APP - Does government have too much control? Do Corporations?

Does the government have too much control? Do Corporations have too much control?

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Corporations are not a threat to the sheeple as long as we enforce our laws; but corrupt and dishonest politicians determined to wield power over their fellow man by promising dunces something for nothing, and corrupting that system by demanding bribes (lobbying), that is what struck the most fear into our wise founders thus the many limitations placed on politicians within our Constitution. It should be what we, the sheeple, should fear most. But based on the comments on this forum, there are a lot of really dumb people who think big business is the problem.

It's exactly something we should fear, but somewhere along the line, we stopped fearing it and allowed corporate powerhouses to infuse our government with bullshit. The masses seem to just accept what we're told from our government. Not pointing fingers at either side, but something that bothered me was Michelle Obama's new rules for advertising junk food at schools. Of course Coke is bad for you, it's full of High Fructose Corn syrup. But there is this mentality that somehow Diet Coke is the healthy alternative, and when someone like her comes out and pretty much advertises that, and you really have no clue, you believe it. Lets ignore that more people gain weight on the stuff than lose, because they think it's healthy! But hey, Coca cola and Pepsico have plenty of lobbyists to protect their brand, and yes they did contribute to Obama as well. I'm only pointing this out because it's current, but this type of crap goes back years. Rumsfeld pushed for Aspartame legalization back in 1981...and since he was close to Reagan, he succeeded by 1983 to get it legal. Call me crazy, but I can hardly trust anything I'm told out of Washington.