Do you want to ban all guns?

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Do you want all guns banned?

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why is that? ILA hasn't broken any laws to our knowledge. He probably doesn't have a medically diagnosed mental problem. He's of adult age. He probably works hard, pays his taxes, and is an upstanding citizen (in spite of your disagreements with him). What justification do you have to keep guns from him?

Lots of "probably"....and he boasted of obtaining ammo in a manner deliberately intended to deceive.

Of course, he could be lying.

this is why we are always on guard... because really it all boils down to you being a taker, and you don't want people politically opposed to you to have the ability of exercising their 2nd amendment right.

Who has said they want to "take" guns?

BTW, 'taker' refers to people like 3D who get their paycheck from the government.

People who want to take guns are 'grabbers'.
It's my personal opinion, to which I'm entitled. ILA - ALIAS - is bigot scum. I don't think bigot scum are playing with a full deck, thus arming them is reckless and irresponsible.

i think you're a lunatic and should not drive as i feel scum like you, who aren't playing with full deck, are reckless and irresponsible behind the wheel.

see what i did there?'re the one doing the pestering. i'm just trying to educate you on what a delusional freak you are.

good luck getting help for that. oh, and take some reading lessons, you need them.
I demand that everyone in the world give up guns...

You won't be able to shotgun dope anymore...
