
If by "dumb" you mean unable to speak, you are correct.

If you mean stupid, you are absolutely wrong.

My beloved pup, Mr. B., is ASTOUNDINGLY stupid. But he's cute as fuck and he's the most friendly dog I've ever he gets a pass. :)

I agree with you: dogs are MASTERS of their craft. They have adapted themselves to be the perfect predator of humans. They live off of us and have figured out how to play us at all levels. They are masters of reading body language and have adapted so well to humans that it's almost unreal.

I'm always FLOORED by how amazingly smart border collies and other herder dogs are. JUST AMAZING creatures.

But because I own something that is part Dachshund, I can also see the other poster's point about the "barking" .....

What other animals can tell which light is lit, and to lead the blind when it is safe.
What other animals can tell when their human is in trouble, and go for help or stay and guard them?
What other animal can be vicious if their human is in danger, but gentle with babies?


No, they are not dumb.

My beloved pup, Mr. B., is ASTOUNDINGLY stupid. But he's cute as fuck and he's the most friendly dog I've ever he gets a pass. :)

I agree with you: dogs are MASTERS of their craft. They have adapted themselves to be the perfect predator of humans. They live off of us and have figured out how to play us at all levels. They are masters of reading body language and have adapted so well to humans that it's almost unreal.

I'm always FLOORED by how amazingly smart border collies and other herder dogs are. JUST AMAZING creatures.

But because I own something that is part Dachshund, I can also see the other poster's point about the "barking" .....



My current dog, Roscoe, is not the sharpest tool in the shed. But he is a loyal beast. And I have no doubt he would lay down his life for my girlfriend or I.
You and I have been at odds on a recent thread. But seeing how you feel about dogs makes me change my mind about you. We may disagree on trivial things, but we agree on the biggest.

I agree. I was shocked by your post last night, honestly. I bear you no ill will whatsoever.