Does anyone else notice that the LGBT's lie about inclusiveness

When it comes to brain activity, that's where things get very interesting. I'm familiar with the argument that trans women and trans men exhibit brain activity that is supposedly associated with the gender they identify with. What makes this argument interesting is that it contradicts the idea that gender is socially constructed. For many years, feminists claimed that it is a social construct, but if we are to believe that one can identify someone's gender by brain activity, that clearly means that gender is at least partially biological.

There is a difference between gender and sex. When Feminists say "gender is a social construct," what they mean is that gender roles are a social construct. There is no gene that doesn't allow men to wear dresses. Men don't wear dresses because of social pressure.

Strangely, much of the same left that pushes this argument is often reluctant to notice physiological differences between men and women. Biological males have several advantages over women in most sports, due to higher potentials for strength and speed, and they have denser bone structures as well. This is why allowing biological males to compete against biological females isn't fair -- particularly when looking at things like MMA.

And that's why most of the Left disagrees with allowing trans men to compete against women in sports where strength matters. But mainstream companies have fallen for the Alt-Right narrative that SJWs are common.
There is a difference between gender and sex. When Feminists say "gender is a social construct," what they mean is that gender roles are a social construct. There is no gene that doesn't allow men to wear dresses. Men don't wear dresses because of social pressure.

Then, transgender people should instead call themselves what they used to be called -- transsexual. It sounds like they are actually identifying as a different sex rather than as a different gender.

And that's why most of the Left disagrees with allowing trans men to compete against women in sports where strength matters. But mainstream companies have fallen for the Alt-Right narrative that SJWs are common.

I don't think they believe SJWs are that common. They realize that a small but vocal group of litigious assholes will harass your company if you don't give in to their demands. So most companies submit to these bastards.
Then, transgender people should instead call themselves what they used to be called -- transsexual. It sounds like they are actually identifying as a different sex rather than as a different gender.

Yeah, because the words "gender" and "sex" are often used interchangeably. Which is fine, that's just what happens with language. But it can get a little confusing when we hear people say gender is a social construct. Eventually, we'll be saying gender roles are a social construct.

I don't think they believe SJWs are that common. They realize that a small but vocal group of litigious assholes will harass your company if you don't give in to their demands. So most companies submit to these bastards.

It could be that too. I think it's more likely that companies just think they're playing to the largest crowd, which means the most money, and they honestly believe that most of us think this way.
Which is kind of funny, because if you look at the two Democrat front-runners, it's pretty obvious that SJWs don't have much pull on the Left.
Yeah, because the words "gender" and "sex" are often used interchangeably. Which is fine, that's just what happens with language. But it can get a little confusing when we hear people say gender is a social construct. Eventually, we'll be saying gender roles are a social construct.

Fair enough, but again, people shouldn't be changing their bodies. They should be changing their minds to fit their bodies. It's no different from why we don't remove the limbs of people who have body integrity dysphoria.

It could be that too. I think it's more likely that companies just think they're playing to the largest crowd, which means the most money, and they honestly believe that most of us think this way.
Which is kind of funny, because if you look at the two Democrat front-runners, it's pretty obvious that SJWs don't have much pull on the Left.

That's true to an extent, although when it comes to campaigning, a lot of that is steered by funding. The best funded candidates don't tend to be as far to the left as the longshot candidates.
Fair enough, but again, people shouldn't be changing their bodies. They should be changing their minds to fit their bodies. It's no different from why we don't remove the limbs of people who have body integrity dysphoria.

The difference is that, on average, transitioning actually does help people with gender dysphoria when they get the ok from their doctors. As for body integrity dysphoria, I don't know what the success rate for limb-removal is. Different solutions for different conditions.

That's true to an extent, although when it comes to campaigning, a lot of that is steered by funding. The best funded candidates don't tend to be as far to the left as the longshot candidates.

Sanders is to the left of most of the other candidates, but he's still one of the front two. Biden probably is the other front-runner solely because of funding and name-recognition. But still, if the Left was full of SJWs, the two front-runners wouldn't both be old straight white men. They'd be, I don't know, young gay black women.
The difference is that, on average, transitioning actually does help people with gender dysphoria when they get the ok from their doctors. As for body integrity dysphoria, I don't know what the success rate for limb-removal is. Different solutions for different conditions.

I'll have to see the stats on that. Most of what I've read shows that the suicide rate stays basically the same. These people are clearly troubled, and I think it goes well beyond anatomy or hormones.

Sanders is to the left of most of the other candidates, but he's still one of the front two. Biden probably is the other front-runner solely because of funding and name-recognition. But still, if the Left was full of SJWs, the two front-runners wouldn't both be old straight white men. They'd be, I don't know, young gay black women.

