Donald Drumpf told Stormy Daniels; beautiful, smart, just like his daughter.

TRump cheated on his wives . That is how he kept getting divorced and remarried. He does not respect the institution of marriage. He has cheated lots and lots of times. That is who he is. We also know he wants a shot at Ivanka, assuming he hasn't had one yet.
I didn't quite believe the stories of Trump being peed on by Russian prostitutes.....but perhaps it is a tad more plausible than I imagined....
I wonder if Trump has the David Vitter fetish of being dressed in diapers by prostitutes??

Gods. Before this news came out I had very little respect for Twittler; now there's zero.
Only Trump can get away with paying off a stripper and get instant forgiveness from his followers. He has debased the presidency, perhaps forever. How do we judge presidents in the future? Are morals and ethics gone? Trump is doing damage to the country in many ways. Trump has likely been involved in Russian money laundering. His fans do not care. He is guilty of obstruction. They still don't care. He has alienated our allies and embraced Putin and Duterte. His followers holler and hoot for more. Trump can do no wrong for them. Bigotry and hate are mainstream in Trumps administration. His followers applaud. Trump lies over and over. Trumpettes don't care. Is this worship?
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