Does anybody here have a clue?

So now you wish to "debate" in opposition that "America's progressives are reestablishing a newer brand of communism right here in America?" And you would also like to debate in favor of "God having appointed America as the military protector of the globe," right Idiot? Well have at it moron!!!!! I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.

LMAO; okay Evince Jr.

well, the first time I assumed you had simply been that its been pointed out to you its obviously abject are an idiot for complaining about troops being in 150 countries, because less than 5000 troops are distributed across 140 of them.....

now, go play in the street......

well, the first time I assumed you had simply been that its been pointed out to you its obviously abject are an idiot for complaining about troops being in 150 countries, because less than 5000 troops are distributed across 140 of them.....

Well now that you’ve established at least in your own mind the whereabouts of at least some of your embassy security guards, you’d like to explain the whereabouts of the embassies being guarded by the 66,000 troops in Europe and 52,000 troops assigned to East Asia and the Pacific and the necessity therefore?

Have you a clue about any other nation on Earth who has anywhere near 283,192 military troops in other nations aside from their own? I submit that 283,192 troops no matter how they’re dispersed is one hell of a gang of embassy security guards, don’t you Dippy?

now, go play in the street......

Now go read the tea-leaves in your dollhouse teacups and leave the politics to the males Sally!!!!! Our founders intended women to be just property!!!!!
Well now that you’ve established at least in your own mind the whereabouts of at least some of your embassy security guards, you’d like to explain the whereabouts of the embassies being guarded by the 66,000 troops in Europe and 52,000 troops assigned to East Asia and the Pacific and the necessity therefore?

Have you a clue about any other nation on Earth who has anywhere near 283,192 military troops in other nations aside from their own? I submit that 283,192 troops no matter how they’re dispersed is one hell of a gang of embassy security guards, don’t you Dippy?

Now go read the tea-leaves in your dollhouse teacups and leave the politics to the males Sally!!!!! Our founders intended women to be just property!!!!!

LMAO; you really are too stupid for prime time.
So let's recap the ignorant dunces complaint about so many troops around the world; first let's pretend that WWII never happened. Next lets pretend that there was never any Soviet Communist aggression world wide to expand Communism through force. Then, while we are pretending, let's pretend there are no despots, dictators, tyrants or terrorists threatening the US, their neighbors, member states to the UN and our allies. Then we must also pretend that our allies didnt gut their own security and militaries to expand their socialist welfare states and outsource it to the US. Last, but never least, let's pretend the UN is an effective body and does not require US military might to defend freedom of its member states or enforce its UN Resolutions.

Now we are ready to ask such an incredibly stupid, myopic and naive question of why there are so many troops throughout the world.

Yes "goober"; you really are THAT stupid, THAT naive and THAT historically buffoonish.

Any other questions you need answered shit-for-brains? I think you exceed Obummer in global naïveté and being historically stupid. No wonder brain dead leftists thank you.
you’d like to explain the whereabouts of the embassies being guarded by the 66,000 troops in Europe and 52,000 troops assigned to East Asia and the Pacific and the necessity therefore?

never said they were, you imbecile.....I said the majority of the 120 countries, not the majority of troops.....most of the troops are in Korea and Germany, as everyone knows.....I even pointed it out in my first post.....
So let's recap the ignorant dunces complaint about so many troops around the world; first let's pretend that WWII never happened.

World War Two ended in 1945 Jerkoff. This is 2014 Moron. So are you saying after 69 fucking years a fucking insane American government is still protecting the world against Hitler and the Japs? Just exactly what in your RINO infested, mentally retarded pea-brain do you imaging WWII has to do with 283,192 American military troops being spread over 150 foreign nations?
Next lets pretend that there was never any Soviet Communist aggression world wide to expand Communism through force.

The “Cold War” ended in 1991 Jerkoff. So is our fucking insane federal government still protecting the world against a fucking Soviet Union that no longer exist after 23 fucking years? Come on Jerkoff you can do better than that! Oh wait! Maybe not, huh asshole.
Then, while we are pretending, let's pretend there are no despots, dictators, tyrants or terrorists threatening the US, their neighbors, member states to the UN and our allies.

Aside from the radical Islamist Jerkoff who are the boogiemen around the globe that you see in your retarded pea-brained mind who are so powerful and evil that they require 283,192 armed American guards to deflect their aggression? Why is it you suppose those troops couldn’t be just effective or more so PROTECTING AMERICA right here on American soil and spending their American money right here into the American economy?