Oh I disagree. SJWs don't tend to be consistent. These are the same people who push for open borders but often live in gated communities or lilly white suburbs.
Does anyone else notice that the LGBT's lie about inclusiveness

doesn't even include what it means to be male (which describes anyone born with a penis genital) and doesn't include what it means to be female (which describes anyone born with a vagina genital)?!! Sick of their disgusting, offensive and infuriating low life scum bag lies yet?



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals
A new analysis of implicit bias and explicit sexual orientation statements may help to explain the underpinnings of anti-gay bullying and hate crimes
I'll have to see the stats on that. Most of what I've read shows that the suicide rate stays basically the same. These people are clearly troubled, and I think it goes well beyond anatomy or hormones.

Also keep in mind that a lot of the research on trans people is extremely outdated. I have seen the studies saying most trans people regret gender reassignment surgery, but those studies are always a lot older than the ones saying surgery works. I think this might have something to do with society's growing acceptance of the LGBT crowd. A trans person can come out, get the surgery, and there will be plenty of people who support them. It wasn't like that twenty years ago.

Oh I disagree. SJWs don't tend to be consistent. These are the same people who push for open borders but often live in gated communities or lilly white suburbs.

That's the stereotype, but do any of us really know where these SJWs like Carl the Cuck actually live? And even if most of them are spoiled rich kids who never associate with people unlike them, they're probably still supporting the most "diverse" presidential candidates. But because SJWs are a tiny minority, the two front-runners are still two old cis-gendered straight white males.

Also keep in mind that a lot of the research on trans people is extremely outdated. I have seen the studies saying most trans people regret gender reassignment surgery, but those studies are always a lot older than the ones saying surgery works. I think this might have something to do with society's growing acceptance of the LGBT crowd. A trans person can come out, get the surgery, and there will be plenty of people who support them. It wasn't like that twenty years ago.

That's the stereotype, but do any of us really know where these SJWs like Carl the Cuck actually live? And even if most of them are spoiled rich kids who never associate with people unlike them, they're probably still supporting the most "diverse" presidential candidates. But because SJWs are a tiny minority, the two front-runners are still two old cis-gendered straight white males.

Most of the stereotypes are celebrities. As far as average SJWs go, I don't know, but I don't know many of them that are minorities themselves. They're usually self-righteous white people. Most minorities I know tend to be more moderate.

I don't see it as hypocritical for them to support candidates that are cisgendered straight white males if said candidates pander to their causes. That's why Biden and Sanders are prominent. They pander to the issues they like, and so do the less prominent candidates. Very few prominent Democrats don't pander to SJWs.
Most of the stereotypes are celebrities. As far as average SJWs go, I don't know, but I don't know many of them that are minorities themselves. They're usually self-righteous white people. Most minorities I know tend to be more moderate.

SJW celebrities do usually live in gated communities, not to avoid non-white people, but just so the public and specifically the tabloids, aren't always harassing them at home.
I'm sure most of them rather be around people of their own race, but that's all of us. It's hypocritical for an SJW, but it's equally as hypocritical for a Conservatard who screeches that dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs.

I don't see it as hypocritical for them to support candidates that are cisgendered straight white males if said candidates pander to their causes. That's why Biden and Sanders are prominent. They pander to the issues they like, and so do the less prominent candidates. Very few prominent Democrats don't pander to SJWs.

A popular SJW talking-point is that straight white men need to get out of the way so that we can have more women and minorities in places of power. If that's what SJWs believe, then that means they're not supporting people like Biden or Sanders.
SJW celebrities do usually live in gated communities, not to avoid non-white people, but just so the public and specifically the tabloids, aren't always harassing them at home.
I'm sure most of them rather be around people of their own race, but that's all of us. It's hypocritical for an SJW, but it's equally as hypocritical for a Conservatard who screeches that dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs.

So, while we're on that topic, it's worth noting that wanting to preserve the current cultural preferences of your society is also normal. As much as the left pushes for immigration, the countries of origin of most immigrants are usually a lot less open to it.

It shouldn't be considered racist for Westerners to want to keep a certain amount of whiteness in the population anymore than it would be racist for an African to want to keep his/her nation a certain amount black. Yet, for some reason, European cultural preservation is seen as racist, whereas it isn't for Africans or Asians.

A popular SJW talking-point is that straight white men need to get out of the way so that we can have more women and minorities in places of power. If that's what SJWs believe, then that means they're not supporting people like Biden or Sanders.

I don't know about that. Look at Andrew Yang. This is a guy that literally made the assertion that we need more women in power and that men running things on their own do stupid things. This didn't result in his supporters suddenly shifting to support Warren, even though logically, you would think that might happen. Yang was making an argument that more or less was saying that maybe you should elect a woman for president instead of a man. Unless Yang plans on identifying as a woman, I don't see how this rhetoric works to his advantage, but clearly, it helped his support some. It's hard to figure out the logic of SJWs, to put it mildly.
So, while we're on that topic, it's worth noting that wanting to preserve the current cultural preferences of your society is also normal. As much as the left pushes for immigration, the countries of origin of most immigrants are usually a lot less open to it.

