Do Ya Fall For Clickbait?


Diversity Makes Greatness
When shopping for a product it is logical to do research, find out about the product, what the options are, make a decision, follow through. It is a mission with a purpose. Getting distracted by marketing come-ons is a deviation from purpose.

It doesn't matter whether the goal is to obtain a product or some news information.

The logical way to go after it is to stay focused, stay on mission.

Falling for clickbait is like wandering around aimlessly in a store looking for something to buy.

Essentially it is immature, like money just burning a hole in the pocket.

Responsible behavior allows individuals to possess money and not spend it.

Responsible behavior allows individuals to stay focused on what they are searching for and not become distracted by clickbait.

Do you decide what you are all about? Or do you let others.

Do you decide what you are going to spend your money and time on? Or do you let others.

If you let others decide what happens to your money and time then you open yourself up to exploitation.

It is a sign of weakness to let others control your life.

Capitalism will have it's way with you. Whether coaxing you to purchase something you didn't intend or to view something you were not planning to, capitalism would love to tell you what to buy, what to think.

I am guessing a lot of Trump followers fall for clickbait.

Particularly the MAGA cult type.

Who in their right mind goes in search of wild conspiracy theories?

Never heard from any well raised little kid:

Little Johnny: "Oh, yeah. When I grow up I want to be an extremist who believes in crazy stuff that everybody else laughs at; and be left trying hopelessly to convince sane people of bizarre conspiracy theories. Yeah. That sounds like a good goal to me."
When shopping for a product it is logical to do research, find out about the product, what the options are, make a decision, follow through. It is a mission with a purpose. Getting distracted by marketing come-ons is a deviation from purpose.

It doesn't matter whether the goal is to obtain a product or some news information.

The logical way to go after it is to stay focused, stay on mission.

Falling for clickbait is like wandering around aimlessly in a store looking for something to buy.

Essentially it is immature, like money just burning a hole in the pocket.

Responsible behavior allows individuals to possess money and not spend it.

Responsible behavior allows individuals to stay focused on what they are searching for and not become distracted by clickbait.

Do you decide what you are all about? Or do you let others.

Do you decide what you are going to spend your money and time on? Or do you let others.

If you let others decide what happens to your money and time then you open yourself up to exploitation.

It is a sign of weakness to let others control your life.

Capitalism will have it's way with you. Whether coaxing you to purchase something you didn't intend or to view something you were not planning to, capitalism would love to tell you what to buy, what to think.

I am guessing a lot of Trump followers fall for clickbait.

Particularly the MAGA cult type.

Who in their right mind goes in search of wild conspiracy theories?

Never heard from any well raised little kid:

Little Johnny: "Oh, yeah. When I grow up I want to be an extremist who believes in crazy stuff that everybody else laughs at; and be left trying hopelessly to convince sane people of bizarre conspiracy theories. Yeah. That sounds like a good goal to me."

No. When I see a button that says, "click here to read more", I close the browser.
I clicked on an ad that was on a banner here for a company called Hawaili......they had mens clothes in my size and inexpensive.......I saw things I liked and ordered four shirts for around $100 total and free trash.......they were at least two sizes smaller than as marked and the material was like tissue paper........customer service totally ignored me......their solution was to offer me 10% off my next order..
I clicked on an ad that was on a banner here for a company called Hawaili......they had mens clothes in my size and inexpensive.......I saw things I liked and ordered four shirts for around $100 total and free trash.......they were at least two sizes smaller than as marked and the material was like tissue paper........customer service totally ignored me......their solution was to offer me 10% off my next order..

Did you order more shirts with the 10% off?
Hello LurchAddams,

No. When I see a button that says, "click here to read more", I close the browser.

That is not the same as clickbait intending to interest the viewer in something completely different than what they came to the site for.

The idea for this thread came from a Fox News link evince had included in the discussion about Sweden finding Rare Earths. Can you spot the clickbait in this quote?