Which United Nations God appointed the United States Of America as the protector of its “member States?” Why can’t the member States protect themselves asshole?
Then we must also pretend that our allies didnt gut their own security and militaries to expand their socialist welfare states and outsource it to the US.

Oh so! So our wonderful allies just dumped the military burden on to the United States, right Shit-For-Brains? Isn’t that really nice of them? So, in your pea-brain the United States should just take on the load, kill off our youth, drain our treasury and extort our taxpayers for the cost just because you and your RINO bastard moron fellows like to flex American military muscle around the globe, right douche-bag? Our wonderful allies stick it up our stupid asses and you think it’s an excuse for your fucking RINO Military Industrial Complex, World Police Force and undeclared unconstitutional wars, right Lumpy?
Last, but never least, let's pretend the UN is an effective body and does not require US military might to defend freedom of its member states or enforce its UN Resolutions.

Well let’s see Goober, there are 196 countries in the world and 193 of them are “Member States” of the fucking socialist social drinking United Nations and out of that number the good ole United States gets the fucking prize of defending the member states and enforcing the un resolutions. GEE! What God decided we were the winner of that magnificent trophy Goober? Only fucking idiots like you and your RINO militarist friends would ever covet that fucking ”PATSEY AWARD.
Now we are ready to ask such an incredibly stupid, myopic and naive question of why there are so many troops throughout the world.

Yes "goober"; you really are THAT stupid, THAT naive and THAT historically buffoonish.

GEE! You’re such a fucking brilliant genius douche-bag! Are there any other fucking retards in the Asylum who can compete with you and your fucking irrational, insane RINO knowledge and argumentative talents?

Any other questions you need answered shit-for-brains? I think you exceed Obummer in global naïveté and being historically stupid. No wonder brain dead leftists thank you.

OH! Don’t worry Goober. Now that you’ve crawled out from under your fucking rock and displayed your total stupidity with some actual insane commentary, I can’t wait for your next dose of fucking retardation and RINO insanity.
never said they were, you imbecile.....I said the majority of the 120 countries, not the majority of troops.....most of the troops are in Korea and Germany, as everyone knows.....I even pointed it out in my first post.....

The fact remains sister there are 283,192 American military troops in more than 150 foreign nations. This thread requires a "CLUE" to the reason behind that truism. When you come up with one let us know, OK?
World War Two ended in 1945 Jerkoff. This is 2014 Moron. So are you saying after 69 fucking years a fucking insane American government is still protecting the world against Hitler and the Japs? Just exactly what in your RINO infested, mentally retarded pea-brain do you imaging WWII has to do with 283,192 American military troops being spread over 150 foreign nations?

No you ignorant dunce; we were there as a result of Soviet aggression you ignorant dunce. After the collapse of the Soviet State the US AND allies have been slowly drawing down and closing bases and posts in Europe and they are nearly non-existent in Japan.

Those efforts are met with local resistance because the Germans know the economic impact of those troops leaving and prefer they stay.

You really are too ignorant and too stupid for prime time.
The “Cold War” ended in 1991 Jerkoff. So is our fucking insane federal government still protecting the world against a fucking Soviet Union that no longer exist after 23 fucking years? Come on Jerkoff you can do better than that! Oh wait! Maybe not, huh asshole.

See above shit-for-brains. Once again, you're too stupid for prime time.
Aside from the radical Islamist Jerkoff who are the boogiemen around the globe that you see in your retarded pea-brained mind who are so powerful and evil that they require 283,192 armed American guards to deflect their aggression? Why is it you suppose those troops couldn’t be just effective or more so PROTECTING AMERICA right here on American soil and spending their American money right here into the American economy?

Which United Nations God appointed the United States Of America as the protector of its “member States?” Why can’t the member States protect themselves asshole?

Oh so! So our wonderful allies just dumped the military burden on to the United States, right Shit-For-Brains? Isn’t that really nice of them? So, in your pea-brain the United States should just take on the load, kill off our youth, drain our treasury and extort our taxpayers for the cost just because you and your RINO bastard moron fellows like to flex American military muscle around the globe, right douche-bag? Our wonderful allies stick it up our stupid asses and you think it’s an excuse for your fucking RINO Military Industrial Complex, World Police Force and undeclared unconstitutional wars, right Lumpy?
