Dogs vs. Cats

What's your preferred pet?

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Hail Voltaire
Are you a dog person, cat person, or both? I lean toward cats. I like dogs, too, but I'm not obsessed with them. People who are obsessed with dogs (especially those assholes who have the "Dog is good" stickers on their windows) bother me.
Cats are sincere. Their sense of self worth doesn't hinge on human approval. And while their needs from humans are few, they are very direct about those needs and seldom beat around the bush. Hence, their affections are real and not a tool used to meet some hidden agenda. Cats never blow smoke up your ass.
I love my dogs. I get more companionship from my dogs than from most people.

Its not an agenda. Its that they genuinely love their people. Some are more affectionate than others. But my dogs are high on my list of loved-ones.
"cats rule -dogs drool" You have to earn a cats affection, and they can be trained to walk on a leash.

I walk my cat on a leash on my busy street, you have to start them early, and they associate the leash with the going outside.
Still I do get some odd looks " how do you do that?" "Patience and time" i answer -no big secret.Never let any animals wander unsupervised -dogs or cats, there are sick ppl out there, or just careless. selfish drivers.
Speed limit on my street is 25 -we got kids, etc, and they dart into the street too. I see cars doing 45 whizzing down the street.

I had the misfortune of a deer jumping off a side trail onto my window. It was awful, the poor thing was so damaged, i had to get animal control to put it down.
We have long as the cats stay out of the dog's part of the yard. If a cat crosses that chain link fence and I'm not there to intervene, the cat is toast. Given the choice I definitely prefer dogs. But like I don't want a tree that doesn't produce a good shade or some kind of or nut, I don't want a dog that doesn't work. I have beagles that hunt rabbits and terrier mixes that hunt squirrels. In my younger days I had Plott and Walker hounds that I used to hunt coon and when there was a huntable quail population here I had Brittany Spaniels to hunt quail and occasionally, on trips to the west, hunt pheasants. Every dog I have ever had could have been a house dog...and some were before I got married. They were great companions and many of them even went fishing with me. Cats aren't good for much but keeping the mice out of the garage.
Cats are sincere. Their sense of self worth doesn't hinge on human approval. And while their needs from humans are few, they are very direct about those needs and seldom beat around the bush. Hence, their affections are real and not a tool used to meet some hidden agenda. Cats never blow smoke up your ass.
Not only that their quite tasty too! :)
I love my dogs. I get more companionship from my dogs than from most people.

Its not an agenda. Its that they genuinely love their people. Some are more affectionate than others. But my dogs are high on my list of loved-ones.
Mydog scares me. She's just a little to smart. Why just the other day I peeked into her day planner and you could see where she was trying to decide what to do that day, over throw the government or roll in some poop.
We have long as the cats stay out of the dog's part of the yard. If a cat crosses that chain link fence and I'm not there to intervene, the cat is toast. Given the choice I definitely prefer dogs. But like I don't want a tree that doesn't produce a good shade or some kind of or nut, I don't want a dog that doesn't work. I have beagles that hunt rabbits and terrier mixes that hunt squirrels. In my younger days I had Plott and Walker hounds that I used to hunt coon and when there was a huntable quail population here I had Brittany Spaniels to hunt quail and occasionally, on trips to the west, hunt pheasants. Every dog I have ever had could have been a house dog...and some were before I got married. They were great companions and many of them even went fishing with me. Cats aren't good for much but keeping the mice out of the garage.
That's not true at all about cats! Try braising one with some merlot, pearl onions and some morrelle mushrooms till it's bone tender then thicken the braising liquid with a butter rouex then serve over some home made egg noodles.
cats seem cool, cause I would have a pet but woudln't have to do much. They shit by themselves, they dont need to go for walks.

It's probably a good entry level pet.

Dogs seem more like an animal friend. They can actually do shit. They can play games with you. They can alarm you of danger, and possibly maul some burglar. Some say the smartest dogs have the intelligence level of a 2 year old child. That's pretty cool.

The tradeoff is obviously that you have to do more shit and actually try.

The third pet is obviously human children. They are more sentient, and can be fun for a while, but they grow up to be douchebags.
cats seem cool, cause I would have a pet but woudln't have to do much. They shit by themselves, they dont need to go for walks.

It's probably a good entry level pet.

Dogs seem more like an animal friend. They can actually do shit. They can play games with you. They can alarm you of danger, and possibly maul some burglar. Some say the smartest dogs have the intelligence level of a 2 year old child. That's pretty cool.

The tradeoff is obviously that you have to do more shit and actually try.

The third pet is obviously human children. They are more sentient, and can be fun for a while, but they grow up to be douchebags.

I sometimes have an almost uncontrollable urge to report to the Society for the Protection of Animals ladies who calmly announce that they have shaved their pussy!
Leave Leaning alone, you bully. He's OK in my book

There are many nice decent people. Nice and decent, that is, until they lose touch with reality and tell us that their dog/cat/hamster is highly intelligent, that their particular pieman in the sky is the only fairy we should listen to and that guns are not dangerous.
Half of this poster's name is fine, it is the latter half that presents problems and, as is often the case, correlates with my first point.