"The government-owned company that mines iron ore at Kiruna, almost 1,000 kilometers north of Stockholm, said there are more than 1 million tons of rare earth oxides.


According to LKAB, it's the largest known deposit of its kind in Europe. But the company warned that it could take at least a decade before mining starts."


Not long after that they did it again in the same article:


"Internal market commissioner Thierry Breton has warned that the EU's ambition to become the first climate neutral continent is at risk without a secure and sustainable access to raw materials.


"Our twin green and digital transition will live or die through the functioning of our supply chains," he said. "Take China, with its quasi-monopoly on rare earths and permanent magnets and prices rising by 50-90% in the past year alone. Supply of raw materials has become a real geopolitical tool.""


Just to make sure the sheep can't miss it, it is in a different color, larger font, all caps, and bolded.

Got me to wondering why they would put this stuff in there if it didn't work on their audience.

Obviously it must and it's probably very effective for them. Fox can just lead their followers around by the nose.

No wonder MAGA became such a cult.
Hello Pointgold,

Those types of links are simply to raise the click count for the site. It's not trying to get the reader to shift interest into something else. It's a continuation of the original story.
I replied too quickly. I do read stories in their entirety with normal continuation links. What I meant is I am able to identify clickbait situations where very little information is given or a false sensationalist tagline is given for the purpose of getting me to click on a link.

I recognize those and don't fall for them.
Hello Pointgold,

I replied too quickly. I do read stories in their entirety with normal continuation links. What I meant is I am able to identify clickbait situations where very little information is given or a false sensationalist tagline is given for the purpose of getting me to click on a link.

I recognize those and don't fall for them.

Sounds wise.

There is an instant gratification mindset which is far too prevalent in American culture. Lack of depth, always in the moment, minds prone to this are easily distracted and lack the fortitude to make a decision and follow through on it before diverting into something else.

If political operatives can easily distract followers with dangled shiny objects then people are becoming too lazy to think for themselves.

Others with an agenda will gladly exploit such shallow conviction.

I think that is where a lot of Republican votes come from.

Seems like many times the early polling on an election is favoring Democrats, but then a big splash of PR by deep pocketed Republican campaigns swings the election towards Republicans at the last instant before election day.

Maybe that's why Republicans are always trying to kill early voting.
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When shopping for a product it is logical to do research, find out about the product, what the options are, make a decision, follow through. It is a mission with a purpose. Getting distracted by marketing come-ons is a deviation from purpose.

It doesn't matter whether the goal is to obtain a product or some news information.

The logical way to go after it is to stay focused, stay on mission.

Falling for clickbait is like wandering around aimlessly in a store looking for something to buy.

Essentially it is immature, like money just burning a hole in the pocket.

Responsible behavior allows individuals to possess money and not spend it.

Responsible behavior allows individuals to stay focused on what they are searching for and not become distracted by clickbait.

Do you decide what you are all about? Or do you let others.

Do you decide what you are going to spend your money and time on? Or do you let others.

If you let others decide what happens to your money and time then you open yourself up to exploitation.

It is a sign of weakness to let others control your life.

Capitalism will have it's way with you. Whether coaxing you to purchase something you didn't intend or to view something you were not planning to, capitalism would love to tell you what to buy, what to think.

I am guessing a lot of Trump followers fall for clickbait.

Particularly the MAGA cult type.

Who in their right mind goes in search of wild conspiracy theories?

Never heard from any well raised little kid:

Little Johnny: "Oh, yeah. When I grow up I want to be an extremist who believes in crazy stuff that everybody else laughs at; and be left trying hopelessly to convince sane people of bizarre conspiracy theories. Yeah. That sounds like a good goal to me."
Why do you oppose satans agenda?
The warnings about fake news and clickbait were widespread.

Wise people paid attention, learned what this new trickery was all about, and learned how to avoid it.

The MAGA cult missed a lot of good lessons.