Donald Trump Isn’t the Only One to Blame for the Capitol Riot.

You should have completed 3rd grade.

Seriously. There are classes that can help you - I mean, you're pretty stupid - but basic reading comprehension can't hurt...

There are no classes that can help him. He never learned English. All he knows is Liberal.
It looks like English, but it isn't. Unlike English, words in Liberal have no meaning or shifting meaning.
This old chant again?? You are just like Dutch. Anyone that disagrees with you is a 'sock'.

....come to think of it....:bigthink:

You even use bird icons in every one of them and use fallacy as a mantra. You are not trying very hard to hide them. You are so blatant, that I wonder why the board lets you get away with it.
You even use bird icons in every one of them and use fallacy as a mantra. You are not trying very hard to hide them. You are so blatant, that I wonder why the board lets you get away with it.

The fallacies are YOURS, dumbass. You don't get to project YOUR problems on me or anyone else.
You have something against Macaws?