Dodd, Biden, Kucinich

Hyenas, jackals, and predators? OMG! The Republicans recognise that there is no such thing as a free lunch! The bastards!

Yeah, actually i wasn't referring to their Darwinian economic policies here, but rather their campaign methods.

But we needed another Libertarian with comprehension problems, so...that's good.
Amazing how many libertarian leaners have popped up in the last couple of years....
One might think that Dano had always been a libertarian, if we did not know better ;)
Hyenas, jackals, and predators? OMG! The Republicans recognise that there is no such thing as a free lunch! The bastards!

And the American people recognize the failure of republican and conserv ative ideology that spends way too much time focused on "free lunches" while they treat the plutocrats to free steak and crab dinners.
clinton dominated those far lefties got a few claps for the left wing
Obama and Edwards were both Booed when attacking Clinton.
Weak ass attacks I might add.
Richardson looks more vice Presidental every day

if Richardson becomes a vp to Hillary i would actually consider her. basically with the caviot that when she gets indicted he would become president.
Any of these people would be a vast improvement over what we have now.

I love Biden and his honest answers, I like Dodd but dont always agree with him, I almost always agree with Kucinich, Obamma would be a fine president even if his debates amoung his own party give him unsure feet, Edwards would also be a good president who would do some housecleaning and Clinton will get my vote over any R currently on the ticket. I still have not desided which one I would prefer. I will have to wait and see who I will vote for in the primary and the only one I can gaurantee it wont be is Clinton.
And the American people recognize the failure of republican and conserv ative ideology that spends way too much time focused on "free lunches" while they treat the plutocrats to free steak and crab dinners.

The American people recognise it so much, they keep electing them! Genius argument.