?

Kill Whitey?

  • Nein! Spread Ze Contagion!

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Here's what I think of your final solution...

So another week to pseudo Father's Day with SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists Christian Nation interpretation dictating a Washington, D.C. born Jewish American & retired WW II Pentagon Veteran as Islam for beyond the pleasure principle super ego satisfaction in suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming replete with cross conditioned way beyond therapy lynching enforcement as those 18th century Czar of Russia troops renaming Jewish descendants in their megalomaniacal survival of the fittest fascists crusades.
So another week to pseudo Father's Day with SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists Christian Nation interpretation dictating a Washington, D.C. born Jewish American & retired WW II Pentagon Veteran as Islam for beyond the pleasure principle super ego satisfaction in suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming replete with cross conditioned way beyond therapy lynching enforcement as those 18th century Czar of Russia troops renaming Jewish descendants in their megalomaniacal survival of the fittest fascists crusades.

What do you suggest it be replaced with? Regale us with details...
Seems there was a recent scientific finding of water on Mars, but condescending arrogance can't think of it other than as alien.

Sane people know that finding water on Mars is good news for colonization, not evidence of finding little green men.

Comments on the study from Newsweek:

"People were quick to target Dr. Moss for the 'racist' article in posts made to Twitter.

Psychologist Dr. Philip Pellegrino tweeted: 'How do my colleagues consider this scholarship?'

'What's the deal with these journals? Is it that no one cares anymore and they're just mailing it in, or are they scared to offend the 'woke' mob, or are they ideologically driven? Does science even factor into this anywhere?' the account @Jess3Livermore responded to Pellegrino's tweet.
Another Twitter user wrote: 'I was skeptical so I looked it up, and yeah this is real and now I want to throw my Psychology degree in the garbage.'''
What do you suggest it be replaced with? Regale us with details...

As if pomp & circumstance of the Fourth Reich national religion hasn't already regaled it's suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Final Solution with a supreme swastika up Uranus court for those super ego crooks on Capital Hill Christiananality pedophilia servitude lynching enforcement US details.....
Odds are without water there is no life; which could be why playing with little green men is all the evidence needed.....

Sorry to burst your bubble, kid, but there are no little green men. There's no Lizard Lords or Jewish Space Laser Corps either.

Sorry to burst your bubble, kid, but there are no little green men. There's no Lizard Lords or Jewish Space Laser Corps either.


Must be that new world order holy trinity of since there's no little green men, no Lizard Lords nor Jewish Space Laser Corps the arrogant a-holes may practice preying as Christiananlity pedophilia in their Reichquest of a final solution based on fabricated misnomers for that immaculate Jesus the Christ conception.
Must be that new world order holy trinity of since there's no little green men, no Lizard Lords nor Jewish Space Laser Corps the arrogant a-holes may practice preying as Christiananlity pedophilia in their Reichquest of a final solution based on fabricated misnomers for that immaculate Jesus the Christ conception.

Do mental hospitals still have rubber rooms or is it all drugs now?
Do mental hospitals still have rubber rooms or is it all drugs now?

Couldn't comment on your health care plan version of the final solution, but since the Catholic Church South America drug invasions were all there was in past decades seems it would follow in final solution methods.
Couldn't comment on your health care plan version of the final solution, but since the Catholic Church South America drug invasions were all there was in past decades seems it would follow in final solution methods.

I'm guessing drugs. What's your favorite? Lithium? A special Psychoactive Cocktail of your own design?
I'm guessing drugs. What's your favorite? Lithium? A special Psychoactive Cocktail of your own design?

As if this repetitive "serve the Pope or die" tautology of Islam "death to the infidels" fails; resort back to the usual fabricated misnomers of immaculate drug conceptions to maintain that "man is God" Christiananlity pedophilia Final Solution of those WW II concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations as law of the land in SCOTUS Christian Nation needs.
As if this repetitive "serve the Pope or die" tautology of Islam "death to the infidels" fails; resort back to the usual fabricated misnomers of immaculate drug conceptions to maintain that "man is God" Christianity pedophilia Final Solution of those WW II concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations as law of the land in SCOTUS Christian Nation needs.
Ahh! Just an untreated schizophrenic, no drugs at all except caffeine and nicotine?

Why so most schizos chainsmoke and drink coffee before bed?