Does ThreeDee believe in Climate Change?

Does ThreeDee believe in Climate Change?

  • No.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who is ThreeDee?

    Votes: 2 40.0%

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The High Cost of California Electricity Is Increasing Poverty

Bottom Line: California should not be seen as the model for energy and climate change policy. For electricity, the state over relies on higher cost, less dependable renewable energy, such as solar and wind. And now, the goal is to ban natural gas used in new home and building construction, in favor of using electricity. On an energy-equivalent basis, however, electricity costs four times more than natural gas. Purposefully installing such higher energy prices will only serve to exacerbate California’s poverty problem, already in some ways the worst in the country. Natural gas and nuclear power must remain essential in the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also keeping system reliability.

Long the leader in renewable energy, California is now leading in the number of communities that have banned or restricted the use of natural gas in homes and buildings. But, these bans reduce energy optionality and will force consumers to buy electricity, which is four times more expensive on an energy-equivalent basis than natural gas.

Higher energy prices in an already very high priced state will only worsen California’s poverty problem. When factoring in the cost of living, California has the highest poverty rate in the country, at 18-19%. Rising electricity prices disproportionately impact lower- and middle-income families who lack the disposable income to absorb the extra costs.

There is no question than California’s renewable energy mandates have increased prices while decreasing the reliability of its grid. And the goal of more renewables and restrictions on natural gas will put even more stress on the system, which may have to rely on high emission diesel generators to avoid prolonged blackouts.

If California wants to avoid increasing the number of its people living in poverty, it must strive to keep energy affordable. More reliable and lower cost natural gas and nuclear power will remain vital to that effort.
The High Cost of California Electricity Is Increasing Poverty

Bottom Line: California should not be seen as the model for energy and climate change policy. For electricity, the state over relies on higher cost, less dependable renewable energy, such as solar and wind. And now, the goal is to ban natural gas used in new home and building construction, in favor of using electricity. On an energy-equivalent basis, however, electricity costs four times more than natural gas. Purposefully installing such higher energy prices will only serve to exacerbate California’s poverty problem, already in some ways the worst in the country. Natural gas and nuclear power must remain essential in the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also keeping system reliability.

Long the leader in renewable energy, California is now leading in the number of communities that have banned or restricted the use of natural gas in homes and buildings. But, these bans reduce energy optionality and will force consumers to buy electricity, which is four times more expensive on an energy-equivalent basis than natural gas.

Higher energy prices in an already very high priced state will only worsen California’s poverty problem. When factoring in the cost of living, California has the highest poverty rate in the country, at 18-19%. Rising electricity prices disproportionately impact lower- and middle-income families who lack the disposable income to absorb the extra costs.

There is no question than California’s renewable energy mandates have increased prices while decreasing the reliability of its grid. And the goal of more renewables and restrictions on natural gas will put even more stress on the system, which may have to rely on high emission diesel generators to avoid prolonged blackouts.

If California wants to avoid increasing the number of its people living in poverty, it must strive to keep energy affordable. More reliable and lower cost natural gas and nuclear power will remain vital to that effort.

gee, a tax free bullshit organization promoting oil and carbon based fuel somehow is against renewable energy!! what are the odds? that is like asking a typical trump voter if he is against windmill power because they cause cancer and kill millions of birds.

Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity

The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity (FREOPP) is a right-wing 501(c)3 think tank based out of Austin, Texas and an associate member of the State Policy Network (SPN).[1]

FREOPP was founded in 2016, its mission is to consider "the impact of public policies and proposed reforms on those with incomes or wealth below the U.S. median." The organization portrays itself as non-partisan, "our aim is to become a credible bridge between those on the left and the right who genuinely want to expand opportunity to those who least have it,"[2] yet its staff and Board is comprised of conservative and Republican party insiders.

It appears that the organization's policy focus is healthcare and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.[3]

Daniel Garza sits on FREOPP's Board of Directors and is listed by the organization as a writer.[8] Garza is the founder and Executive Director of the Libre Initiative, a right-wing astroturf nonprofit bankrolled by the Koch brothers to target Hispanic voters.

FREOPP also lists Emily Etkins, a research fellow and the director of polling at the Cato Institute, on its Board of Directors. The Cato Institute is a right-wing think tank founded Charles Koch. Read more about Cato here.

Charles Koch is the right-wing billionaire owner of Koch Industries. As one of the richest people in the world, he is a key funder of the right-wing infrastructure, including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN). In SourceWatch, key articles on Charles Koch and his late brother David include: Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, Stand Together, Koch Family Foundations, Koch Universities, and I360.

Core Financials
As of March 9, 2017 there are no IRS forms available for the Foundation on Equal Opportunity.

Board of Advisors
The "FREOPP Brain Trust":[9]

Ames Brown, Chair, Executive Vice-President and Co-Founder, former contestant on the Bachorlette
Avik Roy, Co-Founder and Editor
Daniel Garza, President of the Libre Initiative
Juleanna Glover, Corporate Consultant, former staffer to George W. Bush, former lobbyist
Evan Baehr, Board member of the Adam Smith Society at the Manhattan Institute
Kristen Soltis Anderson, Republican pollster
Lanhee Chen, Hoover Institution, former campaign advisor to Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney
Emily Ekins, Writer, Research Fellow and Director of Polling at the Cato Institute
Dear fucking idiot GW deniers

The fact has been proven by science in real time

There are no longer doubts to have now

You might as well suggest the oceans are actually filled with melted popsicles of and not water

It’s called an idiot lie to insist it’s not scientifically proven to be the facts

Fuck your very much
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Threedee change his/her name to Gin Saké????

Yes. As a matter of fact he did. He's been here, like, from 2006, and has established quite a (what's the word I'm looking for?) 'remarkable' reputation for himself. Hence, the MANY 'name changes'. 'Gin Sake' is only the latest in a long line of Aliases to attempt to escape his sordid, wretched, and despicable, Past. :(
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Threedee change his/her name to Gin Saké????

This is 'Gin Sake' latest Thread: "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Korean" (shaking head) It's like ... I don't know ... Gin is trying to beat Legion at being a Troll.

Yes. As a matter of fact he did. He's been here, like, from 2006, and has established quite a (what's the word I'm looking for?) 'remarkable' reputation for himself. Hence, the MANY 'name changes'. 'Gin Sake' is only the latest in a long line of Aliases to attempt to escape his sordid, wretched, and despicable, Past. :(

There are probably more just like him.