Does nothingness exist?


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By Graham Priest | Graham Priest is a Professor at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Nothing is the absence of every thing, every object. It is what remains, as it were, when all objects are removed. So it is no object, no thing. Yet it is: one can think about it, talk about it (we have been). It is the object of various intentional states. So it is an object, some thing. Nothing (noun phrase) both is and is not some thing.
"In Being and Nothingness, Jean-Paul Sartre tells us a story.1 He has arranged to meet Pierre in a bar at 16.00. Pierre is always punctual. Jean-Paul arrives late. He enters the bar; Pierre is not there. At once Jean-Paul experiences his absence. He does not have to reason: ‘The things in the bar are: a table, a chair, Simone... Pierre is not a table; Pierre is not a chair; Pierre in not Simone;... Ergo Pierre is not in the bar.’ The absence of Pierre is immediate. He has a direct phenomenological awareness of an absence.
The way we use "nothing" in language seems to ignore physical realities. We stopped thinking of "something" as being equivalent to material matter after Einstein's relativity. Empty space, the void is impregnated with a latent vacuum energy. There literally can't be a zero energy or matter state due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
The way we use "nothing" in language seems to ignore physical realities. We stopped thinking of "something" as being equivalent to material matter after Einstein's relativity. Empty space, the void is impregnated with a latent vacuum energy. There literally can't be a zero energy or matter state due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Okay. I do not think "nothing" is determined by what physicists think.
By Graham Priest | Graham Priest is a Professor at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Nothing is the absence of every thing, every object. It is what remains, as it were, when all objects are removed. So it is no object, no thing. Yet it is: one can think about it, talk about it (we have been). It is the object of various intentional states. So it is an object, some thing. Nothing (noun phrase) both is and is not some thing.

By Graham Priest | Graham Priest is a Professor at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Nothing is the absence of every thing, every object. It is what remains, as it were, when all objects are removed. So it is no object, no thing. Yet it is: one can think about it, talk about it (we have been). It is the object of various intentional states. So it is an object, some thing. Nothing (noun phrase) both is and is not some thing.

Sure. Just look at Trump's brain:


Okay. I do not think "nothing" is determined by what physicists think.

I'm not sure 'absence' means the same thing as nothingness.

The absence of Pierre is immediate. He has a direct phenomenological awareness of an absence

Nothing might be a human phenomenological experience, but I don't think nothingness is an ontological reality
No, probably not. We live in one of quite a few dimensions - and we can't ever really comprehend most of the other dimensions, because they don't have our rules of physics, time or space.

But they exist; there really isn't a pure "nothing" anywhere, nor has there been (imo).
No, probably not. We live in one of quite a few dimensions - and we can't ever really comprehend most of the other dimensions, because they don't have our rules of physics, time or space.

But they exist; there really isn't a pure "nothing" anywhere, nor has there been (imo).

You know other dimensions exist which you have no argument for. Why assert it?
By Graham Priest | Graham Priest is a Professor at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Nothing is the absence of every thing, every object. It is what remains, as it were, when all objects are removed. So it is no object, no thing. Yet it is: one can think about it, talk about it (we have been). It is the object of various intentional states. So it is an object, some thing. Nothing (noun phrase) both is and is not some thing.

What does it take to convert stationary substance to become eternal changing total sum of results to everything universally present as individual objects here? e
Evolution of an ever changing total sum left never same results again.

Evolving process with compounding changes never same results again. How would it work universally here? periodic elements don't do anything until they combined into a magnetic force with 2 polarities capable of pushing apart and pulling together into combinations of substance becoming inorganic objects universally balancing as specifically displaced as galaxies, solar systems, planetary environments organic life can be sustain in ever changing forms called ancestral positions to total sum population left since inception.

push pull force creates expanding details of results occupying time currently universally present. every action has a opposite equal reaction so magnetics induces electromagnetic fields and magnetic waves that also work to combine gaseous, liquid, mineral periodic elements into 4 dimensional inorganic displacements getting into a perpetual balancing situation between combinations and eroded results combined. once erosion begins arrives organic building blocks of chemical actions and reactions that create living organisms, with chromosomes per lifetime added since inception.

AKA generation gaps of lifetimes never same ancestor twice inception to extinction of ancestral lineages native to one unique atmosphere best working example is this planet. But one species believes actual evolving is too complicated for each brain to master balancing as displaced ancestrally forward conceived to dead.
Nothing, pure nothingness; it is simple equality with itself, complete emptiness, complete absence of determination and content; lack of all distinction within. – In so far as mention can be made here of intuiting and thinking, it makes a difference whether something or nothing is being intuited or thought. To intuit or to think nothing has therefore a meaning; the two are distinguished and so nothing is (concretely exists) in our intuiting or thinking; or rather it is the empty intuiting and thinking itself, like pure being. – Nothing is therefore the same determination or rather absence of determination, and thus altogether the same as what pure being is.
If nothing is “altogether the same as what pure being is” then there can be for example no real difference between the nothing in a child’s hand when he’s waiting for an ice cream cone and the ice cream cone when it comes into his hand. No?
If nothing is “altogether the same as what pure being is” then there can be for example no real difference between the nothing in a child’s hand when he’s waiting for an ice cream cone and the ice cream cone when it comes into his hand. No?

The concept of being depends on nothingness.