I am also concerned about the future. However, if we raised taxes every time government wanted more money it would never stop. We are in this situation because spending increased at a faster rate than revenue. We need to reduce spending and reform entitlements which are growing at a faster rate than revenue.
I would have been happy without the Bush tax cuts and did not think Obama should have extended them. I like it when most Americans pay some income taxes to contribute to our nation even if it is a small amount. But the Bush-Obama tax cuts virtually eliminated all income taxes for the bottom 40%. If people get back everything they paid in plus several thousand in EITC they don't care how much taxes are and are happy to have the rich pay for everything.
My solution is keep taxes at a higher rate for all plus cut spending, not just increase both spending and taxes. I think eliminating the deficit is unrealistic, paying down any debt impossible. Like the WWII debt, we just have to increase the GDP at a faster rate so the debt becomes relatively smaller.
Nope, revenue has been slashed over and over since the 50s. Top tax rate was over 90 when Ike was president. 70s during JFK and a fraction of that now. Corporate taxes have been slashed too. That is why we have a wealth gap that is able to threaten the American system Money=power. You may not recognize it ,but the wealthy are exerting their wealth and power. Look at Fox and Sinclair for recent examples. Things are going great for those on top.