Leftist Vermin
Hello ThatOwlWoman,
It might be well to bear in mind that this is the same American public which refused to buy Corona beer after the Corona Virus hit the USA.

Here, just for that.

Hello ThatOwlWoman,
It might be well to bear in mind that this is the same American public which refused to buy Corona beer after the Corona Virus hit the USA.
Would that be the not-very-smarter-than-you guy who used to have "Oathkeeper/Threeper" under his screen name? lol
Speaking of which, I'm curious to see if COVID deaths, especially among older voters, will impact the election this year.
Prison, IMO, is rarely worth the crime. This is why all of the tough-guy militias are suddenly facing the reality of spending 5-10 years in prison when they should be planning their retirement. Most of those dumbasses are in their late 40s up to 60s.
FWIW, I think there's only one JPP member is in danger of legal action that could put him behind bars. Maybe two.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,
It might be well to bear in mind that this is the same American public which refused to buy Corona beer after the Corona Virus hit the USA.
Yes, ma'am, it would. The same one who, like Steve Bannon, was predicting something big on January 6th.
Hmm. Remember Sister Stench? She was predicting the same thing. Haven't seen her around for months. Think she got picked up by the feds?
Mary E. Surratt — the first woman to be executed by the federal government — Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt and David Herold had been convicted by a military tribunal of conspiring with John Wilkes Booth in the murder of Lincoln.
Booth had been killed 10 weeks earlier while trying to escape, after shooting Lincoln in Ford’s Theatre on April 14.
All the condemned were local Southern sympathizers implicated in the plans, first to kidnap Lincoln and later to kill him, Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward.
Seward survived a brutal knife attack by Powell the night Lincoln was shot. Johnson escaped harm when Atzerodt lost his nerve and failed to execute his part of the operation.
Herold had helped Booth escape and was “the getaway guy,” as one expert put it.
And by most accounts, Surratt knew of the plot and abetted the plotters from her boarding house on H Street NW.
Hello Dutch,
I liked that line out of the Shawshank Redemption: "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
For nearly everyone with wits, that means just don't do the crime.
And as such opportunity abounds that it is well within the means to work just as hard as a criminal and earn a fine living, it is really a dumb choice to do anything illegal.
It always strikes me that some criminals work harder than normal workers. Such as Donald. He's smart. He's talented. He could really be richer than he is now if he actually applied himself equally as diligently in legal win/win endeavors. But he just so messed up, he thinks the only way to get ahead is to rip others off. What foolish thinking! All that we have in civilization came from people building things, not stealing from others. Too bad Donald doesn't think he's up to the challenge to play fairly on a level playing field according to the rules at hand. Tragically foolish decision. It has led to a life of sadness for him. Too bad.
Agreed. So why would a someone commit armed robbery, even murder, for $100 at a liquor store? Doesn't that strike you as insane? Desperate? Stupid?
Same for the Insurrection; a violent attempt to overthrow the US government and commit mass murder of all they oppose. Larger scale, same level of insanity, desperation and/or stupidity, IMO.
Or in hiding. IIRC, only about half of those the Feds are looking for have been identified. If she crossed the line, she'll eventually be picked up.
FWIW, I think JPP militia members who actually left their keyboard to go to DC were among those outside the magnetometers. That won't save them from plotting to overthrow the nation in a violent coup since they are an active part of the conspiracy.
Note that only two of the four executed for the conspiracy to assassinate leaders, including Lincoln, were actively involved in the plot to assassinate. The other two simply supported the plan itself. I fail to see how anyone who went to DC armed with the intent of overthrowing our government is any less of a traitor than the four douchebags hung below.
I'm fairly sure that most of the insurrectionists who showed up in DC on January 6 believed the lies about the stolen election, like thousands of other less-violent ppl. No doubt they also believed that if they could get #TRE45ON back on the throne, he would make sure that none of them were arrested or imprisoned for their part in the terrorist attack. #TRE45ON himself has even said recently that he will pardon every last one of them if elected again.
You were fucking wrong for months when exclaiming how trump was going to win just like you are wrong now thinking that asshole will ever again win the presidency.
It appears Trump's drug of choice is Adderall. He does appear to have some lifelong mental issues. Pedophilia being one of them.
Prison, IMO, is rarely worth the crime. This is why all of the tough-guy militias are suddenly facing the reality of spending 5-10 years in prison when they should be planning their retirement. Most of those dumbasses are in their late 40s up to 60s.
FWIW, I think there's only one JPP member is in danger of legal action that could put him behind bars. Maybe two.
Agreed in general. Going deeper, as certain JPP WSE supporters have repeatedly posted, I think some didn't support Trump per se but saw him as a means to an end.
Once a coup had become successful, how long before Trump would have an accident?
Consider Antifa; they hate all governments. The RWNJs keep saying they are Leftist Democrat supporters but that just proves their stupidity and ignorance. Antifa wants to see government collapse into anarchy.
Now consider the WSEs; their goal is the same. They want to collapse the Federal government as they've read in "The Turner Diaries" and MAWA...just like in "The Turner Diaries". As such, did they really want a narcissistic nutjob calling the shots from the Oval Office?
The WSEs were to be Trump's Praetorian Guard and, in this case, Trump would be the same as Caligula and his Praetorian Guard. IMO, the results would have been the same. Notice how certain militant RW racist assholes deny being a "Trumper".![]()
You should see a mental health professional for that severe case of TDS and stupid you have.![]()
I truly feel sorry for you, TD. My dad died of Alzheimer's and I saw all kinds of mental disorders in the retirement facilities where he lived. I moved him three times in three years; from independent living to assisted living to memory care. That's about the average timespan from elderly diagnosis to death.
Going out bitter, angry and crazy is not the path I choose to go.
I truly feel sorry for you, TD. My dad died of Alzheimer's and I saw all kinds of mental disorders in the retirement facilities where he lived. I moved him three times in three years; from independent living to assisted living to memory care. That's about the average timespan from elderly diagnosis to death.
Going out bitter, angry and crazy is not the path I choose to go.