I disliked all the hatred against Jews and others. I doubt the veracity of picture of the Jewish guy who has $500 trillion dollars and owns most of the central banks of the world. It doesn't make the Holocaust untrue just because the book said it is. Its attempt to prove it listed stuff like the Russians built the gas chambers after the war, but gave no evidence to support those claims.
Anybody who calls people "niggers" is ignorant. Any writer who bases information on "I have been told" is not reliable. Anybody who thinks "species" (race)
" mixing among different species of human is bestality and an abomination!" is a bigoted, judgmental fool.
The guy preaches hate against all groups except whites but he doesn't even like whites if they are Jewish. His world would be a terrible place to live.
I see. If given a choice between me and those who suck baby cock, you choose those who suck baby cock. You do realize don't you that doesn't speak well for you don't you. Next, what Jacob Rothschild was quoted as saying that his family was worth that much. Not he himself personally.
Next, neither did any of that have anything to do with the holocaust. Later on there is plenty of other evidence in regard to that. Also, the book directed you to some of the evidence. That you had to look up and see for yourself. One of the things was what was shown by an actual JEW!!! So you should have no problem believing it. It was in the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." The book told you to enter that title into your browser. In the first website that came up, click on it and scroll down the page. There you would find all the parts of that documentary. It told you to go to part 21 called, "The Leuchter Findings." Then take about a half hour or so to watch it. One of the many things you will see in it is David Cole being TOLD by the person who actually ran the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz that their "gas chamber" was built to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. Why don't you just tell the truth and admit that you just don't want to know the real truth. Instead of giving me crap.
Next, the book told of tens of thousands of reasons for calling the darkies that. Did you miss it? Or did your culpability and guilt in it cause a sort of hysterical blindness that kept you from seeing it. Next, the book clearly and definitively pointed out that negroes were in fact a different species of human. In the wild, slightly different species that inhabit the same areas and can successfully interbreed hardly ever do so. The reason is that even a dumb animal knows it is an abomination. So where does that put you. Also, that in the Galapagos, that specism (racism) is largely the reason different species of finch came about. And you may not believe it. Neither do I feel like taking the time to tell you. But having different species is a good and necessary thing.
Next, if somebody is jewish, they aren't White. That many had the money to buy white whores with to interbreed with doesn't make them White to me. Next, how would you know my world would be a terrible place to live. Have you ever lived in such a place? A place where those with the money and power don't view you as less than human and aren't trying to make you dead? Or at the very least a slave.