Do you feel superior to young-earth creationists?

Actually I am and I could have but he was evading the question set before him so I saw no point. It was a tremendous waste of my time. Why should I go to the effort to provide an accurate explanation that he'd reject out of hand with one of his fallacious circular arguments? I will admit that I did want to see how many times he'd dance on the head of a pin. 13 was enough for me.

You are right though. We are under no obligation to disprove anything. If he wants to do that, then the burden of proof is his. My point is, he can't debunk or disprove anything in science unless he can provide an alternative scientific explanation that is the best fit or provides the best explanation.

His question was a straw man and another attempt at sophistry. Homologies don't "prove" common decent, as PiMP phrased it, but rather common decent easily explains why these homologies exist. If PiMP doesn't like that explanation well then I'm open minded to any alternative scientific explanation that works better.

For some reason he doesn't want to provide one. I wonder why that is?

because I'm waiting for you to ball up and state your position.....
there's a significant difference.....scientific experiments can be designed to prove or disprove the theory that flies come from rotten meat.......the same is not true for the theory that life comes from inert organic chemicals......

You could create life from inert organic chemicals. You might be able to do it through a roundabout way in which PMP just doesn't have the imagination to conceive of - the universe is not limited by your imagination.

Anyway, the fact that no experiments have been done or anything found that absolutely points in one direction is one reason you do not see anyone making any absolute claims about a theory of abiogenisis. Should we simply throw our hands up, say "God did it!", and pray, as the theists have recommended for ages for this and virtually anything else we have ever not known since the birth of civilization? Thank God science doesn't work like that.
if you can't even state your own theory, you'd best educate yourself.....

It's not my theory. It's the theory of the field of biology. I am not an expert in the field of biology. There's no expectation on my part that I have specialized knowledge in it. If I can't make you understand it, it's not a strike against the theory. It's not even a strike against me. If I can't explain Calculus to you, it doesn't mean Calculus doesn't exist. A debate on an internet forum between two ignorant people is not going to disprove evolution.

Again, no one is hiding this information from you. You are unable to understand it is because you're ignorant, not because biology is wrong. One ignorant fool on the internet who refuses to educate himself on a subject isn't going to disprove the thousands of people who've dedicated their lives to improve the field. Go and get a Ph.D. in Biology. Then come back to this forum. Then you will have something to say on the subject, and I will have reason to defer to you. As it is, I do not.
It is safe to say that none of us will ever succeed in persuading PMP of the validity of evolution. He must reach these conclusions himself, just as I did. As some of you will recall, I, too, was once a fundamentalist wacko who believed 99.9% of biologists are in league with the devil, but eventually I set aside my pride and embraced reality. Hell, I was leaps and bounds more insane than PMP. There is definitely hope for him.
It is safe to say that none of us will ever succeed in persuading PMP of the validity of evolution. He must reach these conclusions himself, just as I did. As some of you will recall, I, too, was once a fundamentalist wacko who believed 99.9% of biologists are in league with the devil, but eventually I set aside my pride and embraced reality. Hell, I was leaps and bounds more insane than PMP. There is definitely hope for him.

But you are of noble patrician blood. PMP is a prole even amongst proles.
You could create life from inert organic chemicals.
you might try......I would lay odds you couldn't, though.....

You might be able to do it through a roundabout way in which PMP just doesn't have the imagination to conceive of - the universe is not limited by your imagination.
no, but your imagination is limited by science.....

Anyway, the fact that no experiments have been done or anything found that absolutely points in one direction is one reason you do not see anyone making any absolute claims about a theory of abiogenisis. Should we simply throw our hands up, say "God did it!"

no, but you SHOULD stop pretending that abiogenesis is more 'science' than saying "God did it"......that's Mott's failing in this thread, his refusal to admit it.......
so you have the same problem Mott has.....

biology isn't wrong......the guy arguing that homologies prove common descent is wrong......
That's a fallacious argument PiMP and you have it backwards. Homologies don't prove common descent. Common descent explains phylogenetic homologies but what the fuck do I know? I can't even spell descent.
That was the bourgeoisie. Patricians were mighty Romans who ran the Republic for almost 500 years and made Rome so great that it survived almost 500 years of emperors after they lost power.
it certainly isn't going to happen when no one has the balls to stand up and defend it.......
Good Lord PiMP. How can you possibly be so obtuse? Evolutionary theory is foundational to all of biology. Almost every applied branch of biology from agronomy to virology are applied branches of evolutionary theory. How can you make such a rediculous statement considering this vast mountain of evidence? Do you understand the significance of what you're saying? That if the validity of evolutionary theory is in question that in consequences ALL of it's applied branches would be too? That the accomplishments and discoveries of monumental importance by some of the greatest minds in the entire history of humanity who have based their lifes work on the application of this foundational principle of biology are not valid? Do you expect those of us who are educated in and actually work in this field to believe this based on the fallacious circular reasoning of some neophyte like you? Seriously?
That was the bourgeoisie. Patricians were mighty Romans who ran the Republic for almost 500 years and made Rome so great that it survived almost 500 years of emperors after they lost power.
Actually that's not quite correct 3D. The Roman Republic lasted from 509 BC to 44BC or 27BC depending on whether you consider Ceasar's dictatorship in 44 BC or the beginning of Augustus Principiate in 27 BC as the end of the Republic. In 287 BC, during the conflict of the orders, wealthy Pleabians achieved political equality with the Patrician order. That means the Patricians ran the Roman Republic for less than 250 years of it's 482 year history.
Good Lord PiMP. How can you possibly be so obtuse? Evolutionary theory is foundational to all of biology. Almost every applied branch of biology from agronomy to virology are applied branches of evolutionary theory. How can you make such a rediculous statement considering this vast mountain of evidence? Do you understand the significance of what you're saying? That if the validity of evolutionary theory is in question that in consequences ALL of it's applied branches would be too? That the accomplishments and discoveries of monumental importance by some of the greatest minds in the entire history of humanity who have based their lifes work on the application of this foundational principle of biology are not valid? Do you expect those of us who are educated in and actually work in this field to believe this based on the fallacious circular reasoning of some neophyte like you? Seriously?

you already have an argument to support.....don't pretend you wouldn't run away from another one if we changed the topic.....