Scut Farkus
higher morality = no evil
regular morality = complacent and complicit
no. it's immoral to be complicit and complacent and KEEP BENEFITTING FROM IT AND DEFENDING IT.
immoral = evil
higher morality = no evil
regular morality = complacent and complicit
immoral = evil
Most people I know are complacent and complicit. They don't make waves or speak against it's immoral to be complicit and complacent and KEEP BENEFITTING FROM IT AND DEFENDING IT.
most people are evil.Most people I know are complacent and complicit. They don't make waves or speak against groupthink.
Higher morality.most people are evil.
Matthew 7:13-14 NIV - The Narrow and Wide Gates - "Enter - Bible Gateway › passage › ?search=Matthew 7:13-14&version=NIV
The Narrow and Wide Gates. 13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
you can call it the wrong thing if you want.Higher morality.
Do you have a higher morality than Cypress? I don't fucking get it.
it's rational to be moral.
high trust societies have heightened cooperation.
hight trust comes from basic morality.... you fucking cretin.
you just hate peace and cooperation. you're a demented war machine shill.
its just that I am moral and he is not.Do you have a higher morality than Cypress? I do.
It's the medium through which most moral frameworks come to us. Even atheists pay homage to the ethics of the Sermon on the Mount, even if they don't realize it.morality isn't based on religion.
I'm not going to join the team that says ant morality is basically the same as human moral conscience. Ants sacrificing themselves to protect the genetic information the Queen ant possess is completely understood through Darwinian evolutionary principles, and is not an example of ants being like Oskar Schindleryou don't fucking get it.
it's rational to be moral.
high trust societies have heightened cooperation.
hight trust comes from basic morality.... you fucking cretin.
you just hate peace and cooperation. you're a demented war machine shill.
so is cooperation.I'm not going to join the team that says ant morality is basically the same as human moral conscience. Ants sacrificing themselves to protect the genetic information the Queen ant possess is completely understood through Darwinian evolutionary principles, and is not an example of ants being like Oskar Schindler
No, mutually advantageous cooperation is based on is cooperation.
Western civilization is the big loser of 2024.its just that I am moral and he is not.
Anyone can spend ten minutes googling to find sources that support a preconceived conclusion.
That's called confirmation bias.
I'm not even sure they "support" you, without further investigation.
I have actually read the ancient literature and spent countless hours reading and listening to a wide range of subject matter experts. I did not approach this with a preconceived notion. I had to be convinced after much study and reflection.
just admit i won.Western civilization is the big loser of 2024.
To me, saying that mutually advantageous cooperation is about self-interest not about morality is self-evident. It doesn't require Googling for supporting sources.Oh I most assuredly am Googling. Because I'm not an evolutionary biologist. But at least I'm finding something to support my position.
It's really easy to have a position made up of simple declarative sentences without any evidence to support them. I like the harder task of supporting my position.
No, I'm finding references which support my position. You are free to find references to support yours that show mine to be in error. Simply stating that I'm in error is insufficient.
You could read the snippets I post and highlighted bits.
So it should be no problem for you to show the errors in my position by reference to your readings. Or you could address any of the points I actually raised rather than simply decreeing them "preposterous".
It's an approach.
To me, saying that mutually advantageous cooperation is about self-interest not about morality is self-evident. It doesn't require Googling for supporting sources.
For me, it is self-evident saying that ants sacrificing themselves to protect the colony's genetic information carried by the queen ant is completely explained by Darwinian evolution, and is not a poignant insect example of Oskar Schindler. It is so self-evident it does not require Googling for sources.
Me saying that there is no such thing as an equivalency between ant 'morality' and human moral conscience is so self-evident it does not require Googling for corroborating internet sources.
My posts have been pregnant with science and history: i.e., natural selection, genetics of ant colonies, evolutionary altruism in animals, social standards, literature, and anthropology of ancient civilizations in Europe, Near East, Mesoamerica.I prefer the science. It always makes more sense to me.
My posts have been pregnant with science and history: i.e., natural selection, genetics of ant colonies, evolutionary altruism in animals, social standards, literature, and anthropology of ancient civilizations in Europe, Near East, Mesoamerica.
I just don't have to Google because I have spent years reading about these topics and retaining and integrating that knowledge.
I didn't see any need to Google scientific studies, because it is manifestly self-evident ants do not have a moral conscience, while Oscar Schindler did.I definitely need to google because I am not a biologist and I actually want to support my positions rather than merely decreeing that science is "preposterous".
I will have to take your word for the pregnancy of your posts with science. I certainly DID see a lot of philosophy which makes sense. This is often a philosophical conversation. That's what makes it so difficult as a conversation. Those like yourself who prefer the philosophical approach and the wonder and those like me who still find the wonder but like the scientific explanation.