Do you support Israel ??

Most likely not. It isn't near the top of my list of destinations, of which, I probably won't get around to visiting very many of. I basically have England, Ireland, Italy, and Greece at the top of my list. Then probably Australia. Add in the fact that I have US destinations such as Hawaii, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.

"Sport Diver Magazine, a popular bimonthly publication dedicated to informing the world’s diving enthusiasts about the latest and greatest in dive locations, equipment and such, recently published in their November/December 2000 issue the “10 Great Cavern Dives Around the World”, listing Saipan’s Grotto as number two, beating out Guam, Hawaii, and the Caribbean."
It's not so much that I support Israel for the sole sake of supporting Israel. Mostly, I don't like any of their adversaries (Muslims, Western leftists, etc).

Muslims are actually Right-Wingers, whom hate the West for it's support of Israel, and for it's Liberalism.
Half of the Jews in Israel are Sephardic or Middle Eastern from Syria , Lebanon, Iraq etc
They were all kicked out of their nations and moved to Israel

You believe you have a strong case, so why lie?? WHen were they kicked out of Lebanon??
It’s number 1 in high tech start up companies and has the most doctors/Scientist per capita in the world

Interesting.. Is that an opinion or you going to present something to support this??

Oddly I goggled doctors per cap & they weren't on the top ten that I saw??
I love the Israelis I’ve met, not real fond of their leaders or policies towards the Palestinians.
Most of the ppl here are Americans, they prob love their country, other countries maybe not so much..

That hardly means they hate anyone else........
Muslims are actually Right-Wingers, whom hate the West for it's support of Israel, and for it's Liberalism.

You understand that the West has been continuously attacked by the Muslims since 632 AD. They aren't mad about Israel. They are mad that beginning in the 16th Century, the tables began to dramatically turn. They were expelled from Iberia at the end of the 15th Century. After WWI, the West began to occupy their lands. They're mad that they have been losing for five centuries now. Yes, they hate liberalism, because that has been the underpinning of Western Civilization for four centuries.

It was illiberal progressives like Obama who have taken to appeasing the Muslims by making dumb deals with Iran and assailing Israel in the UN and in rhetoric.