Do We Really Want The Hillary as Prez

At least no one could make me lose it like I "did" you, no pun intended. I still own your bias ass, and a lot of the "old" timers knows it, because they remember how I routinely turned you everyway butt lose...LOL...O, I forgot...TROUCHE'

what does "trouche" even mean?
what does "trouche" even mean?
Put Touché and Trounce together, and if were you on the old Board, you would automatically know what and who I am talking about, and who I routinely Trounced? If not, then I see why you are so confused. Some posters are like Teats on a Boar, useless, because they were not posting on the old Boards. Do you remember ScottBoxter or SweetShrew?
The NY Times posted a scathing article about the Clintons and their charitable foundation Wednesday, just before the online newspaper was hacked or crashed on its own.

The telegraph UK online began their commentary on the Times article by asking if Rush Limbaugh guest-edited for the Times when the article was approved. One has to wonder how it got past the censors.

Bubba’s Foundation, The Global Clinton Initiative, is, according to the NY Times, ‘a sprawling concern, supervised by a rotating board of old Clinton hands, vulnerable to distraction and threatened by conflicts of interest. It ran multimillion-dollar deficits for several years, despite vast amounts of money flowing in.’
The Foundation serves to connect corporate executives, A-listers and government officials.

The Clintons have gotten rich while their Foundation runs in the red despite enormous amounts of money being funneled into it.
The Foundation has been used to support, promote, facilitate the Clintons’ personal and political ambitions.

The Times wrote that it was difficult ‘to disentangle the Clintons’ charity work from Mr. Clinton’s moneymaking ventures and Mrs. Clinton’s political future…’

It’s a charity-crony organization. As the Times wrote,…’businessmen have been able to expand the profile of their companies by working generously alongside the Clinton Foundation.’

The Clintons sell their image and their Foundation for money to finance their personal projects.

The relationship between corporations and politicians in this country epitomizes cronyism. The Clintons embrace the concept. They are part of a small group of elites getting richer while the middle class dissipates. We have an aristocracy of the rich in this country. We are being sold out by profiteers.

The writer at the telegraph said that ‘Part of the reason why America’s elites get away with it is because they employ such fantastic salesmen. For too long now, Bill Clinton has pitched himself, almost without question, as a homespun populist: the Boy from Hope.
The reality is that this is a man who – in May 1993 – prevented other planes from landing at LAX for 90 minues while he got a haircut from a Beverley Hills hairdresser aboard Air Force One.
The Clintons are populists in the same way that Barack Obama is a Nobel prize winner. Oh, wait…‘

Hillary partnered with a bank that laundered hundreds of billions of dollars for Iran.

Hillary founded a “Vital Voices Global Partnership,’ a group which partnered with Standard Chartered Bank to promote women’s causes in Asia. Standard Chartered donated generously to the Clinton Global Initiative but they also laundered over $250 billion for Iran to help them circumvent sanctions meant to cripple their nuclear program. They admitted guilt and paid $667 million in fines.

The CEO of Asia Standard Bank serves on Hillary’s Vital Voices.

According to the New York State Department of Financial Services the ten years of illegal activity by Standard Chartered “left the US financial system vulnerable to terrorists, weapons dealers, drug kingpins, and corrupt regimes and deprived law enforcement investigators of crucial information used to track all manner of criminal activity.”

At the same time, Standard Chartered was funding programs related to the Clintons.

Standard Chartered is also a client of Teneo, a global consulting firm, which was founded by a former chief advisor to Bill Clinton, Doug Band.
Bubba served as an advisor to Teneo. Band also sat on the board of the Clinton Global Initiative and capitalized on it when selling his consulting services. Teneo charges enormous fees – as much as $250,000 a month.

Crony friends don’t come cheap.

Oh, well, what difference…at this point…does it make?

A firm led by Hillary’s brother, Anthony Rodham, is under investigation by the SEC along with an electric car company started by Virginia gubernatorial candidate and longtime Clinton friend and former DNC chair, Terry McAuliffe. The investigation centers on how they sought visas for foreign investors to McAuliffe’s company.

More great news – Chelsea Clinton hopes to follow in her parents’ footsteps. The royal family will continue on.

For her part, Hillary’s memoir about her time at the State Department is to be published by Simon & Schuster next summer. Maybe she’ll finally tell us what happened in Benghazi. I know, I know, that’s only a fantastical notion.

