Don Jr. and Eric are facing a stark reality.

That reality is that many established Republicans loathed tRump. They supported him out of a sense of party loyalty and self preservative. While supporting him publicly, they despised him personally.

Simply put, tRump's ability to bully and intimidate is essentially over.

Remains to be scene, as long as Donald can tweet the lemmings will worship him, look for daily calls into “Fox and Friends,” regular appearances on Hannity
For the first time you are right about something.

Trump showed the GOP the path to electoral victory. They chose to align with their big monied interests in the Chamber of Commerce

Now that Graham has his seat for six more years I expect him to become Grahamnesty again

The bet these establishment types are making is that they will be deemed acceptable to leftists and that conservatives will have no choice but to support them. They are betting wrong on both counts


Well it's your party.. What will you & other like thinkers do about it??
The tRumpanzees will become more irrelevant with each passing month. The Republicans will start a slow migration back to their pre-tRump personifications..
They are Trumps....what ever the failed Elites dish up they will take...if they become martyrs for The Rebellion so be it.

Oh, by all means, let Junior and Eric be sacrificed as martyrs for The Rebellion.

Heck, put it on Pay-Per-View. I'd pay $20 to see it.