Does altruism exist?

Tinker's out of his fucking mind, best to just ignore him.

She claims to be female. IMO, she's a lot like BP; young, female, above average intelligence, some college or less and a victim mentality. The latter of which pisses her off.

She claims to be 42 and retired, but I'm not seeing it. I'm thinking under 35, and probably under 30. Probably female but could be gay or some other "gender". Like most things human, it's a range. She does lean to the feminine side but that's no guarantee of matching plumbing.
It does not.

Every action taken by a human is done out of selfishness.

If a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his platoon he is not doing it for them but for himself.

In the soldiers mind the thing he desires most in that moment is to save his platoon so his action is driven by that desire to get what HE wants.

Every human being on the planet who is capable of rational thought makes every decision based on selfishness.

Oh it exists. It's rare, but it exists. Yes, most humans are not altruistic, but many are to one degree or another. What humans aren't is willing to be forced to be altruistic as Communism, Socialism, Collectivism, and most things on the Left require.
Altruism exists on the left, but not on the right. The rights mantra is about not giving a shit about anyone else. No gays. Women must be in their place. Trans must not exist. Schools will teach what you tell them to. The minorities should be deported. Black people should stay in the place they assign to them.
Being a parent has no bearing on my point

Every action a parent makes is because it is what they want, if they make the choice to punish their child it is because they have made the decision that this is what they want to do regardless of the reason.

It is still them taking action according to their want in that moment

And you really are hammering the point that you are not a parent.

But also that you had a terrible relationship with your parents... You see parenting as a bunch of punishing?
It does not.

Every action taken by a human is done out of selfishness.

If a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his platoon he is not doing it for them but for himself.

In the soldiers mind the thing he desires most in that moment is to save his platoon so his action is driven by that desire to get what HE wants.

Every human being on the planet who is capable of rational thought makes every decision based on selfishness.

Disagree, soldiers are programmed. Believe me, I know.
Altruism exists on the left, but not on the right. .
Another onderful Nordbergism. When I read the OP, I figured Nordberg would come in and say something backwards like this.

All the altruism in society comes from the religious Right. Not all religious Right are altruistic but all altruism comes from the religious right. The Left has nothing but GREED, HATES everyone and just wants to kill living humans who have not committed any crime, while rendering all law-abiding citizens totally defenseless before violent crime. The Left will even steal elections to preempt growing affluence and happiness that they see brewing in society. RACIST! HOMOPHOBE! MISOGYNIST! RACIST!

Good ol' goofy Nordberg, always confusing the Right and the Left.
Humans have no instinct, everything is learned behavior

Do you ever put your suppositions into a grammatical form that acknowledges they are suppositions?

If you were to write, "There is the possibility that humans have no instincts" that would make sense.

But simply asserting what you cannot possibly know makes you sound like a bullshitter.

Most of the time, Tink, you DO sound like a bullshitter.
Usually the reflex is to run from danger, not to danger.

It varies. The "fight or flight response" is real. It's often seen in wild animals, even predators. Given the chance to escape danger, most animals will do so. An exception for predators is hunger. Another exception is mating season as those who try to get a picture with a wild bison may find out.

If cornered, most animals will fight.
The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee. These responses are evolutionary adaptations to increase chances of survival in threatening situations. Overly frequent, intense, or inappropriate activation of the fight or flight response is implicated in a range of clinical conditions including most anxiety disorders. A helpful part of treatment for anxiety is an improved understanding of the purpose and function of the fight or flight response. This client information sheet describes the bodily consequences of the fight or flight response.
It does not.

Every action taken by a human is done out of selfishness.

If a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his platoon he is not doing it for them but for himself.

In the soldiers mind the thing he desires most in that moment is to save his platoon so his action is driven by that desire to get what HE wants.

Every human being on the planet who is capable of rational thought makes every decision based on selfishness.

I have taken on the burden of educating the people on this forum and this thread is part of that.

I require no thanks for my work but simply desire to help people.

You have proven your brain is incapable of understanding true compassion