Donald Trump speaks for the 1st time on the assassination attempt

Yes, Sybil.
There's no Sybil on JPP. She exists solely inside of your mind.
It's a poll.
No, it isn't. It's a pre-screened handful of Demonkkkrats who are there to manipulate the remainder of CNN's dwindling viewership.
There'll be more polls to follow over the coming weeks until the election.
Of course. Polls get released on a fairly regular basis.
Try not to become so upset about it. TIA
Seems to be your issue.
There's no Sybil on JPP. She exists solely inside of your mind.

No, it isn't. It's a pre-screened handful of Demonkkkrats who are there to manipulate the remainder of CNN's dwindling viewership.

Of course. Polls get released on a fairly regular basis.

Seems to be your issue.
Thanks for the denial and the rant, Sybil. You're sounding more and more like Underscore2008 every day.

If you understand about polls, then why were you jizzing in your pants about the CNN poll?
Easy to see why once he retreated into the same old BS. He even broke his word about not mentioning "Biden".

Time until MAGAts post "Trump never said he would!": 10...9...8...
A very moving/emotional speech about J13, plus his usual policy points, and your "enlightened take" is: "OMG, he said the word "Biden" once?"

:rofl2: :rofl2: TOO FUNNY!!!!!

Does anybody who isn't a skittle-head jay-jay-hat leftist even give a hoot about this??
A very moving/emotional speech about J13, plus his usual policy points, and your "enlightened take" is: "OMG, he said the word "Biden" once?"

:rofl2: :rofl2: TOO FUNNY!!!!!

Does anybody who isn't a skittle-head jay-jay-hat leftist even give a hoot about this??
Are you fantasizing about socks again?

What CNN poll?
Sorry, Sybil. I didn't mean to trigger you into a babbling hot mess. What is "J13" and "skittle-head jay-jay-hat leftist"?

The CNN poll Phan mentioned that triggered you:
The CNN undecided voters group was not impressed. 🤣
Sorry, Sybil. I didn't mean to trigger you into a babbling hot mess.
What is "J13"
July 13th.
and "skittle-head
Leftists like to dye their hair all sorts of different rainbow colors.
jay-jay-hat leftist"?
Leftists like to wear vajayjay hats.
The CNN poll Phan mentioned that triggered you:
He never mentioned a poll.

July 13th.

Leftists like to dye their hair all sorts of different rainbow colors.

Leftists like to wear vajayjay hats.

He never mentioned a poll.
This is partly why I know you be cray-cray, Sybil. Thanks for the insights. :thup:

Phan is a she. The fact you don't know that is interesting.
He began well but after about 15-20 minutes he devolved into his old ways of spreading hate, half-truths, lies and conspiracy theories. Sad.

That’s what he does, besides, those sitting there didn’t get all dressed up in their Trump paraphernalia to hear a somber serious Trump, they wanted the usual lies and accusations, and he delivered