Sure, it's normal, most people are afraid of change. But sometimes changing the culture is a good thing. I think every country should maintain its racial and ethnic character, but changing the culture for women to have more rights has been good for the Western world. Making the shift from Medieval Catholicism to Enlightenment Democracy has been good too. People can argue against liberal ideas, but I think it's lame when Conservatives argue against something just because it's different or new.

It shouldn't be considered racist for Westerners to want to keep a certain amount of whiteness in the population anymore than it would be racist for an African to want to keep his/her nation a certain amount black. Yet, for some reason, European cultural preservation is seen as racist, whereas it isn't for Africans or Asians.

Agreed, but that's less about Left vs Right and more about the Jewish Question.

I don't know about that. Look at Andrew Yang. This is a guy that literally made the assertion that we need more women in power and that men running things on their own do stupid things. This didn't result in his supporters suddenly shifting to support Warren, even though logically, you would think that might happen. Yang was making an argument that more or less was saying that maybe you should elect a woman for president instead of a man. Unless Yang plans on identifying as a woman, I don't see how this rhetoric works to his advantage, but clearly, it helped his support some. It's hard to figure out the logic of SJWs, to put it mildly.

And that was dumb AF, but look where Yang is. When he said that, he was already the least popular Democrat on stage, and his numbers haven't risen. This just shows that sucking up to SJWs isn't enough to gain real mainstream support because SJWs are a minority on the Left, much like Neo-Nazis are a minority on the Right.
It's too bad, I actually do think UBI is a good idea, and I still kind of like Yang, but that was just such a pathetic display on his part.
Sure, it's normal, most people are afraid of change. But sometimes changing the culture is a good thing. I think every country should maintain its racial and ethnic character, but changing the culture for women to have more rights has been good for the Western world. Making the shift from Medieval Catholicism to Enlightenment Democracy has been good too. People can argue against liberal ideas, but I think it's lame when Conservatives argue against something just because it's different or new.

Agreed, but that's less about Left vs Right and more about the Jewish Question.

And that was dumb AF, but look where Yang is. When he said that, he was already the least popular Democrat on stage, and his numbers haven't risen. This just shows that sucking up to SJWs isn't enough to gain real mainstream support because SJWs are a minority on the Left, much like Neo-Nazis are a minority on the Right.
It's too bad, I actually do think UBI is a good idea, and I still kind of like Yang, but that was just such a pathetic display on his part.

Well, I'm glad we agree on Yang. What do you mean by the Jewish Question though?
Well, I'm glad we agree on Yang. What do you mean by the Jewish Question though?

The Jewish Question is a whole thing about the role of the Jews in the Western world, what agendas they're advancing, what influence they have on society, and so on. The Jews have powerful and influential positions in media, academia, banking, campaign finance, and foreign policy. So whatever their interests are, that causes society as a while to get on board.

While I don't agree with most of the theories on the JQ, I do see that the Jews are behind the push for mass immigration and Globalization into white countries.
The Jewish Question is a whole thing about the role of the Jews in the Western world, what agendas they're advancing, what influence they have on society, and so on. The Jews have powerful and influential positions in media, academia, banking, campaign finance, and foreign policy. So whatever their interests are, that causes society as a while to get on board.

While I don't agree with most of the theories on the JQ, I do see that the Jews are behind the push for mass immigration and Globalization into white countries.

I could see there being some of that, although that would definitely align more with the Democrats than the Republicans.
I could see there being some of that, although that would definitely align more with the Democrats than the Republicans.

Yeah, both parties have become Globalized, but the Democrats much more so than the Republicans. Of course, the Republicans have also become much more Zionist. Just shows that both parties are pretty well-owned by Jewish power.
Fair enough, but again, people shouldn't be changing their bodies. They should be changing their minds to fit their bodies. It's no different from why we don't remove the limbs of people who have body integrity dysphoria.

That's true to an extent, although when it comes to campaigning, a lot of that is steered by funding. The best funded candidates don't tend to be as far to the left as the longshot candidates.

Why shouldn't they? If they look male but are really women inside, why should they continue to physically be the opposite of what they are in every other way? Like Jenner. He got hormone shots and did a lot to look female which is how he felt he was. Now he is essentially a female. Why is that anybody else's business?
Why shouldn't they? If they look male but are really women inside, why should they continue to physically be the opposite of what they are in every other way? Like Jenner. He got hormone shots and did a lot to look female which is how he felt he was. Now he is essentially a female. Why is that anybody else's business?

Using the same logic, we shouldn't stop people from starving themselves to look thin or help those with bulimia. In either case, these people believe they should be thinner than their current form.