Dominoes Pizza Sucks Again

I dont need to stinking Yelp, I can say with confidence that I am educated on the offerings here in OLY...most of the places I have tried. This is yet another shitty post from you...if you dont start doing better I will cut you off.

I was under the impression that Yelp is where many people go to express their dissatisfaction with products and services.

But not you.

You maverick, you. :rofl2:
Had not had in two years, WOW, this is way worse....this is not pizza, this is flavored bread.

I know that they were made "right" because they claim that their large pizzas have about 300-400 calories.....proof that they put almost no toppings on them.

Note: For reference a cup of Moz Cheese has 370 calories.

Yes. Indeed... I agree.
To add insult to injury unless my salt tongue is malfunctioning there is very little/no salt in the crust. When we were in Munich for three years in the early nineties I got used to very salty pizza crusts (And olives with the pits still in them, and pepperoncini, and even the corn that they liked on pizza)....but a pizza crust with so little salt that it could have come from a GULAG during Solzhenitsyns time is an abomination.

I Weep.
FFS, make your own crust and then make your own pizza. Problem solved. Of course Domino's has always sucked.

It's actually easy to make. Have to buy a lot of shit from a grocery store though.

I like the UNO pizza style. Easy to make.

Also it's better to make your own hot pockets. Just add whatever you want to them.
It's actually easy to make. Have to buy a lot of shit from a grocery store though.

I like the UNO pizza style. Easy to make.

Also it's better to make your own hot pockets. Just add whatever you want to them.

Exactly. I have pizza crusts saran wrapped in my fridge right now. All I have to do is flatten them out and put the sauce and toppings on then put it in the oven. 23 minutes later viola! Pizza!

Fucking incredible, right?
Exactly. I have pizza crusts saran wrapped in my fridge right now. All I have to do is flatten them out and put the sauce and toppings on then put it in the oven. 23 minutes later viola! Pizza!

Fucking incredible, right?

Hell yes. People who are used to Hot Pockets do not realize how awesome they are if they just make them themselves. People are just dumb and lazy.
Exactly. I have pizza crusts saran wrapped in my fridge right now. All I have to do is flatten them out and put the sauce and toppings on then put it in the oven. 23 minutes later viola! Pizza!

Fucking incredible, right?

I just found this one. Like I said, you can buy any sandwich slices, types of cheeses and whatever the fuck else you want. Use Pillsbury dough to roll. Use flour.

40 minutes in the oven.

So fixing the 2021 Dominoes got me back to a 1980's Dominoes except for the salt in the crust problem. But I was thinking today that back in the 70's and 80's this would have never sold, people simply would not have tolerated such low quality. Then I was thinking that it is very interesting listening to people today talk about how advanced they are, how much better they are then their ancestors.....then you notice what they are eating, what they are watching, what they are reading.

They often seem to have no idea that they are fine with low quality, which says a lot about them.
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So fixing the 2021 Dominoes got be back to a 1980's Dominoes except for the salt in the crust problem. But I was thinking today that back in the 70's and 80's this would have never sold, people simply would not have tolerated such low quality. Then I was thinking that it is very interesting listening to people today talk about how advanced they are, how much better they are then their ancestors.....then you notice what they are eating, what they are watching, what they are reading.

They often seem to have no idea that they are fine with low quality, which says a lot about them.

The problem isn't salt in the crust, it's sugar in the crust.
I am a pizza and hot pocket homemade type of guy. Best to make your own and they're better than those restaurants anyway.
Ever tried Little Caesar's HOT-N-READY pizzas? Yeah.

Might want to dump them in a trash can instead of a toilet can.

Apparently, with LC it depends upon the particular location you go to because the one near me serves pretty damned good pizza.
I am a pizza and hot pocket homemade type of guy. Best to make your own and they're better than those restaurants anyway.

If you like homemade pizza, give this a try if you haven't already....


Awesome pizza crust.