*duplicate thread*
At least no one could make me lose it like I "did" you, no pun intended. I still own your bias ass, and a lot of the "old" timers knows it, because they remember how I routinely turned you everyway butt lose...LOL...O, I forgot...TROUCHE'
Bitch, you have never laid a figurative or a literal hand on me. Drugs have clouded your memory and your ability to reason.
Own? Bitch, you must not have gotten the memo...blacks haven't been "owned" in 148 years.
Put Touché and Trounce together, and if were you on the old Board, you would automatically know what and who I am talking about, and who I routinely Trounced? If not, then I see why you are so confused. Some posters are like Teats on a Boar, useless, because they were not posting on the old Boards. Do you remember ScottBoxter or SweetShrew?

so... what you are saying is that here, at JPP, where I have been a member for three years longer than you have, you consider anyone who was not on some OTHER message board with you as being useless?

Do you have any idea of how silly and utterly adolescent that sounds?
Bitch, you have never laid a figurative or a literal hand on me. Drugs have clouded your memory and your ability to reason.
Own? Bitch, you must not have gotten the memo...blacks haven't been "owned" in 148 years.
Look Fool, your uncontrollable actions here prove my point, that you urgently need anger management counseling again. Your "Bitch" here and "Bitch" there jive ass turkey sheet shows this Forum that I got your goat, what else is new. You are still a big jackass of a fool, Fool, so I will just have to declare your stupit ass on my taxes next year as personal property...LOL...I must be one bad ass cowboy. Your next step at proving my point will be for you to put me on your post IA list, like your butt boy Howey and I don't really give a sheet, no one cares. Poet my honky ass, if anyone was a Poet, it be me, not you MFer. When you address me, try to control your temper, I am just telling you this before the shrinks do.
so... what you are saying is that here, at JPP, where I have been a member for three years longer than you have, you consider anyone who was not on some OTHER message board with you as being useless?

Do you have any idea of how silly and utterly adolescent that sounds?
Quit your whining, no one is calling you names, you just happen to have been brainwashed by the Teacher's Union members all your childhood, into being a proper Leftist party member. I will try to re-educate you as we progress together on this Forum, the truth shall set you free.
see, SJJ? there you go again, spouting stuff that makes us wonder how stable you are...

Maybe one too many of these during youth?

Yes, we need another Clinton. And after that another Bush, maybe a Kennedy. Lord knows we need as many war mongering political dynastys as possible.
Quit your whining, no one is calling you names, you just happen to have been brainwashed by the Teacher's Union members all your childhood, into being a proper Leftist party member. I will try to re-educate you as we progress together on this Forum, the truth shall set you free.
Like usual, you're full of crap.
Look Fool, your uncontrollable actions here prove my point, that you urgently need anger management counseling again. Your "Bitch" here and "Bitch" there jive ass turkey sheet shows this Forum that I got your goat, what else is new. You are still a big jackass of a fool, Fool, so I will just have to declare your stupit ass on my taxes next year as personal property...LOL...I must be one bad ass cowboy. Your next step at proving my point will be for you to put me on your post IA list, like your butt boy Howey and I don't really give a sheet, no one cares. Poet my honky ass, if anyone was a Poet, it be me, not you MFer. When you address me, try to control your temper, I am just telling you this before the shrinks do.

Listen, I just read a moderator, "the riot act", over at the other forum I have to slay dragons at. In front of his whole crew. You're no different. You racists and bigots still haven't figured out that your days are numbered. Your time is past. The way forward will be as a mixed people, not as one where whites have dominion over people of color. You will share the pie, or it will be wrested from you, and your heads will spin. Greed, avarice, skullduggery, and arrogance are not cute. This is almost 2014, not 1864, not 1930, not 1954, not 1963, not 1980, not 9/11/01, and not 2010. All this bs needs to cease. Your need to have "several
seats", so sit your ass down, and wait for further instructions.
Listen, I just read a moderator, "the riot act", over at the other forum I have to slay dragons at. In front of his whole crew. You're no different. You racists and bigots still haven't figured out that your days are numbered. Your time is past. The way forward will be as a mixed people, not as one where whites have dominion over people of color. You will share the pie, or it will be wrested from you, and your heads will spin. Greed, avarice, skullduggery, and arrogance are not cute. This is almost 2014, not 1864, not 1930, not 1954, not 1963, not 1980, not 9/11/01, and not 2010. All this bs needs to cease. Your need to have "several
seats", so sit your ass down, and wait for further instructions.
This responce proves that it is you who is the racist, not I, I rest my case.